UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Global Coalition Sounds the Alarm on Synthetic Biology
19-05-2006 11:23
Today, a coalition of 35 international organizations including scientists, environmentalists, trade unionists, biowarfare experts and social justice advocates called for inclusive public debate, regulation and oversight of the rapidly advancing field of synthetic biology - the construction of unique and novel artificial life forms to perform specific tasks.Grenoble, France: Actions against nanotechnologies on may 30th - june 2nd
17-05-2006 23:36
After nuclear energy and GM food,IF WE DON'T FACE THE NANOTECHNOLOGIES,
Self regulation of synthetic biology?
16-05-2006 13:55
The Synthetic Biology Community is expecting to issue some sort of public position/ statement on voluntary governance of Synthetic Biology at the upcoming Synthetic Biology 2.0 conference on the 21st May in Berkeley. They see this as their version of the Asilomar Conference that imposed a temporary moratorium on Genetic Engineering back in the early seventies.Nanotech: Corporations make money, government ducks issue, public takes the risk
16-05-2006 09:54
The UK government is currently running a consultation on the regulation of nanotechnology. The only proposal on the table is a voluntary notification scheme for new nanotech products. This will give nanotech companies free reign to introduce nanomaterials into consumer products - unlabelled, untested and unregulatedTime to make your voice heard on nanotech regulation
08-05-2006 21:23
The issues around nanotechnology closely resemble those of GM crops, a powerful new technology being rushed on to the market by profit driven corporations before even basic safety concerns can be addressed. The dangers of getting it wrong with nanotech are far greater and wider ranging than they ever were with genetic modification.Greenpeace activists occupy Monsanto GM seed facility in France
13-04-2006 13:24
On 13 April 2006 activists occupied the seed factory of Monsanto in Trèbes, Aude, France. As of 2pm local time, 100 activists are still inside the building carrying out a "citizen's inspection", looking for GM seeds.World Bank/IMF Direct Actions
12-04-2006 19:18
Come on over to D.C. for the World Bank/IMF Direct Actions!Nanoparticle based spray recalled after 80 made ill
11-04-2006 12:03
Concerns raised over tens of nanoparticle based products already on the market as nano cleaning spray pulled from the shelvesCROPS IN SECRET LOCATIONS USE GM DRUG THAT LEFT SIX CRITICALLY ILL
11-04-2006 10:02
Independent scientists have raised the alarm after media reports ommitted to mention that drugs, which left six people critically ill after a trial, are genetically modified and are being used in crops planted in secret locations across the UK.Lyme Disease Cover-up
06-04-2006 16:19
Lyme disease is a sensitive matter for the US (and associated governments') military. They would prefer the public to believe that the illness is "hard-to-catch", "easy-to-cure" and totally unsuitable as a neurological incapacitating agent. This is a lie.Now a simple microscopy technique might help many patients confirm what the government-backed health agencies deny.
Support Daniel McGowan (updated)
31-03-2006 01:32
Daniel McGowan is an environmental and social justice activist, unjustly arrested and charged in federal court on multiple counts of arson, property destruction, and conspiracy, relating to two incidents that occurred in Oregon in 2001. Daniel has asserted his innocence by pleading not guilty to all charges. He is facing a minimum of life in prison if convicted.Terminator Technology rejected again!
27-03-2006 15:56
Biotech industry moves to over turn global moratorium on GM sterile seeds thwarted!Protest Group introduces countermotions to Bayer´s stockholders` meeting
22-03-2006 15:05
The Coalition against BAYER-dangers, based in Duesseldorf/Germany, today introduced countermotions to Bayer´s annual stockholders´ meeting. The protest group will discuss the proposals within the meeting that takes place in Cologne on April 28. Several environmental groups announced to attend as well.When Corporations Come to Campus - george fox 6 in international conference
20-03-2006 15:00
When Corporations Come to Campus:Can Academic Freedom Survive in a Corporate World?
Wednesday 22nd March, 5.30-8.30pm
Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University or on web:
GM drug in catastrophic trial
17-03-2006 04:42
The recent catastrophic drug trial acutally involved a genetically modifed 'humanised' protein'. This is not made clear in most media reports.Expose and End Bio-Electro-Weapons Torture
15-03-2006 03:03
Hypocracy Domestic Torture is being done with bio-electro-weapons in the United States.Biosafety Meeting in Curitiba: Towards a strict GMO labelling?
14-03-2006 12:01

13-03-2006 15:05

First contamination report reveals worldwide illegal spread of genetically engi
08-03-2006 15:16
GE contamination worldwide -report by genewatchuk and greenpeace internationalAnti-vivisectionist pushing privatizationist agenda:
06-03-2006 10:33
Anti-vivisectionists are pushing science out of the universities and public space and into governmental and private space.