UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Camden Lab_Stop Camden Animal Lab needs a meeting space.
01-04-2009 19:41
There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab alongside St Pancras Eurostar. Foot and mouth disease was leaked from a similar govt faciltiy Pirbright in Surrey. Stop Camden Animal Lab is an inclusive campaign made from local people who are against the lab. Many are against it due to the very real threat of virus leak. Many people in Camden are against animal testing. We need a FREE meeting space that we can use.small agroecological farms are our only natural resource economic base
31-03-2009 17:51
this is a letter I wrote to US president + others out in the world, regarding present economic foolishness + our ecological sustainability, which our best medicine comes when we have balanced ecosystems that are linked.Stop Camden Animal Lab - NEW Donations Address / Camden Gazette article
27-03-2009 16:05
There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden Council house estate, Somers Town near Kings Cross. Stop Camden Animal Lab is the campaign fighting to stop the is. We are a peaceful inclusive group of Animal Rights activists and non AR people from Camden and Islington areas. We are asking that council homes and community facilties be built on the land at Brill Place instead of the lab which could be a level 3 facility. See below for address.Gateway To Hell Campaign Update
16-03-2009 06:00
As many of you will already be aware, the Nepalese Parliament recently decided to outlaw the export of monkeys for vivisection.Full story here:--

Feigned Indignation: Of marauding exploiters, their “ethical qualms,” and a new
16-03-2009 02:53
Therefore, we can once again look to the holy trinity of science, technology, and capitalism for our salvation. Interspecies chimeras, laboratory-created genetic crosses between two unique animal species, can rain “meat” down upon us like manna from heaven. Since 2003, researchers have successfully formed chimeric embryos by fusing human animals with three different nonhuman animals: rabbits, sheep, and cows.Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus!
09-03-2009 02:23
Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
Camden Animal Lab – Builders Revealed!
07-03-2009 16:49
Builders for dangerous, cruel lab found!Camden New Journal Article / Work started / jobs pledge
06-03-2009 12:44
There are plans to build a so-called "Super Virus" Lab in Camden alongside St Pancars International, behind the British Library on a Camden Council house estate. This has been opposed by MI5, MPs, councillors, residents and businesses. The Camden New Journal has printed an article this week on developments at the site where work has started, without planning permission yet.Camden Lab and Community campaign has a new address in Kings Cross
02-03-2009 13:37
There are plans to build a deadly "super virus" lab in Kings Cross, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. this has been opposed by MI5, MPs and councillors on Health and Safety grounds. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked into the water supply from Pirbright in Surrey. Local people want community / education facilities and council homes here with realistic employment opportunites rather than this ill thought out lab project. Please also see the online petition.Leeds Earth First! Meeting
27-02-2009 10:49
Monday 2nd March7pm @ Common Place
Followed by social in the Angel or wherever people want to go.
BBC1 ITV Channel 4 Camden "Supper Virus" Lab - work has started
26-02-2009 14:50
Most people are aware of the plans to build a "super virus" lab in Camden, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. The lab is likely to be level 3 facility meaning that it could contain anthrax and bird flu. I have just been told today by Helia Evens the secretary for Somers Town tenants association that work has indeed started to "explore risk assessment". A news item was also shown very late on TV two days late that most people would have missed it.Nepalese Parliament Orders End To Monkey Exports!!!!
25-02-2009 22:48
Nepalese Parliament Orders End To Monkey Exports!!!!
We welcome the Nepalese Parliament's decision to order a ban on monkey
exports, however there are still some fundamental points which we utterly
GM will save the world (and Tesco's bank balance)
24-02-2009 16:30
Tescos have really outdone themselves this time. At the London 'City Food Lecture', Chief Executive Terry Leary has announced that Tescos will be willing to 'back' GM foods, due to changing consumer attitudes and some sort of misguided belief that people starving in Africa are only doing so due to the UK's and Europe's lack of acceptance of GM foods.Camden People have decided that the campaign remains local & not London AR
23-02-2009 03:21
There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden Council house estate, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. The threat of virus leak is very real, Foot & Mouth disease was leaked form govt facility Pirbright in Surrey into the water supply. Camden needs council homes and community facilites not a deadly lab.Camden "Super Virus" Lab consortium start exploratory work at site
21-02-2009 01:34
There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council house estate Somers Town, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. The lab has been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors and local people. Foot & Mouth disease was leaked from similar govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. Exploratory works have begun this week at the site.BBC1 ITN Camden Super Virus Lab campaign still open. Update. Virus leak threat.
20-02-2009 03:02
There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council house estate alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library in Kings Cross. The area needs council homes, 15,000 people are on housing waiting list. The threat of virus leak is very real, Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from government facility Pirbright in Surrey.Camden Lab : Govt says that cats, dogs and primates "will not be tested on".
18-02-2009 22:11
The governemnt have issued a statement syaing that the lab will not be used for testing on cats, dogs or primates. The petition is still open, however it may have to be reworded in light of the new announcement. The lab was opposed by MI5 on safety grounds and there is still the campaign to fight for homes and communtiy facilties on the land.2.0 children
18-02-2009 21:50
The Optimum Population Trust wants you to have fewer children, or preferably none. The UK population alone is expected to increase from 61 million to 77 million by 2051 but the OPT believes the UK’s long-term sustainable population level may be lower than 30 million.Camden "Super Virus Lab" - Goverenment Response To Petition / Burglary & mail
18-02-2009 19:54
There are plans to build a deadly virus lab in Camden on a Council house estate. The lab could be level 3 facility which means it could contain deadly viruses such as anthrax and bird flu. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from similar govt faciltiy Pirbright in Surrey. The lab has been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors, residents and businesses. The govt has responded to this online. Our mailbox card was stolen [and returned] ...see below.Big Issue support for SHAC
16-02-2009 19:03
The Big Issue has printed an advert for SHAC. It's good to see support in a magazine bouth by ordinary, good people all the UK and that is sold in a good cause. Please support the Big Issue and buy one. Please also write to the Big Issue and say thanks....AND write letters pointing out that Big Pharma is contributing to homelessness in Camden with plans for a deadly lab in Camden.