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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Occupy the High Court to support the St Paul's Cathedral protest camp

26-01-2012 12:15

Eco-warriors are calling on large numbers of people to occupy the High Court and apply to the judges in chambers for a stay of execution on the imminent eviction of the St Paul's protest camp.
Grounds for a retrial are the fact that some defendants were refused admission to the court to hear their own case, the land is not a public highway and does not belong to the City of London but was originally gifted to the Church of England, and the City of London is a criminal organisation which is not entitled to possession of the site.

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Stay of Execution Sought for St Paul's Protest Camp

25-01-2012 18:20

Urgent messages proposing that a stay of execution for the St Paul's protest camp should be sought tonight from the emergency High Court duty judge have been forwarded to some of the eco-warriors camped outside the Cathedral.
The High Court in the Strand in London has a procedure which is available to all defendants in court cases to seek emergency injunctions and stays of execution on court orders from 7 o'clock at night until 10 in the morning and all through the weekends.

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Please Help Stop the Eviction of St Paul's Protest Camp

25-01-2012 09:04

Desperate last minute efforts are being made to stop the IMMINENT EVICTION of the St Paul's protest camp as the eco-warriors are seeking an injunction on the grounds that the City of London Corporation LIED TO THE HIGH COURT about the ownership of the land.

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Coryton oil refinery to close

24-01-2012 19:36

People who followed the Coryton oil refinery blockade back in September 2010 will be interested to learn that Coryton's parent company has filed for bankruptcy meaning the refinery is set to be closed and hundreds of jobs are on the line.

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Pinheirinho Eviction Masacre, Sao Paulo Brasil Update

24-01-2012 19:02

Despite numerous reports and eyewitness accounts from within of extreme brutality and fatalities in the 2000+ police assault at 6am Sunday morning on the Pinheirinho occupation, the mass media continues to churn out the police version that the whole eviction was over in 40 minutes.

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Sparks week of protest: Wed 25th Jan

23-01-2012 22:52

NGBailey sites: NGB/No Go Besna

Ballot papers gone out for BBES a yes vote is imperative for strike action to be able to begin on 9th February.

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Pinheirinho Occupation, Sao Paulo brutally evicted this morning

22-01-2012 22:43

Cops go in this morning
Today the State authorised 2000 police to evict the long term land occupation of Pinheirinho, near Sao Paulo in Brazil. Despite a 15 day truce demanded by a Federal judge last week, the police went in this morning in a surprise attack

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Glasgow Film Screening - Joe Hill IWW Organiser Framed & Executed

22-01-2012 21:31

19:00 until 22:00

Electron Club, CCA, 350 Sauchihall Street
Glasgow G2 3JD

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Sparks Facing Defeat As Unite Urges Contract Acceptance

22-01-2012 18:21

The 'agreement' which Unite are now urging members to sign
The electricians who provided some of 2011's most militant workplace organising appear to be heading towards defeat, as their Unite union urges them to sign up for pay cuts of around a third.

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Glasgow Picket Against Adecco Supplying scabs at ABB Factory Spain

21-01-2012 14:31

Glasgow Picket Against Adecco Supplying Strikebreakers at the ABB Factory Cordoba Spain

Red and black flags waved as a dozen people from the Anarchist Federation, Industrial Workers of the World, the Scottish Socialist Party, the Solidarity Federation and other individuals took part in a picket of the Glasgow premises of Adecco for one hour between 4 and 5pm on Friday 20th January.

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Why We’re Supporting Boycott Workfare Campaign In Birmingham

20-01-2012 16:59

Since the beginning of the year, Birmingham Trades Council and Brighton GMB Branch have signed the pledge to Boycott Workfare. The campaign also has the support of Birmingham Against Cuts who have written this statement…

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Kings Heath Connexions Closes As Unemployment Rises

20-01-2012 16:41

Kings Heath saw the closure of its Connexions office today, the latest in a programme of cuts that has already seen the closure of offices in Handsworth and Erdington, covering two parliamentary constituencies with the highest unemployment rate in the UK.

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BBC finally admits western imperialist forces toppled the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

18-01-2012 19:11

British special forces were deployed on the ground in order to help the UK's allies - the Libyan revolutionaries often called the National Transitional Council or NTC. Those with a knowledge of the programme insist "they did a tremendous job" and contributed to the final collapse of the Gaddafi regime.
This exposes the apalling collusion of various British left groups and individuals including the SWP, Stop the War, George Galloway and Yvonne Ridley with the forces of western imperialism.

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Leeds Antifascist Film Festival Programme

18-01-2012 10:51

Never mind the bollocks, here's the programme.

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Picket ADECCO - Stop Strike Breaking - Glasgow Fri. 20th 4pm

16-01-2012 23:58


Facebook event page:!/events/322789271099265/

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The Green Desert: The Libyan People’s Support For The Jamahiriya

10-01-2012 16:11

The NATO imposed NTC has no legitimacy in Libya

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Reminder - Leicester Rank and File Meeting

08-01-2012 17:57

This is the planning meeting for a later Leicestershire-wide conference. Please try and get to this or forward the details to rank and filers in the area.

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Defend JIB National Unite Rank and File Meeting, Birmingham

08-01-2012 11:16

Siteworker, Defend the JIB, national Unite rank and file meeting

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Workers’ struggles in the private sector in Greece

06-01-2012 17:23

Summary of recent and ongoing action...

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The Occupy Movement Is In Danger From Within!!!

04-01-2012 00:43

CIA funded "Informants" or "New World Order Facilitators" who specialise in sophisticated intelligence gathering techniques, are working as informants within Occupy groups worldwide!!!! OR NOT as the case may be.
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