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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Trouble at Wrexham NGO. What next - Reform or Revolution?

30-08-2011 08:45

AVOW logo
Any 'charitable' organisation that uses a hierarchical business model where almost all its power is concentrated in the hands of one high-handed officer is going to be problematic for workers. When that officer gathers around him a group of weak and compliant Trustees who are unwilling or unable to challenge him on any matter, he can do what he likes, complaints can be ignored and workers can be dispatched at whim. But when the misconduct of both officers and Trustees is exposed, what happens next?

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A few quick clarifications on the recent riots

29-08-2011 10:47

In light of these conflicting interests it is puzzling to see so many - among them Anarchists - defending "communities" and denouncing attacks on them. These communities are not communes, no free associations of producers and consumers, not groups with common interests, but ensembles of conflicting ones. Shop owners, workers, estate kids, council workers, small and large scale capitalists, they do not have the same interests, many of them have directly conflicting ones. The call for community spirit in disregard of what these communities are is, in essence, the same as a nationalist call for unity: a call to subject ones' own interests to that of the "common good". A common good that asks for subordination and restriction. This appreciation of the moralistic collective is what appeals to right-wing, left-wing and some radical writers alike.

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Stories of Activism in Sheffield, 1960-2011

22-08-2011 16:12

An event co-organised by the University of Sheffield’s Centre for the Study of Democratic Culture and the Centre for Peace History.

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Verizon Strike Highlights Need for New Workers' Movement

19-08-2011 13:24

Workers are getting public support, but this must be mobilised to win
Global communications giant Verizon have made profits of more than $19 billion over the last four years - that's nearly two British pounds per person on the planet. All of that was created by the company's workforce, but instead found its way into the bloated bank accounts of executives and shareholders. That's not enough for them though, so Verizon are currently trying to extract the equivalent of $20,000 per US employee per year. In this effort, they are being assisted by the corporate media, the court system, the FBI, and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) unions.

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Nick Clegg ARSONIST - make this go viral ASAP

15-08-2011 18:49

Nick Clegg ARSONIST - make this go viral ASAP

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Response to the Clean Up - Clean Out The Rich poster

13-08-2011 21:29

All Hail the Broom Bloc!
Time to take back the broom from the moronic gentrifying middle-classes who seek to symbolically sweep their privilege and our poverty under the carpet and to wield it high against all the real bastards in this country. Let the Broom Bloc commence!!

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An open letter to those who condemn looting (Part two)

13-08-2011 19:52

First, this recurrent accusation of "materialistic" signals a broader refusal not of consumerism - with which you are well familiar and for which you cheerlead full-throated - but of the material fact of social disruption. To speak, with disdain, at the materialistic nature of these days is to speak, beneath your tongue, of a desire that people should go back to "protesting" in ways that remain representational: be counted, be seen, be ignored, go back to the places they live, remain there. It marks your horror at what it looks like for "protest" to become material, and, at that point, no longer protest.

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Corporations and the London Riots

09-08-2011 15:13

The rioting and looting which followed the shooting of Mark Duggan by the police has been called an 'outrage' and an 'atrocity', terms usually reserved for murder and genocide rather than the burning of department stores.

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Social Tensions Near Boiling Point In Chile

05-08-2011 17:29

Copper mining is a huge part of the Chilean economy
It is a year to the day since thirty-three miners became trapped down a notoriously dangerous privatised mine in Copiapo, Chile, when a gas explosion produced a massive collapse. They were finally freed after seventy days underground, provoking joyous celebration around the globe. Twelve months on, they remain mired in poverty, while their brother miners in Chile's biggest mine fight for livable levels of pay, and thousands of students fight for cheaper and better state education.

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ATOS gets contract for Paralympic Games

03-08-2011 15:45

According to Private Eye, ATOS have been given a contract by the International Paralympic Committee to run the IT for London 2010!

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PHILIPPINES: Absent major policy reforms, there will be no social transformation

30-07-2011 12:59

Philippine President Aquino’s communication advisers said the President’s second State of the Nation Address (SONA) will focus more on ‘social transformation’. What would that mean in real sense, however, largely depend on how Filipinos would view their lives today and in the immediate future. And for the Filipino masses who have been used to hearing nice words from their leaders, this new buzzword assumes no meaning at all unless accompanied by major policy reforms.

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'Israeli Summer' Follows 'Arab Spring'

29-07-2011 13:27

Young people are demanding affordable housing
In years to come, the entry of the Israeli working class into independent action may well be seen as a pivotal moment in world history. While the 'Arab Spring' has seen governments toppled in Tunisia and Egypt, another key US ally now finds itself confronted by its masses - and the event raises the objective possibility of class alliances stretching across Egypt, into Israel, and even into what remains of Palestine.

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A Memorandum to the President of the Philippines

18-07-2011 10:42

MEMORANDUM FOR President Noynoy Aquino (PNoy)

FROM : Your boss, the Filipino people

SUBJECT : Your job evaluation and our recommendation

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Deaths from Self-Harm in immigration detention, murder, undetermined

09-07-2011 12:14

Remember the dead - Justice for the Living - End Immigration Detention Now

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Muhammed Shuket born 1964 - died in Colnbrook IRC 2nd July 2011

09-07-2011 12:06

Another death in Immigration Detention. At the moment there are no hard facts, not even the cause of death of Muhammed Shuket and the Home Office after the 63 word statement below have *shut up shop, until after the inquest.

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J30 West Midlands round up

08-07-2011 19:38

Thousands of public sector workers across the West Midlands joined other unions around the country for a day of action against government proposals to increase pension contributions and retirement ages.

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Southampton Council Workers Await "Armageddon Monday"

08-07-2011 17:17

A defiant refuse picket line
Southampton council workers are now in the eighth week of a dispute with the local authority, which wants to impose drastic "savings", including pay cuts of up to 5.5% (about ten per cent with inflation), to be followed by a two year wage freeze. Throughout that time, unions have organised a series of rolling strikes, and an estimated two thousand tonnes of rubbish has piled up. However, despite the inconvenience and the corporate media's propaganda war, a poll in the Southern Daily Echo shows that 63% of respondents currently support "the workers", over 37% supporting "the council".

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Diadromi Eleftherias issue # 107

08-07-2011 16:57

New issue of greek anarchist monthly newspaper Diadromi Eleftherias
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