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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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Ex-Government advisor on animal experiments accuses Government of “complacency a

01-11-2006 20:07

Today (1 November 2006) as government advisors on animal experiments (the Animal Procedures Committee or APC) publish their annual report, ex-Committee member Dr Gill Langley criticises the Home Office for continuing to license cruel animal experiments even though a total non-animal replacement exists.

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Growing DNA database 'turning Britain into a nation of suspects'

01-11-2006 18:46

One in four men could soon be included on the national DNA database which is helping to turn Britain into a nation of suspects, an expert group has warned.

:::: The consultation document is available here. Please respond to the consultation!! ::::

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Mon 30th: Sci-Fi against the Nano-Military machine!

29-10-2006 15:24


are you anti-war? are you anti-corporate technologies that destroy nature,
cause health-problems and all the rest?


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Sci-Fi Protest against Nano-Military Conference

26-10-2006 12:46


Workers, consumers, non-human animals and nature are being exposed to nano-particles that have not been tested, all for the sake of the multi-billion dollar nanotech industry.


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Second Kind Of Bayer GM Rice Detected In EU

20-10-2006 17:19

FRANKFURT -- A second kind of genetically modified rice developed by German chemicals and pharmaceutical company Bayer AG (BAY) has been detected in the European Union, a E.U. spokesman confirmed to Dow Jones Newswires Friday.
French authorities' recently found unauthorized rice LL62 in France imported from the U.S. and notified the European rapid alert system, spokesman Philip Tod told Dow Jones Newswires

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Demo Vs the EuropaBio conference in Greece (+video)

18-10-2006 12:03

Hundreds of protesters marched in October 7th against the 3rd International Biotechnology conference in Greece

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Join Stop the War at Faslane blockade 6th & 7th November!

10-10-2006 12:44

On 6th & 7th NOvember the Stop the War Coalition is blockading Faslane in Scotland, the base where Britain's nuclear weapons are deployed. If you want to join the blockade on those days contact / 02072786694.

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"No" to biometrics

10-10-2006 06:33

translation of statement by well-known Italian philosopher

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Local Doctor Imprisoned Due to Lack Of Funding Into Safe Research

26-09-2006 01:48

Local cancer researcher driven to nonviolent direct action due to the lack of funding into research that does not involve unsafe & unscientific experiments for greedy corporations who are robbing cancer charities & tax payers of billions & coming up with drugs like Thalidomide with Goverment complicity

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Dioxin Dowels---a New Weapon of War?

22-09-2006 00:27

A study from the UK reported, in effect, that smoke from one specific natural plant speeds progression of HIV/AIDS. Researchers forgot to notice that industrial adulterants of that plant (tobacco, of course, the alleged cause of virtually every disease) are already well known to cause immune system damage, and harm to AIDS victims. Blaming nature and blaming the victims. Business Uber Alles.

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Monsanto in court in France

20-09-2006 13:21

Monsanto is in court again. This time in France for having illegally imported soya seed contaminated with GM varieties.

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infoday on soy-gm-indoamerica @ 2pm

16-09-2006 09:34

Come and learn about the devastating social
and environmental effects of soy production in Argentina and Paraguay

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Open Letter to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

13-09-2006 07:56

In the US a similar type of genetically engineered rice, LL 601, has been found in samples of supplies destined for human consumption. Bayer field tested the LL 601 variety between 1998 and 2001, but it is unclear how the present contamination occured. Like LL 62 this rice trait is tolerant to Bayer´s weedkiller Liberty Link. LL Rice 601 has not been tested for safety for human consumption and was never authorised by regulators.

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Request for Reflections on Battle Against GM

12-09-2006 10:51

Call out for stories, reflections and analysis on action taken against GM for pamphlet.

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06-09-2006 10:05

Non-organic rice sold in the UK could be genetically modified as traces have been found, please do not eat this stuff as it can affect your gut bacteria, your immune system and its DNA sequences which usually have a foreign gene, which is synthetic, read ISIS for more information on why to avoid these so-called foods

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call to support the resistance to the second round table on 'responsible' soy in

30-08-2006 09:11

Indigenous Peoples and Farmers groups in Paraguay reject the greenwash of the 'responsible' soy round table, with a week of actions and protest.

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US rice farmers sue Bayer CropScience over GM rice

29-08-2006 15:04

LOS ANGELES, Aug 28 (Reuters) - Rice farmers in Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and California have sued Bayer CropScience, alleging its genetically modified rice has contaminated the crop, attorneys for the farmers said on Monday.

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Censorship on the web

26-08-2006 22:57

I was just searching for some info on a sweetner called Sucralose. The page I wanted from Google "There have been no long-term human toxicity studies published until after the FDA approved sucralose for human consumption. Following FDA approval a human ..." came up with "Attorneys acting on behalf of the manufacturers of sucralose, Tate & Lyle PLC based in London, England, have requested that the information contained on this page not be made available to Internet users in England."

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derby potatoes needs stopping, but what about genetic "medicine"?

26-08-2006 07:34

from main page first reported in uk indy national site & gm watch,also Radio Nottingham recently.If anyone has details of these potato crops please put them up on indymedia so people know where they are & can protect their own crops & genes.But how many people also know that the recent monster elephant man drugs were genetic medicine made by german Biotech company Tegenero.
Nottingham has its own biocity with gm companies & connection to nanotechnology etc next to the bbc island on london road, as there are no safety regulations what happens to people nearby if dangerous particles escape or there is an accident?

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effects of nanotech on human cells

23-08-2006 23:10

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have developed a screening method to examine how newly made nanoparticles — particles with dimensions on the order of billionths of a meter — interact with human cells following exposure for various times and doses. This has led to the visualization of how human cells interact with some specific types of carbon nanoparticles.