UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Invitation au contre sommet Biovision 2007
14-02-2007 14:59
This message is adressed to all people in Europe who want to resist actively GMO’s, cloning, nano-technologies, biometrics, DNA registration, industrial experiments upon animals, BioPatent and more generally agrochemical multinational policy.Green waste recycling
12-02-2007 14:58
Why burn carbon fossil fuels to cart green waste from gardens to a central depot to be composted, then burn more carbon fossil fuels to cart the compost back to the gardens, when it can be composted in situ in the back garden?Avian Flu? - Q: When is a virus not a virus? A: When it’s a mycoplasma.
10-02-2007 01:05
Is the so-called bird flu “virus” really a virus?Seedy Sunday Brighton 2007
06-02-2007 15:55

PIA Beagle Death Flights
04-02-2007 21:40

Airport destined for a life of hell. Vivisection breeders and laboratories
alike ship animals in the cargoholds of aeroplanes amongst everyday items,
unbeknown to the passengers above.
Monsanto's new Vistive GE Soy bean not worth the risk!
28-01-2007 21:47

Haiti: Outbreak of Sickness in Prisons
18-01-2007 02:21

Why suppress Biovision/Biosquare ?
17-01-2007 09:38
From the 11th to the 14th of March 2007, the fifth edition of Biovision/Biosquare Forum is going to take place in Lyon. These meetings are now considered to be the biggest meeting in the world on biotechnologies. Stop Biovision!Indonesia and South Africa banning neurotoxic artificial sweetener Aspartame
13-01-2007 17:21
For different reasons, each Nation is moving towards such a ban, eventually to result in medical bans resulting from neurotoxic by products of aspartame, including methanol, formaldehyde, and diketopiperazine. Legislation proceeds in NM Legislature to the same for New Mexico, sponsored by NM Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino.Podchef Neal Foley, Gastrocast
12-01-2007 08:58

2 B&K Shippers Pull! Contact Impex
12-01-2007 03:33
Today NARN received statements from Yusen ASC and LS Express, both of whomwere involved in shipping beagles through Manchester Airport for B&K
Universal. This just shows how effective out campaign against the breeder is
getting, they have now lost 6 animal transporters because of pressure!
B&K Beagle Shippers - Yusen
08-01-2007 05:18
"We do not expect that the actions of NARN will have any major impact on our companyin 2007" - B&K Spokesperson to Yorkshire Post (03/01/07)
Similar comments were made by Hillgrove, Consort Beagles and Newchurch Farm; all
with the same idea - that they will not be closed down.
Nano Hazard Competition samples
07-01-2007 06:18

Genewatch UK consultation:
03-01-2007 11:46
GeneWatch UK is a not-for-profit group that monitors developments in genetic technologies from a public interest, environmental protection and animal welfare perspective. GeneWatch believes people should have a voice in whether or how these technologies are used and campaigns for safeguards for people, animals and the environment. We work on all aspects of genetic technologies - from GM crops and foods to genetic testing of humans.LBIA & Vivisection Exports
01-01-2007 21:47
In 2007, we are focusing on the export network of B&K Universal in an aim to cut offtheir foreign market. Clients abroad make up approximately 50% of the breeder's
custom and if they were unable to deal with them, B&K Universal would have to close
down. More info can be found at

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Sabotaged promised as government test public resolve on GM
01-12-2006 12:57
Protesters have pledged to take direct action to sabotage genetically modified crop trials that the government has today given the go ahead for. These trials will be the first GM trials to take place in this country for several years after a sucessful campaign of resistance. The new trial is widely regarded as a test of public resolve before further attempts to introduce genetically modified organisms on a commercial scale to a unwilling public...WTO should be disbanded, international law respected, and genetically engineered
25-11-2006 18:08
The poor Canadian Canola industry is lamenting discriminatory tariffs and anticipating correction at the WTO Hong Kong meeting. If the WTO had not intervened in propping up GE food and crop industry, as it has recently done in the decision against the European Unions’ opposition to Canola, genetically engineered foods and crops would have been banned years ago .Tesco GM rice removed from the shelves landed Tesco Poland stores?
23-11-2006 16:26
According to Polish Chief Health Inspectorate GM rice of variety LL601 wasfound in 6% (3 out of 48) of samples taken in the stores of three regions of
Poland: Pomerania, West Pomerania and Lower Silesia. The contaminated rice
came to Poland from US via France.
According to the spokeperson of Regional Health Inspectorate of Lower
Silesia- Elzbieta Peszko-Bilska rice of variety LL601 was found in the
supermarket chains Tesco and Auchan in this region. Polish authorities hasn't
found LL601 rice in Warsaw region although Greenpeace Poland testing done in
Germany of long rice showed three products contaminated: "Bosto"(Ebro
Puleva), "Britta" and "Halina".
British bid to create part cow, part human embryo
07-11-2006 01:39