E.ON withdraws from careers fairs due to persistent protests
imcista | 12.11.2008 18:54 | Anti-militarism | Climate Chaos | Education | Cambridge | Oxford
E.ON has withdrawn from University Careers Fairs run by AIESEC following a string of protests around the country. E.ON did not show up at Birmingham today (12th Nov). The protesters object to E.ON wanting to develop new coal fired power stations, such as at Kingsnorth - the target of this summers Climate Camp. However E.ON cannot avoid the protests by avoiding careers fairs - expect more fun during 48 hours of action against E.ON and new coal on the 28/29 November.
Students have visited careers fairs to protest about the presence of parts of the arms and fossil fuel industries. Climate chaos related companies targeted include RBS (the oil and gas bank), BP and Shell. The arms industry representatives include the Army, B.Ae, Qinetiq and Rolls Royce. Careers fairs have been targeted in Aston, Birmingham ( 2 ), Bristol, Cambridge ( 2 | 3 ), Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial College London, Kings College London, Leeds, Liverpool, Loughborough, Manchester ( 2 | 3 ), Nottingham ( 2 | 3 ), Oxford ( 2 ), Sheffield, Southampton, Warwick and York. More reports are available from People and Planet.
Don't Forget
12.11.2008 22:37
Mass Action Victory Scuppers E.ON's Recruitment Plan
14.11.2008 08:59
• Climate IMC International:
• London Indymedia:
Chalk up one Big Victory for Mass Popular Action against a Climate Criminal Corporation – WOO-HOO!
Now let's continue to drag their filthy brand image through the mud of opprobrium by encouraging as many folks as possible to partake in:
Friday 28 and Saturday 29 November 2008
Some might say, "D'you know, it's awfully bad form to kick a chap when he's down." But the Received Pronunciation accent in which you're most likely to hear such sentiments being pontificated gives the lie to their ruling class origins. I say we take heart and courage from this magnificent victory in order to, as our sisters and brothers in the USA might put it, "Tear E.ON another asshole!"
Up the Revolution,
Tim Dalinian Jones
PS: As Tess said in the email via which I received this most excellent news, "well done to everyone around the country for such hard work and to Danny and Jess for writing such a great Press Release!" (on which the majority of my articles are based). And thanks to all the other Indymedia and People-&-Planet citizen reporters and photographers for your Action Reports.
Tim Dalinian Jones
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