UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Cheltenham Science Festival Protests this weekend (4 - 8 June)
04-06-2008 13:21
Please join WARN activists from Gloucestershire Animal Action and Cirencester Animal Rights in a protest against Cheltenham Science Festival who have accepted blood money from such monsters of the corporate world including Pfizer, Wellcome Foundation and MRC not to mention inviting vivisector Colin Blakemore to be involved in a talk at the festival.Science Museum, London: Letting Corporations Control Young Minds
03-06-2008 12:26

Take one major museum, a childrens exhibition about the environment and add three sponsors who between them represent three of the most environmentally destructive industries on Earth, and you have The Science Of Survival...
Activists succesfully block Cargill soyfactory in Belgium: exciting videoreport!
26-05-2008 07:20

Via Campesina protests at the Convention on Biological Diversity
25-05-2008 10:54

Mass death of bees in Germany: Pesticide approvals suspended
22-05-2008 07:50
The cause of mass bee deaths has been established: pesticide products from chemical companies Bayer and Syngenta. They have been removed from sale in Germany. We should now pressure Bayer and regulators to remove them from sale elsewhere...HFE safe science or GM, eugenics, cloning& chimera bill?
22-05-2008 07:00

What do they want besides spair body parts?. This bill has not gone fully through parliament so write to your MP,regional minister & MEP,+ Brown & Lord Darzi"health minister"+ Lord Drayson "gm corporate boss science minister.
Do we need a clone or a tortured vivisected chimera army?or spair bodies grown for rich people done by politically correct experimenting,sorry"helping" sick children?
Videoreport on spectacular blockade of soyfactory Cargill in Ghent, Belgium
21-05-2008 21:37

"HFE" gm, eugenics, cloning chimera bill
21-05-2008 18:23

What do they want besides spair body parts?. This bill has not gone fully through parliament so write to your MP,regional minister & MEP,+ Brown & Lord Darzi"health minister"+ Lord Drayson "gm corporate boss science minister.
Do we need a clone or a tortured vivisected chimera army?or spair bodies grown for rich people done by experimenting on how it "helps" sick children?
Camden Lab - Letter from Frank Dobson & Govt. deal : Lab in "return" for flats
20-05-2008 14:55
We have a letter from Frank Dobson MP for Camden. {9th May} and it appears that the government are trying to do a deal. They are, it seems, trying to persuade the people of London to accept a deadly lab near Kings Cross in "return" for flats on the Hampstead Road site, currently owned by the NIMR. If built the lab will see the Somers Town estate and surround, patrolled by armed police.UK Supermarkets Dump Neurotoxic Aspartame; Japanese Manufacturer Ajinomoto Sues!
16-05-2008 15:23
Can this company truly be so abysmally stupid, uncomprehending of the legal processes, and unaware of the public furor over their ghastly chemical products? World's largest manufacturer of carcinogens, Aspartame & MSG, must accept responsibility for perpetuating decades-long spike in Neurodegenerative Illnesses: Tumors, MS, ALS, Migraines, Seizures, all thoroughly documented by USA FDACamden Deadly Disease & Animal Torture Lab - there were 27 other bidders.
16-05-2008 14:16
As you may be aware there is an attempt to build a deadly disease lab in London. There were 27 other bidders for the land at Brill Place next to St Pancras International in the heart of London's business district. The site is also on a Camden council house estate. 12 complied with the planning briefthat the site should be used for 50% housing but were turned down. There is something very stinky about this whole thing...Call for action at UN Biodiversity Summit - Bonn, Germany - 16-30 May
15-05-2008 15:31
Call for action to protect biodiveristy, family farms & stop privatisation & the loss of more land to monoculture at the UN Biodiversity Summit in Bonn, Germany - 16-30 May.Driving out small farmers and peasants, genetic manipulation, deforestation, use of pesticides will all be at stake at this Summit.
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Sequani Trial Update - One Remanded - Three not guilty so far...
14-05-2008 22:45
One of our friends Sean Kirtley was remanded in custody today after a jury found him guilty of Conspiracy to interfere with contractual relationships so as to harm animal research organisation. Rose Golding, Gemma Astbury and Wendy Clark have been found not guilty. Pauline Burgess and Jo Goodyear should have a verdict tomorrow.updates from the Biodiversity summit on
14-05-2008 21:24
Nature for people - not for business!The 4th Meeting of Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (MOP 4) and the 9th Conference of the Parties (COP 9) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is taking place in Bonn from the 12th to 30th May.
Re : The rumours etc around Camden campaign / Candy Udwin etc.
13-05-2008 19:50
While we will reserve judgment about what is going on, Candy Udwin did in fact advise people that "they wouldn't be speaking to the Camden New Journal any more" and did describe the animals trapped in a Barnet lab as "just a load of rats" at a recent meeting. She did also try to persuade people at the meeting to accept the lab in Somers Town "in return for flats at the National Temperance site".Last Chance to Shut the Door on GM Human Beings,ACT NOW!
06-05-2008 15:31
In just a few weeks British MPs will decide whether to allow scientists to start research on the ultimate step in genetic engineering: the creation of GM ‘designer’ human beings. In the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, now going through Parliament, the Government wants to allow the creation of GM human embryos, as the first step towards developing "safe" technology for creating GM babies. The creation of GM babies is not just a hypothetical scenario: leading British scientists, such as Robert Winston and Ian Wilmut, have already patented techniques for doing this, including patenting human semen and embryos.If you care about the impact of GM on food and the environment it makes no sense to be quiet about this.
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Anti-GM protest shuts down BASF UK headquarters
06-05-2008 08:06
BASF UK HQ currently completely blockaded by protesters.Novartis – Killing Patients with Harmful Drugs II
26-04-2008 15:40

Novartis - Two-year-old Boy Gets Cancer
26-04-2008 15:26