UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Protest letter to the Prime Minister of Mauritius
29-10-2004 22:11
Mauritius is about to join UPOV and is adopting the UPOV model Plant Breeder's Right law instead of the African Union model.This would be a disaster for the Mauritians and bad for Africa as a whole.
Below there is a URL link that leads you to a protest letter addressed to the PM of Mauritius.
Contemporary Ideology Forum hosts Dr D. Parr on the Precautionary Principle
29-10-2004 11:37

Strawberry producers put Herefordshire under a polytunnel
25-10-2004 10:29
Large-scale Strawberry producers in Herefordshire, are exploiting planning legislation to erect hundreds of acres of polytunnels without planning permission. This practice destroyes the environment, local wildlife, and the rural landscape. It also impacts on peoples homes, and those who depend on tourism for a living.Spray it with Sainsbury's
23-10-2004 20:47

Police intercept covert GM action
23-10-2004 20:25
What follows is a cautionary tale for all involved in covert direct action. Although the story is several weeks old, it hasn't previously been covered on indymedia and was the most worrying and comprehensive police interception those involved had ever experienced.. It also shows how many people are still taking (or trying to take) large scale action against GM.Pix of ESF 2004, Fri 15 Oct 04 - Set 1 of 3
21-10-2004 12:12

For a list of the speakers photographed and associated web links, see the story below the photos.
For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For links to the other sets of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.
GM protesters win three-year court battle
18-10-2004 10:45
FOUR GM crop protesters convicted of aggravated trespass for their part in a protest at Munlochy on the Black Isle in August 2001 won their appeal at the High Court in Edinburgh last week.World Food Day: Iraqi farmers aren't celebrating
15-10-2004 11:10

World Food Day @ ESF (Saturday 16th October)
11-10-2004 19:37

World Food Day (16th October) events @ ESF will champion the demands of smallholder farmers organisations and CSOs for international recognition of the right to Food Sovereignty. They will challenge WTO and TNC dominance of the global food system that feeds corporations not people. See
Directory of UK Nanotechnology companies
07-10-2004 12:16
Web based directory of UK nanotechnology companies.Anti-GM - Guide to ESF meetings
06-10-2004 19:06
Here are 22 meetings out of the hundreds that will be of interest to Anti-GM campaigners at the ESF.Anti-GM action - 29-30/09/04 - Sainsbury’s Haydock (Merseyside) depot blockaded
30-09-2004 15:12
Sainsbury’s Haydock depot blockaded for three and a half hours.This was in protest over Sainsbury’s selling milk from cows that have been fed GM feed.
Lots of lorries stopped.
No arrests
sainsburys distribution depot blocked 30.9.04
30-09-2004 01:20
GM blockade of Sainsburys depot Merseyside tonightAnti-GM campaigners in court today!
27-09-2004 21:54
Eight anti-GM protestors are in court today (Tues 28th Sept). We will be appearing before Harlow magaistrates court in Essex. The charges we face result from our non-violent blockade of Sainsbury's giant Waltham Point distribution centre on the M25 Essex / London borders.
campaign for GMfree zones and regions gathers force
14-09-2004 17:59
environmentalits and regional authorities lunach joint initiativeA new website against bilateral free trade and investment agreements
09-09-2004 17:11
We would like to invite you to participate in a new collaborative website to support the struggle against bilateral free trade and investment
report on GM debate, Exeter
07-09-2004 11:19
this is my report.. it is only short, i shalll attempt to work on it a bit more, flesh it out.. etc.. etc...biotech review exeter
06-09-2004 12:02
tonight, exeter, disclosure of gm info: farm scale trials