Operation Stop The Monkey Business
Stop Monkey Business Coalition | 20.07.2008 14:31 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Ecology | World
The final action alert from the international week of action against Nepal's plans to export rhesus monkeys to vivisection labs...Today we contact the Embassies and Consulates.
Today is the final action alert of the week of action. Today we will contact the Embassies and Consulates to explain the reasons for our protests and to make it clear that this campaign will continue until the Wildlife Breeding Act (2003) is annulled!
PHASE 1: -- Email The Embassies
The latest information about the Nepalese monbkey exports is a claim that the monkeys are safe from export under the CITES legislation which arrived from the Nepalese Consulate in Munich, therefore it is imperative that we inform the Nepalese ambassadors and consuls of the true situation to counter the 'memos' being sent from Kathmandu.
Ambassadors are extremely influential and have high level contacts within the Governments of the countries they represent, which means that the Nepalese Ambassadors are an important target for this campaign. So far the campaign has found that the Consuls and Ambassadors have all been sympathetic to the monkey's plight, therefore it is important we earn their support!
Please send a copy of the sample letter to each of the blocks of 25 emails separately. This will ensure that they are not filtered by spam filters and they reach the intended recipient.
The Sample Letter is prepared to inform you about the issue. Please try to shorten and personalise it before sending, and don't forget to add your name at the bottom!
If you can take the time to add a picture it will make a big difference because it's quite possible that many of the Ambassadors don't really know the true horrors of vivisection:
Honourable Ambassador,
I am very concerned about the involvement of your government in the planned export of rhesus monkeys to the US. Since 2003 your government allows the breeding and export of rhesus monkeys for biomedical research. What's more, your government actually provides primate centres with monkeys from National Parks managed by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation.
Recently both a German Consul to Nepal and The Nepalese Ambassador to Belgium have stated that the export of Nepalese rhesus monkeys would be impossible under the CITES treaty, however as the Nepalese rhesus monkey is not in the CITES Appendix of protected species it would be perfectly legal for the export of rhesus monkeys to take place. The only way to ensure that rhesus monkeys are not supplied from Nepal to research laboratories worldwide is to annul the Wildlife Breeding Act (2003)!
I am reliably informed that the decision to license the exports of Nepalese monkeys is not in accordance with the Working Policy on Wildlife Farming, Breeding and Research 2003, as the communities living with monkeys do not benefit from this development at all. As I am sure you are aware inflicting suffering to animals goes against the spirit of the Muluki Ain, which leads me to question the motivation for these exports.
Maybe you could clarify these questions for me:
Why is the Nepalese Government claiming that the CITES legislation will prevent the exports when it clearly will not?
Why is the Nepalese Government so keen to allow American led consortiums to take their monkeys to use in barbaric and scientifically useless research?
Who exactly is going to benefit from the suffering of these innocent creatures?
I’m sure you can see that this entire situation has the air of corruption about it, and whilst we are aware that it was the now deposed King Gyanendra who signed the Wildlife Breeding Act into law, (for his own personal gain), it seems bizarre that a democratically elected government wishes to continue with such an unpopular course of action. It appears to me that the Nepalese government is continuing the breeding and export of monkeys, (whilst claiming it is impossible under CITES through their Consuls and Ambassadors abroad), for the same reasons as King Gyanendra first introduced the law...which is completely unacceptable behaviour from a democratically elected government!
As I'm sure you are aware, monkeys are highly intelligent animals and maintain intricate social structures. Like humans, they have complex emotional lives, care for one another and show love to their babies just as we humans do to our children. I have always been led to believe that monkeys are considered sacred and an important part of Nepal's heritage for a number of reasons, so I find this proposal to export them to their deaths in an American research centres incomprehensible. I invite you to consider exactly what fate awaits Nepal's monkeys in the USA:
An increasing number of primates are needed by the US for bio-terrorism research and American research centres try to find loopholes in the world's legal animal rights provisions, and in Nepal, (one of the few countries in the world still largely without such legislation), they have found ideal working ground.
Past experience has demonstrated that animal-modeled biomedical research yields results that cannot be safely applied to humans, they are often misleading and are as likely to cause harm as benefit. I invite you to consider these examples of animal tested medicines causing serious injury to human beings:
The European Union has begun to phase out the use of primates in bio-medical research completely; however, an increasing number of primates are needed by the USA for bio-terrorism research, which is what the Nepalese monkeys are to be used for. There are now also many alternative research methods (methods not using living animals) that are capable of providing clinically relevant data. Nepal will not gain any credit by supporting and maintaining outdated, unreliable, and unethical methods for conducting scientific studies.
I have always believed that Nepal is a country which prides itself on its wildlife conservation efforts, such has been your outstanding efforts in the field of wildlife conservation (most notably the Rhino & the Tiger), so I had always assumed that the primary objectives of your government was to conserve the country's major representative ecosystems, unique natural and cultural heritage, and give protection to the valuable and endangered wildlife species. Therefore, if the Nepalese Government is serious about supporting animal conservation and helping farmer communities then it should implement long term, scientific solutions to monkey overpopulation, such as birth control and farm land protection rather than short-term solutions which only benefit those who are keen to exploit Nepal's natural wildlife for their own gain.
I strongly request your government to demonstrate its commitment to enlightened and ethical research practices by halting all biomedical research on Nepalese monkeys, by immediately annulling the Wildlife Breeding Act (2003) and implementing legislation to prevent such developments from reoccurring. It is time for the Nepalese government to make a firm statement on this issue, rather than relying on their Ambassadors and Consuls to perpetuate their myths about the CITES legislation!
Yours sincerely,
For more information on the campaign to save Nepal’s monkeys see:
In the event that the formatting of the sample letter has become skewed during this message's passage across the internet you can find an online copy here:
Emails, (in blocks of 20):
The validity of contact details cannot be guaranteed. During campaigns, recipients may change or disable their email addresses and contact details from government, corporate, or institute websites may be incorrect.
As easy as A, B, C:
A) Demos:--
Whilst there have already been numerous physical protests outside Nepalese Embassies and Consulates, we need more demos and we need them in more places. Time is running out and the situation is now critical, get out there and make your voice heard for the monkeys before it's too late!
Please check the link below to see if you have a Nepalese Embassy or Consulate in your area, and if you have one then please arrange to demo them.
Campaign materials are already available in English, French, German and Dutch...with translations into another 3 languages ongoing. Please contact the campaign to order campaign materials.
B) Letters:--
If you don't live near a Nepalese Embassy or Consulate then you can still help. We need more letters sending to Nepal, every letter from people pledging to boycott Nepal because of their monkey exports puts real pressure on the Nepalese Government, so please send them as many as you can afford to.
1) Download The Document:
2) Print, Sign and Send!
3) Repeat Process For Friends and Family....
The letters are not time critical, and the more you can send the better, so you could aim to send a quota each week...for example by simply committing to send 2 letters from friends and family each week you can have a real impact. If you do information stands you could have the letters to Nepal for people to sign and ask them for donations towards the postage.
C) Future E-Protests:--
Whilst the week of action has now come to an end, there are still monkeys sitting in barren cages hidden deep in the Nepalese forests and the Nepalese government is still planning to allow them to be exported to vivisection laboratories.
We are already in the process of developing further E-Protests and your continuing support will be vital to the success of this campaign! Remember, the difference between success and failure is the difference between life and death...So if you don't act, who will?
If you've missed a day out from this week of action, please make sure you still do it, (even if it's out of sync), links to each day are below:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
For More Information on The Stop Monkey Business Campaign:
For The Latest Campaign Updates See:
To Find Your Local Nepalese Embassy or Consulate:
Campaign Materials Are Available From:
Neither The Stop Monkey Business Coalition, (SMBC), The Coalition Anti-Vivisection, (CAV), nor the Gateway to Hell Campaign, (GTHC), assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided or for the consequences of its use. Nothing in this email is intended to encourage illegal action in whatever country you are reading it in. Neither the SMBC, the CAV nor the GTHC engage in, nor support, any form of harassment or unlawful activity. Nothing in this alert is intended to promote such conduct and neither the SMBC, the CAV nor the GTHC assume any responsibility for the missuse of this information, which is provided solely for the purposes of lawful protest. The SMBC, the CAV and the GTHC actively encourage all recipients to act responsibly but neither assume nor accept any responsibility for the actions of others.
Today is the final action alert of the week of action. Today we will contact the Embassies and Consulates to explain the reasons for our protests and to make it clear that this campaign will continue until the Wildlife Breeding Act (2003) is annulled!
PHASE 1: -- Email The Embassies
The latest information about the Nepalese monbkey exports is a claim that the monkeys are safe from export under the CITES legislation which arrived from the Nepalese Consulate in Munich, therefore it is imperative that we inform the Nepalese ambassadors and consuls of the true situation to counter the 'memos' being sent from Kathmandu.
Ambassadors are extremely influential and have high level contacts within the Governments of the countries they represent, which means that the Nepalese Ambassadors are an important target for this campaign. So far the campaign has found that the Consuls and Ambassadors have all been sympathetic to the monkey's plight, therefore it is important we earn their support!
Please send a copy of the sample letter to each of the blocks of 25 emails separately. This will ensure that they are not filtered by spam filters and they reach the intended recipient.
The Sample Letter is prepared to inform you about the issue. Please try to shorten and personalise it before sending, and don't forget to add your name at the bottom!
If you can take the time to add a picture it will make a big difference because it's quite possible that many of the Ambassadors don't really know the true horrors of vivisection:

Honourable Ambassador,
I am very concerned about the involvement of your government in the planned export of rhesus monkeys to the US. Since 2003 your government allows the breeding and export of rhesus monkeys for biomedical research. What's more, your government actually provides primate centres with monkeys from National Parks managed by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation.
Recently both a German Consul to Nepal and The Nepalese Ambassador to Belgium have stated that the export of Nepalese rhesus monkeys would be impossible under the CITES treaty, however as the Nepalese rhesus monkey is not in the CITES Appendix of protected species it would be perfectly legal for the export of rhesus monkeys to take place. The only way to ensure that rhesus monkeys are not supplied from Nepal to research laboratories worldwide is to annul the Wildlife Breeding Act (2003)!
I am reliably informed that the decision to license the exports of Nepalese monkeys is not in accordance with the Working Policy on Wildlife Farming, Breeding and Research 2003, as the communities living with monkeys do not benefit from this development at all. As I am sure you are aware inflicting suffering to animals goes against the spirit of the Muluki Ain, which leads me to question the motivation for these exports.
Maybe you could clarify these questions for me:
Why is the Nepalese Government claiming that the CITES legislation will prevent the exports when it clearly will not?
Why is the Nepalese Government so keen to allow American led consortiums to take their monkeys to use in barbaric and scientifically useless research?
Who exactly is going to benefit from the suffering of these innocent creatures?
I’m sure you can see that this entire situation has the air of corruption about it, and whilst we are aware that it was the now deposed King Gyanendra who signed the Wildlife Breeding Act into law, (for his own personal gain), it seems bizarre that a democratically elected government wishes to continue with such an unpopular course of action. It appears to me that the Nepalese government is continuing the breeding and export of monkeys, (whilst claiming it is impossible under CITES through their Consuls and Ambassadors abroad), for the same reasons as King Gyanendra first introduced the law...which is completely unacceptable behaviour from a democratically elected government!
As I'm sure you are aware, monkeys are highly intelligent animals and maintain intricate social structures. Like humans, they have complex emotional lives, care for one another and show love to their babies just as we humans do to our children. I have always been led to believe that monkeys are considered sacred and an important part of Nepal's heritage for a number of reasons, so I find this proposal to export them to their deaths in an American research centres incomprehensible. I invite you to consider exactly what fate awaits Nepal's monkeys in the USA:

An increasing number of primates are needed by the US for bio-terrorism research and American research centres try to find loopholes in the world's legal animal rights provisions, and in Nepal, (one of the few countries in the world still largely without such legislation), they have found ideal working ground.
Past experience has demonstrated that animal-modeled biomedical research yields results that cannot be safely applied to humans, they are often misleading and are as likely to cause harm as benefit. I invite you to consider these examples of animal tested medicines causing serious injury to human beings:

The European Union has begun to phase out the use of primates in bio-medical research completely; however, an increasing number of primates are needed by the USA for bio-terrorism research, which is what the Nepalese monkeys are to be used for. There are now also many alternative research methods (methods not using living animals) that are capable of providing clinically relevant data. Nepal will not gain any credit by supporting and maintaining outdated, unreliable, and unethical methods for conducting scientific studies.
I have always believed that Nepal is a country which prides itself on its wildlife conservation efforts, such has been your outstanding efforts in the field of wildlife conservation (most notably the Rhino & the Tiger), so I had always assumed that the primary objectives of your government was to conserve the country's major representative ecosystems, unique natural and cultural heritage, and give protection to the valuable and endangered wildlife species. Therefore, if the Nepalese Government is serious about supporting animal conservation and helping farmer communities then it should implement long term, scientific solutions to monkey overpopulation, such as birth control and farm land protection rather than short-term solutions which only benefit those who are keen to exploit Nepal's natural wildlife for their own gain.
I strongly request your government to demonstrate its commitment to enlightened and ethical research practices by halting all biomedical research on Nepalese monkeys, by immediately annulling the Wildlife Breeding Act (2003) and implementing legislation to prevent such developments from reoccurring. It is time for the Nepalese government to make a firm statement on this issue, rather than relying on their Ambassadors and Consuls to perpetuate their myths about the CITES legislation!
Yours sincerely,
For more information on the campaign to save Nepal’s monkeys see:

In the event that the formatting of the sample letter has become skewed during this message's passage across the internet you can find an online copy here:

Emails, (in blocks of 20):

The validity of contact details cannot be guaranteed. During campaigns, recipients may change or disable their email addresses and contact details from government, corporate, or institute websites may be incorrect.
As easy as A, B, C:
A) Demos:--
Whilst there have already been numerous physical protests outside Nepalese Embassies and Consulates, we need more demos and we need them in more places. Time is running out and the situation is now critical, get out there and make your voice heard for the monkeys before it's too late!
Please check the link below to see if you have a Nepalese Embassy or Consulate in your area, and if you have one then please arrange to demo them.

Campaign materials are already available in English, French, German and Dutch...with translations into another 3 languages ongoing. Please contact the campaign to order campaign materials.
B) Letters:--
If you don't live near a Nepalese Embassy or Consulate then you can still help. We need more letters sending to Nepal, every letter from people pledging to boycott Nepal because of their monkey exports puts real pressure on the Nepalese Government, so please send them as many as you can afford to.
1) Download The Document:

2) Print, Sign and Send!
3) Repeat Process For Friends and Family....
The letters are not time critical, and the more you can send the better, so you could aim to send a quota each week...for example by simply committing to send 2 letters from friends and family each week you can have a real impact. If you do information stands you could have the letters to Nepal for people to sign and ask them for donations towards the postage.
C) Future E-Protests:--
Whilst the week of action has now come to an end, there are still monkeys sitting in barren cages hidden deep in the Nepalese forests and the Nepalese government is still planning to allow them to be exported to vivisection laboratories.
We are already in the process of developing further E-Protests and your continuing support will be vital to the success of this campaign! Remember, the difference between success and failure is the difference between life and death...So if you don't act, who will?
If you've missed a day out from this week of action, please make sure you still do it, (even if it's out of sync), links to each day are below:
Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

For More Information on The Stop Monkey Business Campaign:

For The Latest Campaign Updates See:

To Find Your Local Nepalese Embassy or Consulate:

Campaign Materials Are Available From:

Neither The Stop Monkey Business Coalition, (SMBC), The Coalition Anti-Vivisection, (CAV), nor the Gateway to Hell Campaign, (GTHC), assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided or for the consequences of its use. Nothing in this email is intended to encourage illegal action in whatever country you are reading it in. Neither the SMBC, the CAV nor the GTHC engage in, nor support, any form of harassment or unlawful activity. Nothing in this alert is intended to promote such conduct and neither the SMBC, the CAV nor the GTHC assume any responsibility for the missuse of this information, which is provided solely for the purposes of lawful protest. The SMBC, the CAV and the GTHC actively encourage all recipients to act responsibly but neither assume nor accept any responsibility for the actions of others.
Stop Monkey Business Coalition