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Warning safe tests at Universities etc are Gentically modified,doublecheck

Green Syndicalist | 12.06.2008 12:02 | Bio-technology | Technology | World

Warning many safe test at Universities etc are Gentically modified,doublecheck. Starting with unnecessary GM pig+ insulin which was sold on US market as replacement for normal animal insulin which they said was running out, it wasn't running out.
I only found out after asking before a test at Nottigham university.
Diabetics need to contact Insulin diabetes trust

Dont have faith in universities or system which is being manipulated. There is no justice just good people. These drugs,cloning etc should be banned under a universal federated moratorium with nuclear & Nano tech which can easily be used as WMDs. The HFE cloning bill is dodgy unsafe "health care" thats more about making spair body parts for rich people& clone armies, even one of the ministers involved is called Lord Darzi, Jedi my arse.
You can also ask to use yeast cells cultures rather than bovine or pigeon.
Join industrial workers of world to support you for temping in areas like this & also as a worker in establishements to stop abuses. Many in IWW dont describe themselves as green because of fundamentalist zerzanites, though IWW is toughest union out & has had members fighting climate change many decades before the others. I have worked on these with Dr Ho & others of Insitute for Science in Society+Dr King HGalert. Supporters include FOE,GMwatch,EF,Greenpeace,people not planet various "paper" international unions,ethical universalists of various religions & many others

At moment IWW members have been campaigning independently on all these issues, we are open to more members with knowledge on these issues who believe in a truelly free democratic society& union open to all who believe in it.We also have many cooperative, temporary & voluntary-unemployed workers

Green Syndicalist