UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Dorset GM protest photos
19-08-2002 14:23
14 anti-GM activists were arrested for trying to remove an illegal GM crop.Police Say NO to GMO
19-08-2002 12:15

Photos from Dorset GM crop action
19-08-2002 09:11

18th August 2002 - Hilton, Dorset. (article 1)
Arrests at illegal GM crop trial (photos)
19-08-2002 03:04
Fourteen people arrest, then released on police bail without charge after pulling up illegal GM crop in Dorset.GM trial trashed ~ 12 arrested
18-08-2002 17:04
Dozen arrested at illegal GM trial site in Dorset.Government allows GM trials to continue
16-08-2002 18:15
The government has once again proved itself unable and unwilling to listen to public concern and overwhelming evidence about how baddly ill-conceived and mismanaged the farmscale GM evaluations have been......GM trials cancelled!
15-08-2002 23:13
The governments GM trials have been abandoned after major GM contamination was revealed. Parties to celebrate will be held on existing trial sites around the country.Movie - GM dumped at DEFRA
02-08-2002 09:34

GM Crop Trashed In Wivenhoe
01-08-2002 12:14
12 local campaigners have last night decontaminated a field of GM maize in wivenhoe. Arond 12:30 last night the group started a night of direct action which resulted in a large proportion of the farm scale trial destroyed and the governments GM policy in tatersGMO Catch 22
31-07-2002 19:30
How the Biotech corporations, the World Bank, charities and governmental organisations contrive to continue the suffering of the starving and destitute of the poorest nations, and would have us believe we're offering aidConvoy - Messages to DEFRA
31-07-2002 15:25

Press release: Direct activists will deliver barrow-loads of GM crops that have
24-07-2002 10:32
At 8.30 a.m. this morning at a press conference in Oxford, direct activists said that they will be delivering wheel barrows full of GM crops from trial sites around Britain to the Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural (DEFRA) in Smiths Square, London at 2 p.m.[1] The activists are responding to the Governments call for a public consultation into the commercial growing of GM crops in Britain following GM crop trials[2].Anti-GM convoy heads to London
22-07-2002 22:27

Stop GM Crop Commercialisation
22-07-2002 15:46
We are nearing the end of the GM farm scale crop trials which have been contaminating our countryside during the last three years. As the government announce a public consultation on the commercialisation of GM crops in Britain, let¹s tell them what we think!This event may well be more fun than it sounds!!!!!!
GM maize destroyed in cheshire!
21-07-2002 07:15
Genetically modified maize damaged in cheshire.Nine people arrested and charged with criminal damage.
Danger if GM Digested.
17-07-2002 19:37
Research has identified a bacterium's transformation from a harmless gut homebody to a menacing invader.Surprise surprise : GM genes digested !
17-07-2002 12:52
"Industry, science and government advisers have always played down the risk of this happening and here, at the very first attempt by scientists to look for it, they find it," said Adrian Bebb, GM foods campaigner.Report from Essex GM crops protest
08-07-2002 19:37
08-07-2002 10:41
Updated website focusing on Bayer Cropscience whose crops are being grown on over 85% of GM field trials planted in the UK in 2002GM Crops - Tony Blair's "Poll Tax"?
07-07-2002 22:11
Genetically modified (GM) crops and food are threatening to become Tony Blair’s "poll-tax" - with some ministers reportedly warning him that any attempt to impose the commercialisation of GM crops would lead to "civil unrest".