UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
The second annual Investing in Soft Commodities and Agriculture conference
14-02-2009 23:32
17-Feb-2009 to 18-Feb-2009
Radisson SAS Portman
London, United Kingdom
Organisers: Agra Informa Ltd.
What science issue shall we talk about?
13-02-2009 18:02
Select committees are almost the only place in parliament where MPs actually do what you’d naively hope they do all the time: sit down, hear a lot of evidence on an important issue, and then have a good hard think about it. The Science and Technology committee in particular have produced some fascinating and readable documents over the years. The report on the abortion act offered transparent, evidence based policy advice, package up in a very good piece of accessible popular science writing. (It also ended with a memorable tantrum from some christians). The House of Lords equivalent, meanwhile, did a very good piece of work on the public understanding of science in 2000, during the aftermath of GM and BSE.Now SciTech has merged into DIUS, and they are asking us, which means you and me, “the public”, for topics that deserve a good hard think.
Traffic of Human Eggs in India
10-02-2009 07:21
09-02-2009 21:31
Brian Doherty (Course Director: MA in Human Rights, Globalisation and Justice - Keele University) will give a short history of environmental direct action in Britain from the 1990s covering such campaign landmarks as:Food is a human right, not a corporate commodity
08-02-2009 23:05
This is a response to a particularly bad Foreign Affairs article in which Collier, author of The Bottom Billion, suggests that what we need to combat hunger is to throw the peasant off the land, bring machinery to bear on agriculture, and plant GM crops.It is, as Aal et al note, a full-speed backward vision of agriculture, filled with wild fantasies of infinite production and zero environmental or social consequences. Frankly, it's a Stalinist vision, one that owes more to the dreams and delusions of the 1950s than anything else. In the next issue of Foreign Affairs, Paul Collier presents his solution to the transportation crisis: nuclear-powered flying cars.
Situation Update Nepal -- G2H Demands Justice for the Monkeys
05-02-2009 11:43
On the 23rd of Janauary 2009 a Public Interest Litigation, (PIL), petition against Nepal's monkey farming was filed against the monkey farming at the Supreme Court of Nepal. We are elated to announce that the action was not only sanctioned by the court, but it has been placed on the court's "priority list" due to the "seriousness" of the case!Last EF! winter moot update
04-02-2009 00:39
Latest update on what's happening at the EF! winter moot, with activists coming from Denmark and Ireland, amongst other places, to help inform our focus on discussing strategy and action planning.Camden Lab - Councillor speaks out against community on Camden Animal Lab
03-02-2009 20:50
There are plans to build a deadly "Super Virus Lab & Animal Testing facility on the Somers Town council house estate. The lab plans have been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors & local residents. The lab will hold dealdy viruses such as Anthrax and Bird flu. Foot & Mouth disease was leaked form similar govt facilty Pirbright in Surrey. The lab will hold animals such as cats & dogs.Stop The Camden Animal Lab donations address.
30-01-2009 15:46
The campaign to Stop The Camden Animal Lab is accepting donations sent to : Stop The Camden Animal Lab [London Against Camden Danger Lab] BM8735 London WC1N3XX. Donations will be spent on campaign materials such as leaflets, posters, letters,etc. In the event that the lab does not get planning permission we will fight the second proposed lab intended for Camden on Hampstead Rd close to Regents Park estate. Any left over funds will be donated to youth projects.Toxicogenmics: Technology Beyond Vivisection
30-01-2009 10:39
Modern developments in molecular biology and the science of molecular toxicology. Without recourse to the use of animals.Contact Camden council - updated information - Stop Camden Animal Lab
29-01-2009 20:40
There are plans to build a high level [3] virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden, alongside St Pancras International, behind the British Library on a Camden council house estate, Somers Town, one of the most deprived areas of the country in desperate need of community facilities and council homes. Please oppose by contacting Camden Council on the updated info below. Camden Councillors have changed.On the tracks to real change - 2nd COP15 planning meeting
28-01-2009 13:35
Invitation to the 2nd planning meeting in the International Climate Network, regarding protest and actions during the COP15 summit.BBC1 Plague kills "Al Qaida" insurgents = more fears over Camden Super Virus Lab
21-01-2009 21:16
This week's The sun gloats over the deaths of 40 "Al Qaida" insurgents killed by the "West's latest weapon in 'The War On Terror', The Plague Or Black Death".This shed'd some light on what Western laboratories get up to..."saving lives" using gruesome experiments on innocent animals and unwitting people. This shows the depths that the West will stoop to in "The War on Terror" Camden
SHAC trial ends - defendants jailed with disproportionate sentences!
21-01-2009 14:16
We expected the worst, so it is no surprise that massively disproportionate sentences were handed down today after the SHAC trial ended.Create as many Facebook /myspace/ bebo profiles as against the Camden Lab
19-01-2009 21:13
Our Facebook profile against the proposed animal testing lab in Camden, which if built will be alongside St Pancras international had it's friend add facility closed for "adding too many friends" ....they did the same to stunning Vegan Bodybuilder Robert cheeke when he got to 2000 friends. In just afew days we had as many suppoters as SHAC. The authorities are scared of this & WANT the lab!Earth First! Winter Moot - updates on agenda & more - 6-8th February 2009
19-01-2009 11:29
[apologies for repost - IMC moderators haven't replied to repeated requests to promote date to top left of front page as per other gatherings]The Earth First! Winter moot is an opportunity for people who feel affiliation with the ideas behind Earth First! to network, discuss and reflect on the ecological direct action movement and to plan for the future.
Plans for new Pirbright Animal Lab
16-01-2009 21:09
There are plans for a new animal testing lab in Pirbright in Surrey. The blighted lab was the centre of the Foot and Mouth pandemic leaked into the water supply that saw thousands of animals killed by the army. This place should be shut down, not expanded. The £121 million lab is behind schedule and over budget. They are asking that the government bail them out. This can be stopped.BBC1 ITN Unison -Contact UNISON to support workers affected by Super Virus Lab
10-01-2009 16:21
Workers at Camden Council services have not been told of the plans to build a deadly "Super Virus Lab" on their doorstep. there are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility across the raod from Camden Town Hall. The lab will test on animals. Members of Stop Camden Animal Lab went into the Camden Council Library and offices to hear that staff did not even KNOW about the lab & protests.Earth First! Winter Moot - updates on agenda & more - 6-8th February 2009
10-01-2009 02:29
The Earth First! Winter moot is an opportunity for people who feel affiliation with the ideas behind Earth First! to network, discuss and reflect on the ecological direct action movement and to plan for the future. In contrast with the yearly EF! Summer Gathering, which is held outside for around five days, the winter moot is a shorter weekend meeting, inside, less aimed at skill sharing and more at looking where we are at as movement and where we want to be going.Camden "Super Virus and Animal Testing Lab" sign Government Petition to No. 10
08-01-2009 15:55
There are plans to build a vast high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council house estate alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. This opposed by MI5, MPs , councillors, local businesses and residents. There is an online government petition against this. Please sign online by going to