UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Operation Stop The Monkey Business -- Campaign Update
03-08-2008 12:39
OPERATION STOP THE MONKEY BUSINESS -- CAMPAIGN UPDATEThis is an update on the current state of the campaign following on from the successful week of action, (14th-21st of July), against the Nepalese monkey exports to American research laboratories. There were 9 protests in 6 countries and well over 100,000 emails were sent to influential targets in Nepal.
The 300-350 Show: Agrofuels and Climate Camp Preview
31-07-2008 13:17
latest EF! Action Update: August 2008
30-07-2008 17:26
Sitting on piles of coal, revolting peasants, trashing things & fixing other things together, it's the latest EF! Action UpdateProfessor Atkinson wants GM trial Secrecy.
29-07-2008 09:26
GM Phds, Professors, and Bureaucrats at a London Symposium were warned about GM trials. They ignored it.EarthFirst! gathering workshop call
28-07-2008 07:13
at the Earth First! Summer Gathering - 27 Aug - 1 Sept 2008, Norfolk
Get in touch if you or your campaign/group/network would like to run a
workshop or session at the gathering, especially if you can offer workshops on action training, direct action campaigns, ecology, ecological restoration and sustainable living.
Deadline 12 August!
Operation Stop The Monkey Business
20-07-2008 14:31
The final action alert from the international week of action against Nepal's plans to export rhesus monkeys to vivisection labs...Today we contact the Embassies and Consulates.Operation Stop The Monkey Business: Day 6
19-07-2008 11:16
The action alert from day 6 of the week of action to stop Nepalese monkeys being sent to American vivisection labs...If we want to stop primate experiments the easiest way is to cut off the supply at source!Operation Stop The Monkey Business: Day 5
18-07-2008 13:57
The action alert from Day 5 of the week of action against Nepal for their plans to export rhesus monkeys to vivisection labs!Operation Stop The Monkey Business: Day 4
17-07-2008 17:27
Day 4 of the action alerts for the week of action against Nepal's exports of monkeys for vivisection!Operation Stop The Monkey Business: Day 3
16-07-2008 15:28
Day 3 of the action alerts for the week of action against Nepal's exports of monkeys for vivisection!Operation Stop The Monkey Business: Day 2
15-07-2008 13:27
Day 2 of the week of action against Nepal's monkey exports....Today focuses on the mediaOperation Stop The Monkey Business: Day 1
14-07-2008 13:14
Day 1 of the action alerts during the week of action against Nepal's monkey exports. Nepal is currently supplying monkeys to the vivisection industry and they msut be stopped!Cannabis Seed Ban Bill Angers Campaigners
13-07-2008 12:52
A Bill introduced in UK Parliament calls for a ban on cannabis seeds.Philippines: Ban Endosulfan!
12-07-2008 23:36
Quorn contain GM feed
06-07-2008 08:58
I was told that Quorn did not contain GM ingredients but when I probed the customer service department then I was told GM feed was used but there was no presence of it afterwards. Please remember all processed food unless organic is likely to contain GM ingredients.event london) Feeding Frenzy – a Discussion on Food, Fuel and Finance
24-06-2008 00:08
Feeding Frenzy – a Discussion on Food, Fuel and FinanceWe've changed our address.
17-06-2008 17:10
We've changed our address.London Against Camden Danger Lab
BM 8735
Lyme Disease and Plague Combined in Biowar Vaccine
15-06-2008 12:27
While the Health Protection Agency continues to lie to the public and to the NHS about the true prevalence, chronic nature, and seriousness of Lyme Disease in Britain, their colleagues in the US are busily working on a biowarfare vaccine incorporating genetically modified Lyme and plague.Warning safe tests at Universities etc are Gentically modified,doublecheck
12-06-2008 12:02
Warning many safe test at Universities etc are Gentically modified,doublecheck. Starting with unnecessary GM pig+ insulin which was sold on US market as replacement for normal animal insulin which they said was running out, it wasn't running out.I only found out after asking before a test at Nottigham university.
Diabetics need to contact Insulin diabetes trust
Camden Deadly disease lab / animal testing lab....PR firm and Security firm.
09-06-2008 22:42
Most of you will know about the attempt to build the "World's largest ever, high level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab" on a Camden council estate and next to St Pancras International.They have hired a PR agency to "answer letters", which go ignored for months at a time. Campaigners want to know what will happen to the National Temperance hospital site, what safety plans are in place for the Kings Cross lab {B.L.I.S.S. - British Library International Science Site}
The NIMR are also hiring a security firm to guard the NIMR owned old National Temperance Hospital, Grant Security's LTD.