Via Campesina protests at the Convention on Biological Diversity
Almuth Ernsting | 25.05.2008 10:54 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Globalisation | World
During the current Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) conference in Bonn, Via Campesina and other social movements and activists have been organising a series of protests under the motto "Nature for people, not for business". 22nd May saw a banner protest, with noise and leafletting during the official celebrations of Biodiversity and at an agribusiness industry lunch.
On 'Biodiversity Day', members and supporters of Via Campesina held a banner protest during the official celebrations at the CBD Conference, following a message by UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon which was read out by the Programme Officer of the Secretariat of the CBD. The banners read "No Agrodiversity Without Farmers" and "Nature for People, Not for business." Earlier in the day, a lunch sponsored by agribusiness was disrupted by a 'party' where "agro-industrialists" congratulated each other for their excellent job at monopolising farm seeds and destroying biodiversity.
See here for more information and photos:
Throughout the past two weeks, social movements, including Via Campesina, and activist networks have been protesting against corporations using the biodiversity negotiations to increase their control over natural resources. There have been protests against against biopiracy, the commodification of nature, against agrofuels and genetic engineering. See here for more:
Photos by Orin Langelle, GFC/GJEP
See here for more information and photos:

Throughout the past two weeks, social movements, including Via Campesina, and activist networks have been protesting against corporations using the biodiversity negotiations to increase their control over natural resources. There have been protests against against biopiracy, the commodification of nature, against agrofuels and genetic engineering. See here for more:

Photos by Orin Langelle, GFC/GJEP
Almuth Ernsting