UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Bayer's history
29-01-2002 10:43
Looking at Bayer's past it is hardly possible to imagine a worse company to entrust with the development and commercialisation of such an unwanted, unpredictable andpotentially dangerous technology as GM crops.
Video of Bayer Action - GM enemy number one
26-01-2002 21:04
Bayer HQ Blockaded
24-01-2002 19:01
As German multinational Bayer launched on the New York Stock Exchange, activists blockaded their UK Headquarters to highlight their recently acquired status of Europe's biggest GM research company.Biotechnology Newswire 02/21/02
22-01-2002 06:37
The following stories have been posted on's biotechnology newswire.You to can post, comment and search for the latest information on biotechnology at Check it out.
Biotechnology Newswire January 15, 2002
15-01-2002 17:26
The following stories were posted to the biotechnology newswire at www.neRAGE.orgUK Supermarkets United in Continued Opposition to GM Foods and Ingredients
06-01-2002 23:18
UK Supermarkets United in Continued Opposition to GM Foods and IngredientsBiotechnology Update 12/5 - 12/19
19-12-2001 17:13
The following is a listing of stories on biotechnology posted to neRAGE.orgWild maize contaminated by GMOs
29-11-2001 09:52
Halt this reckless experiment now says FOEFriends of the Earth is calling for an immediate global moratorium on the growing of GM crops[1] after new research revealed that wild maize in Mexico has been contaminated with GMOs.The results are were revealed in the science journal Nature.
Jury acquit for cutting down GM crops - again
19-11-2001 23:01
Good news on acquital of GM crop protestersUSEFUL TIPS TO AVOID GM FOODS
30-10-2001 20:49
Please circulate far and wide(Apologies to Monsanto)
GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed
11-09-2001 17:56
GM corn set to stop man spreading his seedSpecial report: GM crops debate
Robin McKie, science editor
Sunday September 9, 2001
The Observer
Eleven arrests as protest over GM rocks Highlands
01-09-2001 18:01
Campaigners lie down in front of tractor But GM planting goes ahead on the Black Isle, North Scotland...EU threat to GM safety standards
17-07-2001 11:08
EU Commissioners plan weakening of safety standards for GM food. Text and online action.6 British anti-GM activists arrested
30-06-2001 21:37
Six people have been arrested during a 100-strong demonstration against genetically modified crops.Fury at pro-GM school magazines
16-04-2001 13:16
MORE than 140,000 glossy brochures sponsoredby the US corporate giants of genetic modification
such as Monsanto are being pushed into Scotland's
schools by Scottish Enterprise, with the
enthusiastic backing of the schools watchdog HM
Inspectorate of Education.
Threats stop GM crop in Sussex?
15-04-2001 23:55
GM crop was planned for East Hoathly. Farmer was dissuaded by local pressure, but there are question marks over whether he was intimidated or not. He said he was, but there is evidence that his arm was being twisted by Aventis, the company with the GM interest. Story covered (in less depth) by George Monbiot, Guardian, April 5 2001anti-gm cows blockade Sainsbury depots
22-02-2001 17:11
GM animal feed protestors shut Sainsbury's depots
22-02-2001 17:08