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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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Predictive Powers: A Robot That Reads Your Intention?

10-06-2009 21:05

Is it just me, or do others recognise the potential threat embedded in such research projects once the Military Industrial Complex gets ahold of 'em? These lines of research just dredge up the fear that sci-fi such as the "terminator" may be less fi and more fact with every year. I hope that I am just paranoid. You be the judge.

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Anti-id action in Dover!

24-05-2009 22:02

The government is preparing to infringe on our privacy and personal libertys even more by forcing all UK citizens to carry ID cards with your biometric data on that we will have the privilege to pay for. We do not accept this...

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Swine Flu's Hidden Agenda (Four cartoons by Latuff)

24-05-2009 21:14

Swine Flu and the Global Meat Industry
Copyleft artworks by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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EFSA's Review of Ramazzini's Second Aspartame Study Shows Sellout

17-05-2009 04:36

Influence and corruption by industry influencing the European Food Safety Authority's reviewing of damning research on aspartame? Read on and decide for yourself. Read what the real experts have to say!

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Swine Flu - Could it be a synthetic creation?

11-05-2009 08:58

Swine flu panic is spreading accross the world and soldiers are patrolling the streets in some countries after it was confirmed that human to human transmission is occurring and that the virus is a brand new strain which is a never-before-seen intercontinental mixture of human, avian and pig viruses from America, Europe and Asia. Clues that the virus may be a synthetic creation are already manifesting.

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Hossam Eid has handed the campaign back to Mandy Ford

08-05-2009 19:16

Following a spat and "take over" ...Hossam Eid has handed the campaign back to Mandy Ford. No, we did not "report him to the cops" he volunteered to leave.
Re : Campaign updates : We will be contacting Northwest Holst soil engineers this week to see what their findings are regarding the safety assessment carried out upon the site. We will let you know what they say. See below.

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BBC1 ITN Channel 4 Channel 5 - Quarantine Fears Camden London Labs

06-05-2009 06:21

As parts of the world, including London, are being placed under quarantine there are further fears over the proposed Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Testing Lab. There are plans to build the lab alongside St Pancras International, behind the British Library in Kings Cross. The lab has been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors and residents.

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Graffitti artists wanted for secret London and Brighton project...sshhh

06-05-2009 03:10

We want street artists and PAINT for a secret project...ssshhh

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Stop Camden Animal Lab urgently needs a computer / printer / scanner

04-05-2009 04:58

There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. This poses a genuine risk to the public. We urgnetly need a replacement [modern] computer / printer / scanner etc so that we can produce petitions, flyers, leaflets etc. If you can help please contact us at the address below.

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Stop The Camden Bio Hazard Lab! - Swine Flu fears & River Fleet in Camden.

03-05-2009 18:13

There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked into the water supply from similar govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. The River Fleet runs below the lab site, we are told, which cause complications. The lab is opposed by MI5, MPs, councillors and residents. It is backed by the UKCMRI.

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Swine Flu Hysteria (by Latuff)

30-04-2009 20:46

Swine Flu 1
Copyleft artworks by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Our Facebook page was shut down and the group page hacked by Hossam Eid.

29-04-2009 15:09

If anyone receives any silly messages from someone called Hossam Eid on the Stop Camden Animal Lab Facebook page [a fake admin called Hossam Eid] please ignore them & report the hacker. This is the latest in the saga surrounding this campaign by people trying to disrupt it. In a way I'm flattered that people are going to so much trouble. Thank you Hossam for your attention. Meanwhile "pig flu has taken over the world" and this shows why the lab is a mistake.

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SHUT DOWN PASSENGER FLIGHTS,empower communities&end industrial livestock farmin

26-04-2009 20:49

Laboratories confirm this is a H1N1 flu,time for us to organise& survive, cooperatively & help good workers in the NHS & WHO.
In this chaotic system-society,Seems most experts & government leaders will still be assesing situ still or trying to save themelves+ their families first as they know their isnt a
proper cooperative democratic system in place

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Camden Council Planning Applications. Have you ever been refused? Why?

23-04-2009 04:10

There are plans to build a deadly virus / pathogen lab in Camden alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library in Kings Cross, Camden side. The lab is opposed by MI5 [via the Evening Standard], MPs, councillors and local businesses. The consortium, backed by Gordon Brown, the Wellcome Trust [who put in £100 million], UCL, MRC and the CRUK have yet to apply for a permit.

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Bands needed for benefit gigs to help Animal Liberation / Animal Rescue

22-04-2009 02:49

We need bands to play London venues to raise funds for Animal Liberation / Animal Rescue. We particularly want SKA bands [Stop Killing Animals!] for benefit nights...can anyone play in Brixton on the 16th May? Please contact Miss Ska Ska on if you can help. This will be an ongoing venture for new, up and coming bands - and you get to help the animals.

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Stop Camden Animal Lab can offer sleeping spaces for WDAIL visitors

09-04-2009 16:35

As you all know we will all be marching on World Day for Animals In Laboratories. Some people are coming from overseas and from across the country for the march.
Mandy from Stop Camden Animal Lab [SHAC stall / SHAC demos / London Animal Rights / Stop Camden Animal Lab]. There will be people needing spaces to sleep. I can offer a single sleeping space and a space for a sharing couple. If necessary one / two more.

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Stop Camden Animal Lab Appeal

09-04-2009 00:46

We need donations of writing paper, envelopes, pens, photocopy / computer paper, stamps, Virgin mobile top up cards etc. We also need donations made payable to Stop Camden Animal Lab. We understand that many people are reluctant to donate money so we will be grateful for practical donations. Please bring donations to c/o 102 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1.

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The Stop Camden Animal Lab meeting at Housmans Bookshop was cancelled.

07-04-2009 16:49

The Stop Camden Animal Lab meeting planned for tonight at Housmans Bookshop planned for tonight was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologise for this.

The meeting was cancelled by the founders, organisers and committee members of Stop Camden Animal Lab.

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Camden_Lab Reminder for meeting this Tuesday in Kings Cross.

05-04-2009 23:01

There are plans to build a high level [3] virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Kings Cross alongside St Pancras International. The threat of virus leak is very real and this is the issue that affects and worries most people. Foot and mouth disease was leaked from govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. We are holding a meeting regarding this on Tuesday, 7th April, 6pm, at Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1.

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Camden_Lab Stop Camden Animal Lab meeting Tuesday 7th April @ Housmans Bookshop

02-04-2009 13:18

There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Kings Cross alongside St Pancras Eurostar. The lab could be a level 3 lab which means that it could contain deadly pathogens such as anthrax and bird flu. The lab has been criticised at govt level, by MI5, MPS, councillors, residents, local businesses, charities and animal rights activists. We are holding a meeting next week at Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1.