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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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Support The Sequani 6 / Fight SOCPA Banner

21-01-2008 18:16

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Please spread the word about the SOCPA Sequani 6 who are facing prison.

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GM Trees Chopped Down in New Zealand

19-01-2008 01:43

On Monday, environmental saboteurs circumvented an electrified security fence by tunneling underneath it, and chopped down 20 genetically engineered trees.

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Camden Laboratory Campaign / St Pancras Words from Benjamin Zephaniah

18-01-2008 17:26

The NIMR / MRC intend building the "World's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab."...on a Camden council estate {Somers Town} - see Camden New Journal - Paul Keilthy - : Words from Benjamin Zephaniah. {Poet / sportsman / vegan / turned the OBE / activist / musician..rapper.......}

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Camden / St Pancras / Kings Cross BBC 1 ITN / Eurotunnel / Paris

17-01-2008 18:49

The NIMR / MRC intend building the "World's largest ever, highest level virus containment facility & animal testing lab" on a Camden council estate. Somers Town / St Pancras / Kings Cross stations. Please write a polite letter to the following councillor,Planning Chief for Camden, Mike Greene, who's Camden office details are in the following links. {I haven't read the links - apology if not there} .

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Earth First! Winter Moot 2008 - February 22nd – 24th 2008 - Nottingham

15-01-2008 22:49

Join us for
Activist skill share
Planning radical action on climate change,
Sharing ideas for the Earth First! Summer Gathering
Opposition to the UK genetic crop trials and mega-dams in Iceland
a chance to share info on your own campaign

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Help Save Baby X - An IVF created black baby with no rights to a father

15-01-2008 16:52

The website was built in order to raise money for
the legal costs for saving this Black Male child named Baby X and to
raise the issue of how child support is being used for sponsoring both
Immigration and Paternity Fraud & destroying Black Families.

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Agent Orange

11-01-2008 06:58

Last night I attended a screening of the film "The Last Ghost of War" at IIT Chennai, India, followed by a discussion with Dr Simone Nhu-Mai of the Vietnam Agent Orange Victims Association (VAVA). The film and discussion highlighted the horrific legacy that continues to be felt in Vietnam (in addition to Laos and Cambodia, as well as among war veterans from the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Korea) due to the spraying of herbicides, including the defoliant Agent Orange.

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Marijuana print NBC suits and gas masks for Camden High Street

02-01-2008 04:43

Camden drug dealers are to be given limited edition marijuana print NBC suits and gas masks as ebola, plague, TB, measles, cholera, diptheria, smallpox, and more are set to be available on Camden High Street...due to the building of the world's largest ever virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council estate. {You will be saved!}

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Columbia's Plan: Biotech Hazard on the Hudson - Somers Town build it !

01-01-2008 23:55

Columbia's Plan: Biotech Hazard on the Hudson,en/

Here is an article showing many similarities with the approved London Bio Tech Lab in Somers Town, London. The "difference" is just the name .

Columbia vs Wellcome Trust

Both of them got the Rockfeller Foundation behind...

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Camden residents, councillors and ALF to fight on same side against the MRC!

20-12-2007 20:32

Camden councillors, Camden residents and the ALF are set to fight side by side against the MRC and Gordon Brown!

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Gas masks Gas Mask filters NBC Suits - Camden High Street

19-12-2007 22:29

Gas masks, gas mask filters and NBC suits are soon to be available on Camden High Street and on Camden's market stalls due to the virus containment facility to be opened in 2013.

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Kings Cross ~ Animal Rights and Councillors Fight Side by Side at Kings Cross

17-12-2007 21:19

Camden Councillors and Animal rights Activists are set to fight side by side against Gordon Brown over the controversial plans to build a monstrous virus containment facility and animal testing laboratory on a Camden council estae near to Kings Cross -Broill Place / St Pancras.

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Police Wage Dirty War Against Animal Rights Activists & USe Smear Campaigns.

15-12-2007 16:15

Police are waging a dirty war against animal rights activists. They are using smear campaigns and underhand tactics. Some of this was secretly recorded and read out in court. Informers have alsobeen encouraged to approach activists while wearing furs / bringing fur clad girlfriends up to AR / SHAC /SPEAK stalls in Camden and the West End of London. [Where they were ignored!]

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Mel Broughton remanded...was he set up? [] SPEAK

15-12-2007 00:21

Mel Broughton from SPEAK has been arrested and remanded on charges of arson, conspiracy to blackmail and possession of explosives.
Thames Valley police have carried out a dirty war against SPEAK. [As was proven in court when a secret recording was played].

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CDC refuses to disclose details of infection of cardiac surgery patients

14-12-2007 16:47

The Fresno Bee is reporting: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued findings of its investigation into the infections of at least 12 cardiac surgery patients at Saint Agnes Medical Center earlier this year, but refused to release them to the public.

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Gordon Brown - open letter from Camden against St Pancras Death Lab

14-12-2007 00:00

In an open letter to Gordon Brown in today's Camden New Journal concillor Roger Robinson said he has been given "no alternative but to fight alongside anyone" to stop the "world's largest ever, highest level virus containment facility / animal testing lab" to be built within a Camden council estate on brownfield land behind St Pancras and Kings Cross stations.

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Canada suspends mumps vaccination, fears supply tainted

13-12-2007 20:54

Reuters is reporting from Toronto — Canada suspended use of three batches of a mumps vaccine this week after five people fell ill in the middle of a massive vaccination campaign.

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Petion ~ Camden New Journal ~ petition against Camden Virus Lab ~ Please sign!

13-12-2007 20:20

A petition has been set up online by a Camden newspaper ~ Camden New Journal against the plans for "The World's Largest Ever Virus Containment Facility / Animal Testing Lab" to be built on a Camden council house estate. The petition also fights for Community facilities and Council homes to be built there instead! Please sign it!

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Ken Livinstone At Death Zone 1 Kings Cross BBC1 ITN and...insults the poor

11-12-2007 16:24

Amid pandemic fears Ken Livingstone went on telly to promote future death zone 1 Rail / tube station Kings Cross / St Pancras and manages to insult London's poor at the same time!