UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Nuclear Waste trains and the Camden Bio Hazard Lab. The ultimate dirty accident.
19-11-2009 00:48
There are plans to build a high level virus containment facility in Camden. MI5 have voiced fears over safety around the lab [Evening Standard] and scientists from the NIMR have voiced security fears. Residents have also voiced fears as to the proximity of nuclear waste carriage trains which travel from Stratford to Sellafield and vice versa. The nuclear trains sit at Kings Cross. Imagine an explosion...Action Alert - Contact Bradford Uni About Their Vivisection
17-11-2009 00:59
03-11-2009 11:23

Whilst it was always expected, we can now conclusively state that Nepal's monkeys have been saved from vivisection...BY LAW!!!
Olympics and Hajj to Shut Down due to Swine Flu – Global Warming?
02-11-2009 06:15

Camden Animal Lab - contractors bidding for UKCMRI construction
02-11-2009 04:42
There are two construction companies bidding for the building contract for the lab. Laing O'Rourke and Bam construction. Other building firms have ruled themselves out. The consortium put in a scoping report earlier this year and intend to apply for planning permission. Details around the construction plans can be found at and at UKCMRI construction.More Primate Torture at NASA
31-10-2009 17:14
NASA, since its inception has been a primate abuser. Now besides shootingchimps and dogs into space to circle in the void alone until they die or blow up
in an obsolete Lockheed shuttle, the rogue agency, dominated by war profiteers, intends to irradiate primates. The agency has a contempt for public outrage..[/B]
The movie Project X was made about Dr Don Barnes and his refusal at Brooks Air Force
Base to do similar things.

Harvard with its underground primate torture labs at Southborough and other
locations is apparently involved.
Climate Emergency Copenhagen London Public Forum @ South Camden Community School
28-10-2009 18:01
There will be a Climate Emergency Copenhagen London Public Forum meeting at South Camden Community School, Charrington Street, Camden, London N1 on 7th November 2009 12 noon - 6pm. The meeting is held by Campaign Against Climate Change There will be break out workshops with Biofuelwatch, CCC Trade Union Group and more.Why ???
24-10-2009 05:54
German soldiers to get different flu vaccine than civil population:There should be a good reason for that ..!!

Earth First! Wintermoot: 5th - 7th February 2010
23-10-2009 09:44

6pm Fri 5th - Sun 7th Feb 2010
North-east England
"A weekend of networking, reflection, strategic discussions & campaign planning for anyone involved in ecological direct action who believes in non-hierarchical organisation and directly confronting the forces responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants"
Packed with Direct Action - the new Earth First! Action Up
23-10-2009 09:31

Camden Bio Danger Lab NBC suits and gas masks from Camden shops
17-10-2009 17:40
If and when the Camden Danger Lab is here we will need gas masks and NBC suits. They can be got at these shops. : Surplus Plus~3-5 Whitfield Street, London W1T2SA 02076375011 and Laurence Corner 7, East Yard, Camden Lock NW1 8AL 0208-1278249 All people living from and working in f Camden will need these suits and masks. the lab is crazy and must e prevented.We have a problem in stevenage
15-10-2009 06:54
It looks like the plans for exspanding the Bioscience campus in stevenage will be going ahead, all supported by GSK. From the sounds of thing we have a year befor work starts now how do you think we can stop/delay this, ideas please.The Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab will test on amphibians and rodents.
05-10-2009 17:21

PROTEST against mandatory Swine Flu vaccination Sat 3rd October 2009
01-10-2009 22:40
There is a protest on Saturday 3rd October 12 noon at the Houses of Parliament against mandatory Swine flu vaccinations.Bristol University uses local kids as lab rats to test Swine 'flu jab
28-09-2009 19:46
Despite vast scientific evidence that H1N1 FLU VACCINE is harmful to young children, Bristol University plans to use local kids as lab rats on Swine 'flu vaccine trials.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Operation Liberation: Highgate Rabbit Farm (by Latuff) - High res version
26-09-2009 10:30

Stop Camden Bio Hazard Lab - letter from UCL provost Malcom Grant regarding lab.
23-09-2009 13:05
There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden on a Camden council house estate, Somers Town. The lab could be level 3 facility which means that it could contain deadly pathogens such as anthrax and bird flu. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. We wrote to Malcom Grant provost for the UCL and asked that the UCL provide education services for vulnerable young people in place of a lab.Camden council housing sell off scandal / lab update from Labour Party Camden
21-09-2009 20:31
There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden Council house estate, Somers Town in place of urgently needed council homes and community facilities. This morning we received a letter from Camden Labour Party revealing plans by Camden council to sell off yet more homes through "downsizing week". This is an utter travesty and must be stopped.Camden Animal Lab Development Control Committee meeting to be held next year.
17-09-2009 23:12
It has been confirmed that Camden council will be holding a Development Control Committee meeting regarding the controversial Camden Animal Lab next year. [Date tbc].Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution, dies
13-09-2009 20:37