UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Venezuela: Achieving big things in small spaces ...
25-10-2010 17:39
This strategy should also include the relentless struggle against the patentability of plants, animals and even ancestral knowledge, as determined by Article 124 of our Constitution.£220 MILLION offered by government for proposed UKCMRI massive bioresearch lab
23-10-2010 13:41

Video: 16 Oct 2010: World Food Day - Kids Action @ Cargill Ghent
17-10-2010 12:09

HGA condemns Nobel award to supporter of eugenics
08-10-2010 16:37
Reacting to today's (4th October 2010) news of the award of the Nobel prize for medicine to Robert Edwards, Dr David King, Director of Human Genetics Alert (1) said, "I find it shocking that the Nobel Foundation should honour a man who has been a lifelong supporter of eugenics. That is immensely hurtful to millions of disabled people, like myself."Planning Application Now In for UKCMRI Huge Lab proposed for Central London
03-10-2010 13:51
After years of controversy a planning application for the huge UKCMRI bioresearch laboratory proposed for central London has now been registered with Camden Council. Anyone living anywhere can email or write to the council with objections/comments - there is a limited amount of time for people to put in objections, officially until 14th October 2010. More details below......Hit the Animal Supply - EcoTox Breeders
30-09-2010 18:49
Hit the Animal Supply - EcoTox BreedersObama signs legislation to make supplements and alternative remedies illegal
26-09-2010 20:12
Right through the back door, while everyone was focused on the gulf oil spill, Barack Obama gave his signature to legislation permitting the U.S. Government to outlaw supplements and alternative health treatments.Brow Well - Supporting Animal Abuse & Eco-Destruction
23-09-2010 19:38
TELEPHONE, EMAIL, DEMO!Video & Pix of the first (gmo) Field Liberation Meeting in Brussels
23-09-2010 19:22

Take Action Against Animal Airports
17-09-2010 17:15
"Before long the primate was nothing more than a bloody flat mass, quicklyscooped up and tossed into the garbage can at the end of the table as
Stephanie poked her head in asking if they were ready for another one."
- Undercover worker at Huntingdon Life Sciences.
Decision to abandon "GM Dialogue" welcomed
17-09-2010 13:02
The Government has scrapped plans for a "GM Dialogue" project, which had been instigated by Nu Labour as a way to push pro-GM propaganda. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) continues to be a pro-industry, pro-GM and anti-organic Quango, which should also be scrapped...
Monsanto, Blackwater and spying on animal rights activists
16-09-2010 19:06
According to internal documents the US security firm Blackwater – best known for killing 17 Itaqi civilians in Baghdad in September 2007 – has working for Monsanto.URGENT: Stop Tonight's Monkey Flight!
13-09-2010 14:55
STOP TONIGHT'S MONKEY FLIGHTUG#516 - The Politics & Economics of Food (Promoting Famine & Creating Sickness)
13-09-2010 06:34

This week's show looks at food, focussing specifically on the US food system. In our first hour, we hear from Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food. He speaks of the economic pressures that promote energy intensive agribusiness and the growing backlash and grassroots opposition. He casts doubt on the modern, reductionist approach to understanding food, remarking that "in matters of food, so far, culture, historically has been a more reliable guide to what to eat than science." In our second hour, we hear from Raj Patel, author of "Stuffed and Starved", on "The Hidden Battle for the World Food System".
In solidarity with Silvia, Billy and Costa
27-08-2010 15:42

Egg Recall In US Grows to Over Half Billion
24-08-2010 20:04
The Centers For Disease Control in the US took over 3 months to issue a recallon an Iowa factory farm whose eggs have sickened thousands. The CDC claims
there are no deaths.
2 GM maize trials trashed in Catalonia, Spain
13-07-2010 11:39
On Sunday night 2 genetic trial sites were destroyed by large numbers of people.Desperate anarcist call for GM lobbying
08-07-2010 14:10
The EU are due to decide tomorrow on the relaxation of legislation which currently slows up new Genetically Modified seed approval. 16 new varieties are currently being held up by minor technicalities like safety checks, and more will follow if the rules change. Yes I know emailing ministers is a dirty filthy thing to do...Primate Torture in the US, UK, China, Malaysia and Elsewhere
19-06-2010 17:13
Recent deaths of primates in the US exposed to freezing and baking temperaturesin San Antonio Texas and in Nevada have brought renewed attention to the
unseen torture.