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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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Judge Delays Decision on Sainsbury's GM-Fed Milk Trial

13-10-2005 17:14

Judge takes time to reach a verdict on 5 protesters after hearing scientific evidence about the risks to children from GM-fed milk.

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ISIS Press Release 12/10/05

12-10-2005 19:56

ISIS Press Release 12/10/05

UN Cautions Over GM trees

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Notts campaign against ID cards steps up a gear

08-10-2005 15:26

With the third reading of the ID bill imminent it is time to make sure people are informed....

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First Australian farmer falls prey to GE contamination

07-10-2005 14:14

First Australian farmer falls prey to GE contamination

The first confirmed case of genetically engineered (GE) contamination in a field of commercial canola has struck a Victorian farmer. The incident opens up a legal mine-field for farmers and threatens Australian export markets.

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06-10-2005 16:43

LIMA/LONDON: Indigenous farmers in Peru, the birthplace of the potato, have slammed a move to overturn a UN moratorium on using genetically modified "Terminator" technology in agricultural production.

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B&K Universal- Blood on their Hands

06-10-2005 11:44

B&K are one of the largest breeders of lab animals in the UK wo sell gerbils, guinea-pigs, hamsters, mice, primates and rats. They are also known to sell rabbits and farm animals.

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cages of death

04-10-2005 12:56


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HLS Story on channel 4 news

10-09-2005 11:46

Channel 4 report of The New York Stock Exchange postponement. Activists from other movements please take notes.

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23-08-2005 16:27

Again testfields have been destroyed in the Netherlands. At least 3 out of 8 testfields didn't survive the weekend of the 23-24th July.

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Grow your own GM crop

08-08-2005 13:26

Guardian - GM crops can be grown in the UK without farmers having to notify the authorities or their neighbours, the Guardian has discovered after testing a loophole which allows enthusiasts to grow their own GM maize.

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monsanto patent on pig farming

04-08-2005 12:58

monsanto put in a patent valid in 160 countrys allready, which has to do with pig farming/breeding

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Researchers Speak Out Against Animal Tests

23-07-2005 14:36

The scientific director of Europeans for Medical Progress today spoke strongly against the building of the proposed primate experimentation lab in Oxford. The lab's construction has so far been halted for just over a year by popular protest.

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New global push for restrictive seed laws: imposing agricultural apartheid

18-07-2005 16:33

There is a new phenomena spreading around the world - the spread of extremely restrictive seed laws. A new series of articles, in the latest issue of GRAIN's Seedling magazine, has found that many countries are being pushed into embracing some of the world's most repressive laws: seed laws.

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New York City Indymedia soliciting food articles

15-07-2005 18:54


For two years running, The Indypendent has won more awards for outstanding reporting from the New York Independent Press Association than any other paper. We are soliciting articles around the themes of problems of the global food production network and locally based alternatives.

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Press Release: Farmers slam Bayer Cropscience for contamination

14-07-2005 15:44

"If Bayer Cropscience think that farmers are going to accept losses in markets or additional costs because of these unwanted GM genes, they can think again," said Julie Newman, National Spokesperson for the Network of Concerned Farmers. "Wake up Bayer, it is a major problem for farmers and markets and because there is a moratorium the problem is for Bayer Cropscience to recall the product."

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29-06-2005 23:49

A new version of the EF!AU can be viewed and printed out (!) to be distributed. See now at

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Is the bottom falling out of Biotech corps???

29-06-2005 15:07

Is the market falling out of love with the biotech corps or vice versa?

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First Grabs To Control Our DNA

27-06-2005 15:15

Psylon DNA
A small company in Australia has been subjected to gross denials of rights after DNA database technology was stolen from it's company. This one year saga has spawned them to form a new approach to projects of importance to all people.

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Massacre in Paraguay

27-06-2005 08:44

Brazilean Genetically Modified soy growers protected by the police and military in Paraguay attacked a peasant community in Caaguazu last Friday (24/06/05). They burnt down all the 54 houses and the peasants’ crops. Two men have been killed -- ÁNGEL CRISTALDO and LUÍS TORRES -- there are many people injured and 30 people were arrested amongst them many women and children. They have all been released by now, but have nowhere to go back to…

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text for the moosletter from the Buisness community

17-06-2005 19:26

The leaflet that was given out by company directors and GM researchers to Sainsbury's staff at their HQ on Thursday. Micheal Meacher the former environment minister attended.