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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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Camden Drugs & Alchohol services face the axe to make way for animal lab.

01-12-2008 19:19

The Margarete Centre at 108 Hampstead Road provides prescribing and dispensary services to many of Camden's 4,200 class A drug addicts. The centre also porivides counselling and harm reduction advice at "NIDS" and Primary Care. This centre faces the chop to make way for one of the "28 Days Later" animal testing labs / virus containment facilities planned for Camden.

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Methadone clinic in Camden faces closure to make way for animal lab.

30-11-2008 22:22

Camden Maragrete Centre could close to make way for the notorious "28 Days Later" lab in Camden. The Margarete Centre in Camden dispenses metahdone and provides services for users with drug addiction, alchohol and mental health problems. There are 4 thousand, two hundred class A drug users {estimated} in Camden.

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as seen on BBC1 ITN Channel 4 Arsenal architects in "28 Days Later Lab"!

29-11-2008 18:06

The architects HOK who are desgining the notorious "28 Days Later" lab in Camden are the same architects who designed the Arsenal Stadium!!! If you are an Arsenal fan do you find this shocking? The lab is opposed by local people and business in Camden who want council homes & community facilities on the site. The lab has been criticised by MI5 and will be next to St Pancras International.

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No Foie Gras in Camden! Foie Gras? No ta!

29-11-2008 00:49

A letter has appeared in Camden New Journal warning that a number of Fench restatraunts have sprung up in the borough and that many of them are selling Foie Gras......

Time for action!

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Air Mauritius Primate Ban Stands!

27-11-2008 13:09

Suspicions were recently raised whether Air Mauritius had resumed transporting monkeys when their response was still outstanding to the BUAV expose of airline companies and their policy on the transport of non-human primates.

Read the survey here:

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HIV carriers to be microchipped in Indonesia

26-11-2008 12:58

HIV carriers in the Papau province of Indonesia will be microchipped from next month if government legislation (popular with MPs) goes through.

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As seen on BBC1 ITN Channel 4 Gordon Brown on Camden Death Lab

25-11-2008 15:10

The consortium behind the so called "28 Days Later Lab" in Camden have claimed that Gordon Brown "backs the project" even though the plans go against Camden Counci's planning brief which asks for affordable housing. We wrote to Gordon Brown and these are the replies we received. For those of you who don't know, there are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council house estate next to St Pancras Eurostar.

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ID 'reading' machines on Canada and Mexico borders

24-11-2008 22:16

USA Today reports that border guards along Mexico/US and Canada/US borders have begun use of machines that can remotely read biometric chips in ID cards of travellers.

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Arts Collective against the proposed Camden animal testing / virus lab

24-11-2008 18:53

There is an attempt to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden. This has been dubbed by the press as the "28 Days Later Lab" and MI5 have leaked warnings to newspapers about security fears. The lab if built will be on a council estate. Planning permission will soon be applied for. London Against Camden Danger Lab Arts Collective are looking for artists....

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Council puts CCTV in couple's bedroom

24-11-2008 14:43

A couple with learning disabilities, living in a 'residential family centre', have had to invoke the Human Rights Act to have CCTV switched off in their bedroom at night.

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Scottish parliament vote against ID

22-11-2008 17:15

Members of the Scottish Parliament have voted overwhelmingly against ID cards, but the Scottish parliament has no jurisdiction over ID cards.

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Protest against ID Cards, Cardiff, 25/11/08

21-11-2008 18:01

By resisting the repression of migrants, we defend the freedom of everyone!
More info:

There will be simultaneous protests happening at other UKBA centres around the country, follow the above link for details.

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Nepal to Export 25 monkeys 'soon'

20-11-2008 14:47

Yesterday morning we received the sad news that Nepal plans to export 25 rhesus
macaque monkeys at somepoint 'soon', The story was reported in the Himalayan
Times, Nepal's main English newspaper and the government have since failed to
respond to enquiries from Nepal or elsewhere.

You can read the full story here:

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Protest against ID cards on 25th November

14-11-2008 23:53

Biometric ID cards will come into force for non-EU students and spouses from 25th November and will be issued from offices in Birmingham, Cardiff, Croydon, Glasgow, Liverpool, and Sheffield. We will be holding a protest outside the Home Office building in Cardiff and hope for protests outside each of the other offices on that day.

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Thales Protest - Monday 17th November, Stockport (Cheadle)

14-11-2008 13:44

Thales is a French defence company which has been awarded the first contract to build the National Identity Register.

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Biased Newsnight coverage of Oxford animal lab opening

12-11-2008 23:02

Last nights Newsnight programme on BBC2 had a report on the opening of the new Oxford animal lab. It was one of the most biased pieces I have ever seen.

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No rest for the wicked, No surrender for the animals!

11-11-2008 19:14

Friday 6th of November saw Gateway to Hell activists in Belgium publicly launch a new initiative to stop all experiments on Non-Human Primates, (NHPs), in Belgium...and thus make Belgium the first country to entirely ban invasive primate research.

Please support their campaign.....

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video report - peasants fighting fumigation of monsanto pesticides in paraguay

07-11-2008 23:31

This is the tale of an emerging conflict between to totally different vision about agriculture. Filmed in paraguay, end of october 2008. It is a very very hot political issue in paraguay, but apparently doesn`t reach the international eye and ear. Yet.

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Canadian farmer Percy Schmeiser speaks of his battle with GMO giant Monsanto

30-10-2008 12:48

Percy Schmeiser is a Canadian farmer who has been sued by agricultural chemical and biotech giant Monsanto after some of Monsanto's genetically engineered Roundup Ready genes drifted onto his property from neighboring farms and contaminated his crop. Mr. Schmeiser, who is now 70 years old, has traveled the world speaking to a wide variety of audiences about his experience.

This audio was recorded at Lincoln University (23rd Oct '08) during Percys recent UK speaking tour.

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Examining Mauritius' Monkey Exports....Can They Be Stopped?

25-10-2008 15:19

Mauritius is the 4th largest exporter of monkeys for "scientific" research, and the largest exporter of "wild-caught" monkeys (ie monkeys taken directly from nature and shipped to unimaginable horrors in laboratories). The use of wild-caught monkeys is considered so unconscionable that even the pro-vivisection British government has outlawed the practice, however regressive nations such as France, the USA and Japan still use them.