UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Carnival against GM crops - 7 July 2002
06-07-2002 13:43
Carnival against GM crops! Music! Parade! Protest! Information, stalls and other events and entertainment.Sunday 7th July,2002. Weeley, Near Clacton, North Essex.
Protest Carnival against GM crops, Essex, Sunday.
05-07-2002 03:27
Carnival and protest this Sunday in Essex against GM crops!GMO, Amnesty and Afghanistan
04-07-2002 12:27
Today in Global Observer
Europe backs stricter GM rules - Hurray!
03-07-2002 14:02
Plans to enforce stricter labelling of genetically modified foods across the European Union have been agreed by members of the European ParliamentGreen MEP challenges Labour to put consumer first in GM vote
03-07-2002 00:48
LABOUR MEPs should put consumers' right to choose above the interests of Tony Blair's friends in the biotech industry, Green MEP Dr Caroline Lucas said in Strasbourg today.Blair orders MEPs to block strict labelling of GM foods
02-07-2002 06:46
Blair orders MEPs to block strict labelling of GM foods,stuffing the people, obeying his corporate masters - again!
GMO`s Could Wipe Out Natural Species.
23-06-2002 18:45
This is a bleak warning to all. We are a natural species and part of a whole ecological system. Its survival has a lot to do with our own survival. Lets not fudge the issue while science debates the Pro`s & Con`s of a particular GM Crop or Genetically Handicapped Animal.Environmental protection from GM contamination
21-06-2002 11:11
Activists protect environment from contamination from GM potato crops between 16 and 17 June respectively for the second time near Berlin.Invitation to GM crops protest, Essex
21-06-2002 03:37
All are welcome to a carnival protest parade and village fete against GM crops growing in North Essex.GM & Capitalism
18-06-2002 14:48
Is capitalism sick? Yes, disgustingly so. Its sickness is terminal, and it urgently needs replacing.The GM debate goes mainstream - Bitter Harvest - programme details
14-06-2002 12:27
For those who haven't entirely abandoned the mass media yet - Bitter Harvest is a series of 3 programmes that will go out at 8pm to 8.50pm on BBC TWO television on the 16th, 23rd and 30th of June.New twist in anti-GM action
11-06-2002 09:10
'SCIENTISTS' are investigating claims that activists are ruining geneticallymodified crop trials by over-planting them with conventional seed
GM crop protesters to be silenced
19-05-2002 13:59
Secret plans are being prepared to stop Britons challenging the safety of GM crops at public hearings, a confidential document seen by The Independent on Sunday reveals.Obituary for a GM crop puller
10-05-2002 00:09
Remembering Penny Hanson (1939 to 2002)"Genetic modification in plants may look innocent, but it is far too dangerous a weapon to be let loose"
- Penny Hanson, 2 July 2001
Boots withdraws GM-contaminated product from sale and implements GM-free policy
09-05-2002 17:43
Boots the Chemists, the UK pharmacist and retailer, has withdrawn from sale the last of its food products which contained Genetically Modified (GM) soya.Scottish parliament could of stopped GM trials
08-05-2002 09:37
Finnie had power to stop GM trials, say protestorsBiotechnology Newswire 5/1/02
01-05-2002 18:47
Exciting news to report- we just got word that yet another town in the US passed a resolution against genetic engineering via their town meeting. Leverett Massachusetts is the 44th town to take a stance against genetic engineering. This is the first town in Massachusetts- outside of Boston, which passed a city resolution in 2000- to use local-level, grassroots approach to passing resolutions against GE. After 28 towns in Vermont successfully passed resolutions two months ago, it seems that there is major potential for these kind of local level approaches to spread rapidly.Bedfordshire County Council turns down plans to grow GM crops
30-04-2002 12:38
ENVIRONMENTALISTS are claiming victory after Bedfordshire County Councilturned down plans to grow GM crops.
GM crop squat 'pink castle' video
29-04-2002 18:13
Video and photos from the dorset crop squat.Come to the castle - stop the crop.