UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Animal Protection Party shops thrive in spite of police clampdown on SHAC stalls
22-02-2010 05:39
The Animal Protection Party have opened another shop, which they say have "gone from strenght to strength" in spite of the massive police clampdown on fundraising stalls for AR groups like SHAC. After the police raids on SHAC they claimed that SHAC had raised £1 million through street stalls & closed down the SHAC [which they said were ALF] stalls. The APP shops however stay open.Camden Animal Lab campaign residents "We are up against heavies".
19-02-2010 20:31
There are plans to build a high level [3+] virus contianment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden Council house estate alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. Residents have been campaigning against the lab plans. Some have said that "we are up against heavies" and others have spoken of "dirty tactics" by those who are in support of the lab plans including aggression.Stop UKCMRI [Camden Bio Hazard] Lab meeting at Camden Town Hall update.
19-02-2010 03:23
There are plans to build a high level [3+] virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden on a council house estate in Camden, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. This week residents met with councillors at Camden Town Hall as a follow up to the meeting at St Mary & St Pancras Primary School meeting. Read the notes below regarding this meeting.Stop The Stevenage GSK/Wellcome Trust/Mandelson Animal Torture Park
18-02-2010 18:59

Call out to Brendan / London Animal Rights and Bedford Animal Rights.
18-02-2010 18:48
In October 2009 plans were unvelied by the government, Glaxo Smith Kline, Wellcome Trust and Stevenage council for a new Stevenage Bio Sciences Park. This will of course contain new animal testing labs. The plans wee unvieled in October and have been met with SILENCE. Is there a campaign other then struggling local activists who do not want the lab? Will there be a national group?Adrian Radford. A hoax, diversion and paid by Cancer Research UK?
15-02-2010 02:04
The farce that is the "Adrian Radford" story. Adrian Radford claimed that he infiltrated SHAC who he describes as the ALF. He runs a "surveillance instruction" outfit and claims that he was working for MI6 [SIS]. He came out publicly and claimed that he was "responsible" for the info given to police about SHAC [leaving the real moles to carry on]. We think his real employer was Cancer Research UK.UKCMRI Camden Animal Lab project. Will it replace Huntingdon Life Sciences?
14-02-2010 23:52

UKCMRI lie to Camden residents over letters at public forum Peter Pan debacle
11-02-2010 23:54

Camden Animal Lab : [BLISS Lab] UKCMRI meeting joined by Peter Pan
11-02-2010 04:59

UKCMRI tonight displayed pic of Peter Pan and treated Camden with contempt.
10-02-2010 22:53
Tonight's "last chance" formal public meeting & "consultation" at St Mary & St Pancras Primary School hosted by the UKCMRI saw Camden fuming & asking the UKCMRI not to patronise residents. Bizarrely a photo of Peter Pan was displayed while the speakers on stage studiously ignored "difficult" questions & residents. Safety, animal rights and community questions were dismissed & people ignored.Call-out for international week against biotechnologies
06-02-2010 18:42
Have received this call-out from Italy, read and support if you can/wantCamden Bio Hazard Lab - your LAST CHANCE to speak out public forum in Camden
02-02-2010 14:46

Porton Down military lab blew up 18 pigs
26-01-2010 05:28
Frankenstein would be Bonaparteshad eighteen pigs blown apart
Residents contact the Camden New Journal in growing numbers over deadly lab
16-01-2010 22:16
There are plans to build a high level [3/4] bio hazard lab and animal testing facility on a Camden council house estate, Somers Town, Camden alongside St Pancras International. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from such a govt facility in Pirbright, Surrey devastating the countryside. Such a leak in central London next to the Channle Tunnel would be like something from the film Doomsday....Danger! Bayer genetic modified rice! (by Latuff)
08-01-2010 13:14

"Monstrous" Cancer Research building with jacuzzi, swimming pool and gyn sold.
14-12-2009 13:30
There is outrage in Camden as a £30 million building described locally as "monstrous" and hosting a jacuzzi, gym and swimming pool and currently used by Cancer Research UK has been sold. Camden council have given planning permission for the ambassadorial building to be converted into a home that campaigners say "will never be used". Is this how CRUK spend money?The Amazon Dilemma
09-12-2009 20:25
The climate change conference in Copenhagen is set to be one of the most important meetings of countries this milleniumum. The key players here are not only the huge economic giants but the small Islands and countries that have the most to lose. As time runs out a group of nations sit on the edge.Camden Bio Hazard Lab consortium [UKCMRI] : 24 hrs notice of "consultation"
09-12-2009 14:36
There are plans to build a deadly pathogen lab alongside St Pancras International on a Camden Council house estate [Somers Town]. The consortium unveiled the design plans this week as revealed by the Evening Standard where they admitted that the lab could in fact be level 4 facility if "driven by science" meaning that it could contain deadly diseases such as rabies. They have claimed that full "public community consultation will take place" and have given 24 hours of this.Cop15 Social & Climate Justice Caravan - Reader / Newspaper Published
23-11-2009 20:20

The 23 page caravan reader introduces some of the caravan groups, their struggles and positions on the above issues:

Camden Bio Hazard Lab plans will pose threat to Camden Irish community
19-11-2009 01:01
There are plans to build a deadly pathogen lab in Camden. The lab could be a level 3 facility which means that it could contain anthrax and bird flu. This in turn means that the community could face scrutiny under teoor legislationa nd that the community on the Somers Town estate, many of whom are Irish could face intimidation and surveillance under terror legislation in relation to The Troubles.