UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Novartis - Allergenic Asthma Applied to Rats
26-04-2008 15:22

Stop The Camden Danger Lab!
24-04-2008 13:04
The MRC are holding a "meet and greet" this Saturday at the Somers Town community Centre 150 Ossuslton street NW1 -nearest tube / rail St Pancras /Kings Cross / Euston.Protest against the "world's largest ever, high level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab" being built on a Camden council estate.
Protest - This Saturday betwwen 9am - 1pm against MRC.
24-04-2008 13:01
The MRC are holding a "meet and greet" this Saturday at the Somers Town Community Centre.Somers Town Community Centre 150 Ossulston Street Camden London NW1
BBC1 /ITN / Ebola lab. "Open meetings" to be held this week by MRC.
24-04-2008 03:24
The MRC are to be holding "open meetings" this week in "a community centre" they state on their website. When and where then are these "open meetings".?They also claim that local people are "very interested" in the lab plans. Interested? We are ANGRY!
BBC1 / ITN / UK Major Safety Alert issued today as Camden contracts exchanged.
23-04-2008 18:16
On the front page of today's thelondonpaper {} a "Major safety alert was announced as the MRC admitted 'having exchanged contracts' and it was announced that the centre will hlod deadly viruses such as ebola, anthrax and rabies". Scientists and MP's are criticising the project as residents are planning to fight 'in any way necessary' to protect their families.PIA Stop Beagle Flights
21-04-2008 20:18
19-04-2008 21:48
Candidates for London Mayor & the London Assemblty will be meeting the people of Somers Town & St Pancras. One of the topics on the agenda will be the lab. {World's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility & animal testing lab" due to be built on a Camden council house estate.Organised by Somers Town Peoples Forum.
Biofuels protesters disable fuel pumps
18-04-2008 09:13
Agro-fuels protesters disabled the fuel pumps of two BP filling stations early Tuesday morning in opposition to mandatory blending of biofuels into petrol and diesel. Protesters argue that biofuels will worsen climate change, and cause food shortages.Protesters have taken this action in Edinburgh as part of a national day of action against biofuels - April Biofools day - coinciding with the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation's (RTFO) coming into force, making it a legal requirement to mix 2.5% biofuels into all petrol and diesel.
BBC1 ITN CNN Ken Livingstone homes promises but at Camden Death Lab Zone refuses
17-04-2008 19:14
Ken Livinstone has promised, as has Gordon Brown to make building new homes a "priority".However he refuses to intervene so that the most deprived & disadvantaged council estate in the country can have more council homes & community facilitites in place of the "World's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility & animal testing lab" can be built there instead. Why? ...Beekeepers report colony collapse,but Organic Honey Bees are doing well,though,,
17-04-2008 18:40
Beekeepers report colony collapse,but 100O organic Honey Bees keepers in N.America say theirs are doing well.Farmers need to stop using pesticides,gm etc & go as organic as possible to keep pollinate of crops going & save soil structure from chemicals. Defra needs encouraging to support Organic honey bee keepers & we all need to keep nettles & other beefriendly plants asap otherwise crops could be severley effectedPraise B for the Organic & natural Honey Bees!!!!!
Biofools day: Cargill factory blocked in Ghent (Belgium)
17-04-2008 13:03
This morning thirty activist of "agrocrisis" blocked the gates of the Cargill factory in Ghent (Belgium). Several activist are chained to the main gate blocking entrance to trucks.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Protests to UK Prime Minister - Scrap Biofuel Targets / Scrap RTFO
17-04-2008 12:07

Hundreds in UK Protests call for Biofuel Targets to be Scrapped
17-04-2008 11:51

BBC1/ITN/CNN/Channel 4 London Mayor Candidate on Camden Death Lab
16-04-2008 17:18
Sian Berry fGreen Party Mayoral candidate speaks out on the Camden Lab which"if built" will become the "world's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility & animal testing lab due to be built on a deprived inner city Camden council house estate that needs homes & community facilities.
Portuguese anti-GM crop action classified as terrorism.
13-04-2008 22:24
Portuguese Judicial Police classifies action against genetically modified corn as a "terrorist" act in Europol report.Islington council kept in dark over "Death Lab" on border with Camden.
11-04-2008 14:41
We contacted Islington council who it appears have not been informed by Camden council {or anyone else} about the plans for "The World's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab" to be built in Kings Cross on the Camden side just a few footsteps from the border with Islington. We wonder, what contingency plans, if any have been drawn up in the event of terror attack or virus leak at the site, scene of 7/7 and 21/7 bombings. Foot and Mouth disease was a govt lab leak.Portuguese Judicial Police classifies anti-GMO action as terrorist act
09-04-2008 15:06
Portuguese judicial police has stated in its contribution to the “EU terrorism situation and trend report” of Eurpol that last summer's partial destruction of a GMO field in south portugal is classified as an act of terrorism.CamdenLondon UK Animal Testing Lab - Control Development Committee
08-04-2008 19:57
Some of you know about the attempts to build the world's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council house estate.This will be put before a Control Development Committee.
Usually only ten people can speak at such meetings.
MRC etc plan a public display and interaction mid April. Contact MRC.
04-04-2008 21:54
The MRC are planning a public display and interaction with the people of Camden / London in mid April in order to convince the people that live there that a virus containment facility / animal torture lab instead of the homes needed there {Gordon Brown promises} are a "good idea". This will be built on a Camden council estate - somers Town. The MRC plans have also been criticised recently at government level.We are looking forward to it.

Stopping Camden Animal Lab Department
Controversial Camden Lab links to notorious Huntingdon Life Sciences
03-04-2008 19:17
The controversial Camden Lab {see} will have links to notorious lawbreaking scum, Huntingdon Life Sciences.SHAC top targets Novartis are on the UCL campus. The UCL are part of the consortium in with the MRC who wan to build a huge virus container facility and animal torture lab. This has recently been criticised at government level.