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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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10-02-2004 12:56

Another day of action against Bayer - from the comfort of your armchair.

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The sinking of Bayer Cropscience

10-02-2004 01:50

Was checking out the Bayer various company websites, as you do ;-) and came across this weird bit of news.

(my emphasis)

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More bad news for Bayer - EU on line to prohibit GM oilseed rape crops

03-02-2004 10:32

An environmental victory for biodiversity as Belgium rejects Bayer application and urges all member states to follow suit.

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International Food Not Bombs Gathering

30-01-2004 08:24

food, not bombs!
Food Not Bombs (FNB) volunteers from around the globe will converge in New
York City August 25-27th. Planned to precede protests against the
Republican National Convention, the Food Not Bombs International Gathering
will host activists from one of the world’s largest revolutionary
movements for three days of workshops, spokescouncils, skill shares,
foodsharing and discussion on the future direction of the movement.

Since its inception in 1980, FNB has grown from one chapter to more than
300 groups all over the world who are organizing against war and
militarization by cooking and serving free meals in their communities with
the idea that the billions of dollars wasted on military spending should
instead be used to nourish the hungry. An autonomous movement, FNB
chapters engage in various projects in their communities from fighting
against poverty, gentrification and governmental immigration policies to
organizing against the war on Iraq. One hope to come from this gathering
is that FNB chapters will be better informed of what other groups are
accomplishing in other parts of the world.

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24-01-2004 17:44


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23-01-2004 14:47

In the interests of peace, a Motion has just been
tabled in Parliament, which calls the
United States Government to account for breaching the
Geneva Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

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22-01-2004 15:22

Paul Rylott pied
Paul Rylott, the top GM Scientist of Bayer Cropscience was pied at a conference in London

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19-01-2004 18:43

A woman of Shangai has started a penal cause against Nestlè and the company Shangai Lianjia Supermarket Co. for the suspect that in the known product Nesquiks are present some ingredients genetically modified.

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Commericialisation of Bayer's GM maize

18-01-2004 18:49

Independent on Sunday article suggests UK government to give go ahead for commercial growing of Bayer's Chardon LL GM fodder maize for 2005 growing season only

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action against Bayer PLC

16-01-2004 18:18

Anti-GM protesters visit HC Starck's offices in Sheffiled as part of the 'bail out of GM' week of action.

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GM maize lurches closer to commercial growing

13-01-2004 17:25

UK government advisory committee (ACRE) gives go ahead for commercial growing of GM maize.

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Bayer Win Protection over GM Protests

05-01-2004 21:08

The homes of thousands of employees of Bayer, the chemicals group, are
to be protected from protesters opposed to genetically-modified crops
by special exclusion zones.

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Video: Luke Anderson on GM

02-01-2004 22:27

Description: An interview with Luke Anderson,
anti-genetics campaigner and writer
[email contact]

Subject: The anti genetics movement, why he got involved,
how was the UK campaign a success, how the situation differs
elsewhere, and what lessons might be learned.

Biography: Luke Anderson was a founding member of
Totnes Genetix Group now living in the USA. He is the author of
"Genetic Engineering, Food and our Environment"
(published by Green Books Ltd, 1999 ISBN: 1-870098-78-1)

Credits: Interview, camera and editing by Ben of Real2Reel
contact +44 1803 840098

Filmed in Totnes, Devon UK, Dec 2003. Orginal format PAL miniDV
editable quality versions available on request (see copyright details below).

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The McMad Cow (by Latuff)

31-12-2003 19:32

The McMad Cow
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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anti-Bayer action

30-12-2003 16:58

Small-scale wildcat actions are the way forward?

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Bayer pulls GM seed applications in UK

23-12-2003 13:45

According to a Reuters report Bayer Crop Science is pulling out of the approval procedures for six genetically modified (GM) seed varieties in the UK.

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Bayer - Closed for Xmas

19-12-2003 23:34

Activists visited the offices of PBI Home & Garden, a Bayer owned company in Hertfordshire. They stuck up anti-GM posters, glued the locks to the front door and intercom and spray painted "NO GMO".

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Video screening of The Fourth World War

19-12-2003 03:16

Here is a short trailer for the
wonderful Big Noise Tactical film,

(quicktime format)

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Bayer CropScience drop 6 of their GM crop varieties from UK commercialisation

18-12-2003 15:10

Bayer CropScience the principle company pushing for the commercialsation of GM crops in the UK has withdrawn 6 of its 9 UK GM crop varieties from the UK national seed listing process