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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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Stop GM crop commercialisation join the Green Gloves pledge

06-08-2003 15:07

Join the Green Gloves pledge to stop the commercial growing of GM crops in the UK

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Council walkout sparked by GM Motion

22-07-2003 00:07

There was an unprecedented walkout of opposition Green, Liberal Democrat and Independent Working Class Association (IWCA) Councillors at a full meeting of Oxford City Council today (21st July).

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GM Debate? Exclusive Indymedia Video

20-07-2003 02:23

During the six weeks worth of public debates, our roving reports attended almost a dozen sperate events and interviewed people leaving the debates to find out what they thought.
This 25 minute video gives you an insight into public opinion about the government consultation exercise and the state of our democracy...

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Anti-gm audio interview from FrockOn festival, Glasgow, 7th of june 2003

18-07-2003 15:22

On 7th of june, the second "Frock On" Festival took place in Glasgow.
See: and for more info.
At this event several campaigns were having stalls and handing out information.
Here is an interview with an anti-gm protester.

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CropScience v GeneWatch - York's "great GM Debate"

17-07-2003 22:29

As the - how far removed? - camps debated their postions about GM...
The "non-governmental" organisation's "GM? Debate" rolled into York. Genewatch and Bayer did the lead-in...
An interesting meeting ensued... [report from imc-york's e-mail list]

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Manchester GM Nation Debate

14-07-2003 07:32

Manchester leg of the national GM debate!!! Miss it not!!!

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Scientist "Crucified" for Good Evidence against GM Food Safety

14-07-2003 03:58


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Manchester GM nation debate

11-07-2003 17:58

Manchester leg of the national GM debate!!! Miss it not!!!

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10-07-2003 11:43

Big flaw with participation

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GM Nation Debate, Liverpool

09-07-2003 10:00

Small meeting in the process of being fobbed off.

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Blair accused in new GM scandal allegations

08-07-2003 06:08

EARLY one fine summer morning, a taxi pulled up outside a neat suburban terrace house in Aberdeen and took a 68-year-old scientist to a TV studio. Shortly afterwards Dr Arpad Pustzai found himself propelled from a life of grateful obscurity into the centre of an astonishing political maelstrom that would cost him his job, his reputation and his health
"Breaking his long silence over the affair, [Dr Pusztai] now claims that he
was fired as a direct consequence of Tony Blair's intervention.

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GM crop trashing near Reading

29-06-2003 13:03

at 4.00 am Sunday morning syngenta's GM wheat trial crop was trashed at Jealott's Hill research lab by 60 white clad activists from all over the UK.

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29-06-2003 08:18

During the early hours of Sunday morning, 29 June, sixty members of the public entered the grounds of Syngenta's Jealott's Hill Research Centre near Bracknell, Berkshire and decontaminated a Research and Development trial of Genetically Modified Wheat 1[1] by pulling up the 35 by 40 meter plot.

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GM Crops and Poverty

25-06-2003 10:46

The widespread adoption of GM crops seems likely to exacerbate the underlying causes of food insecurity, leading to more hungry people, not fewer. To have a lasting impact on poverty, ActionAid believes policy makers must address the real constraints facing poor communities - lack of access to land, credit, resources and markets instead of focusing on risky technologies that have no track record in addressing hunger.

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Superweeds: Setback for GMO Crops

23-06-2003 19:28

More on the uproar in Britain over GMO crops and their safety. From the London Independent, today, 6/23.

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David Bregmann, an Englishman is arrested with 3 under age girls in Brazil

21-06-2003 00:13

Sexual Tourism in the North of Brazil has reached tragic numbers, tourists mostly from Europe come to Brazil after girls as young as 12. Girls enter prostitution to support families that otherwise would not have any other way of subsistence.

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GM Crops 'May Push Poorest Farmers Into Debt'

20-06-2003 09:14

Genetically modified crops will not tackle world hunger and could threaten the livelihoods of Third World farmers, a new study has said.
The report is published today by the charity ActionAid, before the start of the Government's long-awaited debate on GM next week.

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Friarton 4 GM Protestors Freed

08-06-2003 11:32

Friarton 4 GM crop protestors go free.

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04-06-2003 07:14

anyone else miss the fact theat the government are holding the public now!