UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
As govt is criticised over MRC project....govt has criticised MRC.
03-04-2008 14:18
As the government was criticised over the MRC project, the largest and most important situation to hit London next to Olympic Games. {The world's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab due to be built on a Camden council house estate, behind the British Library at Kings Cross, close to the border with Islington}. The government previously criticised the MRC chairman Sir John Chisholm. He was described as "vague" and "possibly the wrong man for the job".Message of Support on Abortion Rights .
03-04-2008 13:33

services. This is not spoken of a lot because we are at a stage where 16 years
after the 'X' case , not one government has introduced abortion law.
Pro-life stand in the streets with images of eviscerated infants and argument is
reduced to: -Abortion is always wrong- which means we do not talk about the issues
of human rights, post-abortion continuity of care, medical abortion or
abortion by choice. It does not exist.
The Government has been criticised for it's handling of the research project.
02-04-2008 16:31
Study Finds Concerns with Biofuels' Impact on Biodiversity
02-04-2008 12:55
Bothell, Wash. – March 31, 2008 - Biofuels are widely considered one of the most promising sources of renewable energy by policy makers and environmentalists alike. However, unless principles and standards for production are developed and implemented, certain biofuels will cause severe environmental impacts and reduce biodiversity – the very opposite of what is desired.Banner Drops Against Leeds Uni Vivisection
01-04-2008 13:40
01-04-2008 13:28
Roger Robinson has asked for a Development Control Consultation Forum re the controversial "World's largest ever, highest level virus containment facility and animal testing lab" due to be built on a Camden Council housing estate - Somers Town.Camden Town to become "Terrorist Target" MRC/ Wellcome Trust/ NIMR/ UCL
26-03-2008 21:15
A new terror site is planned for Camden Town.A nasty, filthy terror target is to built on my estate. Right outside my flat!!
Police with machine guns. Animal rights Extremist Terrorists. Other terrorists.
......thanks to the MRC / NIMR / Wellcome Trust / UCL bunch of spoilt selfish lunatics and middle class brats who call themselves scientists.
Countermotions to Bayer´s Annual Stockholders´ Meeting
26-03-2008 10:51
The German group Coalition against BAYER Dangers introduced countermotions to Bayer´s Annual Stockholders´ Meeting. The Coalition will discuss the proposals within the meeting in Cologne on April 25. Main topics will be the marketing of Trasylol, the construction of waste incinerators and coal plants on Bayer´s sites......Camden Town to Colombia + The most controversial campaign ever?
22-03-2008 16:36
This has to be the most outrageous and controversial camapign EVER.....From Camden Town to Colombia people are joining the campaign to stop the controversial lab beibg built on a Camden Town housing estate...{ favela scheme / / project etc } Everyone from vicars, football hooligans, bouncers, Colombian ALF, boxers, dancers, writers, musicians.. are joining the campaign...Join the Nano-Bio-Virtual-Sit-In Against War Profiteers!
20-03-2008 22:19
//please forward and help grow the SWARM!///Join the action and learn more at

We are extending the action to coincide with calls to "On M20 Shut it
Down" from Unconventional Action Chicago and March on M21 from SDS.
contact details update.
20-03-2008 19:44
As many of you know there is an attempt to build the world's larghets ever, highest level virus containment facility ans animal testing lab on a Camden council estate. {Somers town}Important notice : Camden Lab Campaign
19-03-2008 22:06
Roger Robinson who is a Camden councillor is against the lab. When writing to Mr Robinson will all AR people write letters of support and treat this man with respect. Roger attended a meeting despite being on crutches / just out of hospital and passionatley fought against the lab.5 years of war! Stop the Nanotech and Biotech War Profiteers!
19-03-2008 15:44
Click here to join the action, join us on March 19th, 2008.Seed varieties at risk
18-03-2008 16:21

BBC1 ITN Camden councillor Keith Moffitt in shady deals with MRC/NIMR Camden Lab
14-03-2008 18:58
It is alleged that {Camden New journal} Keith Moffitt and other senoir Camden cllrs were in secret talks and struck shady deals with the MRC / NIMR / Wellocmr trusty consortium who want to build the "worlds largest ever, highets level virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council estate. You can write to Keith at : 39 Buckinham Mansions, West End Lane, London NW6 1LS.Top Camden councillors "held secret meetings" with MRC / NIMR in lab proposal
14-03-2008 18:49
The Camden New journal reports rumours of secret meetings between Camden council top brass and the MRC / NIMR / Wellcome Trust consortium. It is alleged that Keith Moffitt and other senior council members held secret talks and are ignoring the planning brief which states the site should be used for homes and community facilitys rather than a virus lab on a council estate.Fight This - Camden Lab!! as seen on ITN BBC1 CNN
11-03-2008 22:18
Stop the Camden Lab!! see links belowStop The Camden Death Lab!!
11-03-2008 19:25
Last year MI5 leaked news to the London Evening Standard re security fears around the NIMR / MRC plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council estate. Paul Keilthy of The Camden New Journal ran the story. Locals, councillors and animal rights campaigners vow to fight side by side. Councillor Roger Robinson wrote an open letter to Gordon Brown in the newspaper.Stop The Camden Atrocity Laboratory Potential Tragedy In The Making....
07-03-2008 00:21
Oppose planning permission for The Camden Virus Containment Facility / Animal Testing LAb by writing to Mike Greene : Mr Mike Greene, London Borough of Camden Old Town Hall Judd Street London WV1H 9JE. No-one wants thgis troublesome lab to affect them on their on their own doorsteps.....a council estate is no palce for a high security lab. {It will be used for animal torture unless stopped!!}Sign online petition / join campaign.
06-03-2008 20:45
The MRC intend to build a dangerous virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council estate {Somers Town} - please help us stop this. This will ruin the community forever, creating adangerous environment patrolled by armed police and saturated with members of the security services - MI5/6. The arae will be at risk of attack and virus leaks. {Camden New Journal}