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UK Climate Camp 2008 Feature Archive

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The E-On 'Face-Off' begins... Kingsnorth Shut Down

05-12-2008 19:30

Audio SingAlongaSanta
An unidentified group allegedly penetrated Kingsnorth security and switched off almost 500 megawatts of generating capacity, cutting almost 2% off the nations power supply for about four hours! [1,2, 3] The incident took place on Friday 28th November during the 48 hours of action against new coal called for by the Camp for Climate Action. With the aim of sending a strong message that attempts to build any new coal fired power stations will face a barrage of direct action - both towards their daily operations and their supply chain - actions took place in Brighton, Bristol, Warwick, London, Nottingham, Norwich, Bristol, and Plymouth. E-On in particular were rattled, local and national media coverage was generated, resources for the new 'Face Off' campaign were gathered, a new website launched, and lists of possible targets compiled.

With the 48 hours over E-on no doubt thought the heat was off, however Monday morning saw their corporate headquarters in Coventry struck for the third time in as many weeks with over twenty protesters dressed in santa suits invading their officers and blockading the entrance for four hours. [photos, spoof account, report, song 1, song 2, interview, BBC TV News, BBC World At One ]

Further summaries of the actions can be found on the climate camp website and on EarthFirst! Action Reports. Don't forget the new E-on F-off website.

Previous success against E-on : protests force recruitment efforts to be dropped

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Climate Camp: Kingsnorth Power Station Breached

09-08-2008 11:43

Climate Camp Flying High

Saturday August 9 is the Climate Camp Day of Mass Action, when "the climate camp will go beyond talk and culminate in a spectacular mass action to shut down Kingsnorth. Permanently!"

Campaigners intended to try and shut down the power station by land sea and air - with some success - with four main colour-coded "blocks." The Blue Block (or Great Rebel Raft Regatta) attempted to approach Kingsnorth power station by water along the River Medway. Not wanting to be outdone, the Silver Block had planned to approach from above. The Green Block meanwhile focused on making its way through the undergrowth, with the Orange Block completing the set with a children-friendly march to the main gates.

Photos: The road to Kingsnorth | Knives out for the GRRR! | GRRR....launch pictures at last | Silver Group: Patsy The CCS Pig Flies! - Action Day Pics | Police at the gate of Kingsnorth | Children of the Kingsnorth March 9th August 2008 | Christian Cafe Crew give Last Rites to Kingsnorth | Kingsnorth Fence Breach Pictures | Climate Hazard Raft Banner at Kingsnorth Pics | Orange Group March: Climate Camp 2008 | Breaching the Kingsnorth Fence | Rebel Raft Protest Land on Kingsnorth Jetty - Pics | Rebel raft approaching Kingsnorth | Orange Bloc Protest - March to Kingsnorth Pictures | electric pylons-kingsnorth protest photoset | Protestors using 1st fence to scale 2nd fence at Kingsnorth | Photos of protestors at Kingsnorth fences | Pics Orange Bloc / Kids March leaving camp | Green Bloc Heading Towards Kingsnorth

Newswire: Water inlet shut down by activists | E.ON's Defences Breached Following Olympic Efforts by Protesters | Video of climate camp orange bloc march to Kingsnorth | Climate Camp Radio - Saturday evening show for download | Climate Camp 2008 March to Kingsnorth | Police Assault Teenage Activists at the Climate Camp Children's Revolution | Eco Hero Kayak Crew splash out on the Medway | Climate Camp Radio - Saturday lunchtime show for download | Kayakers arrested in the Medway | Climate Camp Radio, day of mass action. Listen to live stream 1pm and 7pm. | Children's Revolution March From Climate Camp on Kingsnorth Day of Mass Action | Rebel Regatta and Section 21 of the Medway Ports Byelaws | Climate Camp Silver Group- Call Out For Flying Devices | Children's Revolution at the Camp for Climate Action Plans Peace Campaign

Links: Climate Camp website | Great Rebel Raft Regatta | Full Climate Camp 2008 Coverage | the very latest: Climate Camp timeline

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Climate Camp: How The Police Radicalized An Entire Generation

08-08-2008 23:37

Mass harrassment, terror tactics, theft, lies and propaganda, excessive force: the relentless campaign of intimidation by police at this years Climate Camp that started with raiding the camp and confiscating essential equipment, has also now included the premeditated political use of blanket stop and search, night-time terrorising of the climate camp site, confiscating pushbikes, blockading food supplies, and harrassment of media and legal observers.

Late Tuesday night/very early Wednesday morning police attempted to terrorise the camp with a low-flying helicopter and by storming the gates with sirens blaring and riot cops shouting. The same night police cut locks and took away bikes after telling people to leave their bikes in the car park. From the beginning the police used excessive force against climate campers (photos) including women, children and legal observers. See newswire post on police bullying.

Links: Climate Camp website | Full Climate Camp 2008 Coverage | the very latest: Climate Camp timeline

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Climate Camp: Down With the Eastside

08-08-2008 18:20

From 3rd-11th August 2008, the Camp For Climate Action is being held in Kingsnorth, Kent near the proposed site of the first coal-fired power station in the UK since 1984.

Notingham residents are amongst those participating in the camp, organising themselves as part of the Eastside "neighbourhood" which also includes the good citizens of other Eastern parts of the country including Derby, Cambridge and Norfolk. Unfortunately, a Nottingham man is among those who have fallen victim to overzealous policing and was arrested, accused of "possession of a bladed article" (hardly an unusual situation for a camper).

Newswire: Riseup! Radio #8 - September Show | Riseup! Radio #7 August Show – Climate Camp Special | Climate Camp Location & Route (from Nottm or Anywhere) | Nottingham Riders Set Off For Climate Camp | Sumac Climate Action Garden Party: The Pictures 2 | Sumac Climate Action Garden Party: The Pictures 1 | Sumac Garden Party | Climate Camp Jingle

Notts climate features since last camp: Derbyshire Opencast Mine Squatters: Eviction Imminent | Free Food in Nottingham | Coal On Hold - Derbyshire Coal Mine Site Occupied | Campaigners Trespass on Proposed Coal Mine Site | New Old Coal for Notts | Fossil Fools Take On E.ON In Nottingham | Convictions For Activists - Climate Criminals Walk Free | 'Clean' Coal On Trial | Biofuels Conference Disrupted At Concerns Over Multi-National 'Greenwash' | Nuclear No Answer To Climate Change | DIY V3 Wind Turbine Workshop

National features: Climate Camp - Quick Links | Climate Camp: Kingsnorth Power Station Breached | Climate Camp: How The Police Radicalized An Entire Generation | Climate Camp Day 6: Action Spreads Across South East | Heathrow to Kingsnorth Climate Caravan 2008 | The not-so-secret 'guide to policing protest' | Climate Camp: Site Taken

Links: Climate Camp | Climate IMC | Eastside Climate Action | Network for Climate Action | Days of Climate Action | Workshop programme | Notts Indymedia Climate Camp 2008 topic page

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Climate Camp Day 6: Action Spreads Across South East

08-08-2008 09:23

Credit: © Jess Hurd/

On the sixth day of the Climate Camp, people took action at sites across the South East. Climate activists shut down the Vopak fuel depot in Thurrock, the biggest holder of biofuels in the South of England. At Gatwick Airport, activists dropped banners at the main concourse of the airport and at the trainstation while others locked themselves to railings. In London, 15 students staged a die-in in front of the Royal Bank Of Scotland HQ while lying in a pool of oil. Eon’s replica of the Kingsnorth coal-fired power station at the Legoland park in Windsor was occupied by one inch tall climate change campaigners.

Meanwhile, police saw their opportunity to move in to evict Bodge House, a disused farmhouse on the proposed site of an open cast coal mine, which was occupied in June. The site, near Shipley, Derbyshire is now the scene of hordes of police and bailiffs as they try make their way through the house's defences. With people hidden in tunnels and locked in lock-ons, the eviction is estimated to last 2-3 days. Bowl Court social centre in London was also evicted by police, who were reported saying 'we're not stupid, we knew you'd all be at the Climate Camp'.

Also see: Climate Camp Media Review For 7th August | Tons more beautiful images of Climate Camp Life published | Climate camp - talking to locals | Climate Camp: Police Extend Stop & Search Powers | Climate Camp Radio - Thursday lunchtime show for download | Camplife - Pics from Climate Camp and Onsite TV Studio | Some random snaps from site | Hoo Section 60 | Climate Camp Wednesday pictures | Food vans stopped a mile from Climate Camp by cops | The Wednesday Climate Camp breakout

Links: Climate Camp website | Full Climate Camp 2008 Coverage | the very latest: Climate Camp timeline

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Heathrow to Kingsnorth Climate Caravan 2008

07-08-2008 21:27

From Sunday 27th of July to Sunday 3rd of August, the 'Heathrow to Kingsnorth Climate Caravan' that traversed London by foot and wheels, made it's way to the Climate Action Camp 2008 near Kingsnorth power station in Kent [Pics] The 60 mile Caravan route, that mostly followed the south side of the Thames, started near Heathrow Airport after a Climate Conference had taken place on Saturday 26th in Harlington [Pics 1 | 2] The Caravan was hosted along its route by local communities who supported the participants with food and accommodation. A series of events took place every night to act as local outreach in the run up to the Camp, as well as to meet and share experiences with local people and groups taking collective action against the root causes of climate change in their communities.

The caravan, that was supported by the Bicycology cyclists' collective and the Notts Veggies, was joined by a group from Bristol, whilst other Caravans left Scotland and Nottingham for Kingsnorth too. A Little Peace Boat also sailed it's way to join the Climate Camp protesters before moving on to Westminster.

Newswire Caravan Reports: 29.07.08 Climate camp caravan - film stop | Climate & Capitalism, Climate Caravan Visits The City [Press Release] | News from the Climate Caravan | Caravan tour of Liverpool St | Climate Camp Caravan at Oxleas Wood 31-7-08 | No New Coal March - Rochester | Caravan and March to Climate Camp 3-8-08 [Video]

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The not-so-secret 'guide to policing protest'

05-08-2008 23:31

Sometime during a busy day of policing the Camp For Climate Action, near Kingsnorth Power Station in Kent, an officer dropped a so-called 'Pocket Legislation Guide on Policing Protest'. The document, issued by the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (NETCU), gives an overview of legislation the police can use to stifle all forms of legitimate protest. The document, which is supposedly not for public consumption, was subsequently posted on Indymedia UK by a camper attending the Climate Camp.

NETCU describe themselves as "promoting a coordinated response to domestic extremism by providing tactical advice to the police service, and information and guidance to industry and government." According to NETCU Watch, an online initiative to monitor the service's activities, the main purpose of their existence is to monitor protest groups, especially related to animal rights campaigns. A further concern is that the police seem to be supporting commerce (especially the vivisection industry) beyond their remit of upholding the law.

Newswire: Police drop top secret NETCU guide to policing protest - Part 1 | Police drop top secret NETCU guide to policing protest - Part 2 | Download full document (PDF)

Links: NETCU Watch | Liberty | Freedom Of Information Act

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Cargill Blockaded Over Rainforest Destruction and Land-Grabbing

01-08-2008 12:16

Locked on at 7.50 am

Since early in the morning on 1st August, 20 participants of this year's Camp for Climate Action and members of Action Against Agrofuels successfully blockaded the only access gate to Cargill's European regional head office in Cobham, Surrey. 8 activists locked on to the gates closing the site down completely. Agrobusiness giant Cargill are being targeted by the protesters for their role in rainforest destruction and land-grabbing as well as for profiteering from the food crisis.

Hannah Ritchie from the group says: "Cargill is using the boom in agrofuels to expand soya, palm oil and sugar plantations, displacing communities, food crops and destroying ecosystems. Destroying rainforests and other biodiverse ecosystems, including healthy soils, is one of the quickest ways of heating the planet. This is why we are blockading the Cargill office two days before the official start of the Climate Camp at Kingsnorth."

Newswire: Photos: Climate Activists Blockade Of Cargill Europe Head Office | Cobham, Surrey : Activists Blockade Cargill Europe Head Office

Links: Climate Camp | Biofuelwatch UK | Letter Presented to Cargill from Indigenous and Community Leaders (PDF) | Latest 300-350 Radio Show: Agrofuels

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Climate Camp: Site Taken

30-07-2008 22:00

The site for this year's Camp for Climate Action was taken four days ahead of the official start on Wednesday 30th July, just a few fields from the Kingsnorth Coal Power Plant. In a flurry of activity around 100 campaigners began setting up the camp at 3pm erecting tripods to prevent police from moving them and a banner which reads 'No New Coal' See Report and Pics | Gallery 1, 2 | Video: Camp is Open

Thurs 31st July: In a much criticised move, Police raided the Climate Camp on Thursday evening, under the guise of searching for items which could be used for criminal damage. Although police claimed to be searching for materials that could be used on the 9th August day of action, their search focused on items such as guy-ropes for safely securing marquees, radios used in medical emergencies, and building materials essential for the construction of compost toilets as well as water piping. The seizures went as far as the confiscation of such ridiculous items as a bicycle repair kit, three board games and a pack of children's crayons. Other items taken included kitchen equipment and computer cables. Other equipment including construction wood was saved from confiscation by campaigners taking direct action. By the end of the day there had been 6 arrests, but the setting up continues and campers even found time to play a game of football with local residents. See Photos and Report | Camp Press Release | Report 2, 3 | Footie report

Friday 1st August: Construction of the camp continues apace. The local council has instructed the water board to install a water supply at the entrance of the camp. Today was also the first day for the media to come on site and be shown around. The temporary Field IMC at the Camp for Climate Action, is on-line and up and running. Meanwhile this morning 20 activists successfully blockaded the only access gate to Cargill's European regional head office in Cobham, Surrey. 8 activists locked on to the gates closing the site down completely. Agrobusiness giant Cargill are being targeted by the protesters for their role in rainforest destruction and land-grabbing as well as for profiteering from the food crisis. See Report | Pics | Feature

Saturday 2nd August: Police continue to confiscate essential camp infrastructures from people arriving, while the main marquee cannot be set up as Police still have key parts which they took on Thursday. After negatiations some of the items seized today were returned later in the evening, including materials for disabled access and toilets. The Police Forward Intelligence Team made a foray onto the field today but were ejected from the field by campers - see report. Meanwhile campaigners in the High Peaks area staged a demonstration to call for the re-opening of the Woodhead Tunnel and the Manchester to Sheffield rail line - see report. People arriving for the camp are being searched thoroughly by Police, but numbers are swelling.

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Day of Action on Food and Climate Change

10-06-2008 13:29

Climate activists took action across the country and beyond to coincide with the start of the UN Conference on World Food Security, Climate Change & Bio-energy in Rome. "As world leaders and corporations come together to talk more hot air, people across the UK are taking real action on food and climate change.

In Girton, Cambridge, Earth First! activists visited the laboratory and offices of the National Institute for Agricultural Botany (NIAB), others came together for a protest outside Newham town hall in East Ham to object the UK's first biofuel-fired power plant to be built, in Beckton. Manchester saw some guerilla gardening as well as free food giveaways in London, Sheffield, Bistol, Nottingham, Glasgow, Liverpool and Amsterdam. Ready, Steady, Skip!, a new film and website about the joys of skipping was also launched from Nottingham to coincide with the "Days Of Climate Action" food day.

Newswire: Protests against planned agrofuel power plant in Beckton | Food & Climate Change Action - London | Day of Action on Food and Climate Change: food giveaway & anti-Tesco demo | Ready Steady Skip: Trailer and website launched! | 3rd June Food Climate Change Day of Action in Nottingham | Free Food and Guerrilla Gardening! | Day of Action on Food & Climate Change 3rd June

Previous Features: Fossil Fools Take On Fossil Fuels | UK Takes Action While World Leaders Continue To Produce Hot Air | Day of Local Action against 'The Oil and Gas Bank'

Links: Days of Climate Action | Climate Camp | Network for Climate Action | Read Steady Skip! | Eastside Climate Action | Manchester Climate Action | Earth First! UK | UK Indymedia Climate Chaos topic page

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Fossil Fools Take On Fossil Fuels

02-04-2008 16:50

Rising Tide called for a day of action against the fossil fuel industry on April 1st. "They would have us believe that we can escape climate change with techno-fixes, market mechanisms and offset schemes - all technocratic acrobatics that distract us from the truth: the only real solution to climate change is to keep fossil fuels in the ground."

Thu 3rd April: Activists have succesfully blockaded Aberthaw power station in Wales this morning causing a tailback of around one hundred cars. Staff were sent home by plant operator RWEnpower and there were no arrests. Read reports: [1] | [2]

Tue 1st April: What an action packed day it was.. Banners were dropped in Lancaster and Wrexham and in Edinburgh 4x4 were targetted and clowns caused foodmile havoc in supermarkets. Petrol stations were targetted in Plymouth and Sheffield and in Cambridge and Manchester activists took action at Royal Bank of Scotland branches. In Nottingham activists blockaded city centre offices of E.On and in London Rising Tide played a spoof game of football outside the FA HQ to point out what their sponsor E.On are up to. London Rising Tide also payed a visit to the offices of Y&R advertising who are currently trying to convince the public of Landrover’s green credentials. People and Planet staged a 'No New Coal' protest in parliament square to oppose the proposed powerstation at Kingsnorth and others payed a visit to the offices of a company who partly run one of the biggest opencast coal mines in Europe, in Ffos-y-Fran, Merthyr Tydfil (Wales).

At the mine itself in Merthyr Tydfil protesters halted work, with the intention to remain on the site for several days. Activists also blockaded the UK's largest off shore gas terminal at Bacton (Norfolk). They blockaded the main road outside the site preventing construction workers and shift workers from arriving. In Hull, which was hit badly by flooding last year, people draped banners and handed out leaflets. In Norwich, activists from Rising Tide sent out a spoof press release announcing that Norwich Unions would be withdrawing all of its £6.1 billion investment in the fossil fuel industry and then organised a press conference at their HQ. In Glasgow a bunch fossil fools took to the streets to persuade people to up their carbon emissions.. See full feature article for more detailed info about the actions.

Audio: Fossil Fools Blockade E.On Offices in Nottingham

Reports: Bacton (Norfolk): Initial report + Update with photos | Cambridge | Edinburgh: [1] [2] | Glasgow | Hull | Lancaster | London: FA Cup protest [1] [2] + EV-EON Carbonated Water Launch + Welsh Opencast Mine protest + Kingsnorth protest + Y&R office action | Manchester | Merthyr Tydfil (Wales): [1] [2] [video] | Norwich | Nottingham: [1] [2] [3] | Plymouth | Sheffield | Wrexham | Fossil Fools Day action roundup

Regional features: Fossil Fools Take On E.ON In Nottingham | The 'Fossil Fools' Day of action (Scotland)

Indymedia links: Climate Chaos topic page | Climate IMC

Other Links: Fossil Fools Day website | Days Of Climate Action | Camp For Climate Action | Rising Tide | London Rising Tide | Eastside Climate Action

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