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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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GM - Back on the agenda?

23-08-2006 18:32

A chemical company has asked for permission to grow the first trial crop of genetically modified (GM) potatoes in the UK.

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20-08-2006 09:15

trying to create a moral outrage by suggesting that people will die if you don't do what we tell you - AND NOW - the war on AIDS!

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Expediting the Resurrection

06-08-2006 11:17

A GM leap forward in Europe.

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Say no to GMO!

04-08-2006 09:37

please participate by voting for the local opion in the have your say are on the left of the page.

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Protesters call for local companies to cut ties with Animal Lab

02-08-2006 12:30

Protesters call for Local Companies to cut ties with recently exposed, Huntingdon Life Sciences

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UK Government GM consultation slammed

20-07-2006 11:13

The UK government is attempting to introduce GM crops by the back door, by putting in place plans for "coexistence".

The real answer is to prevent GM crops from being planted at all.

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Renewed call for nanotech moratorium

17-07-2006 11:55

A coalition of environmental, development and animal rights organisations has condemned the UK government for putting the economic well being of the nanotech industry above public and environment saftey by failing to introduce nanotech regulation. They also renewed calls for a moratorium on the commercial and environmental release of engineered nanoparticles.

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B&K Universal Client List

15-07-2006 09:57

Below is the client list for the rodent department at vivisection breeders B&K Universal Ltd. Please contact these institutions (politely):

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Outlawing Genetic Engineering via Grassroots Education Campaigning

14-07-2006 05:48

Genetic Engineering is a nightmare technology that has already caused a number of deadly, crippling and injurious DISEASE EPIDEMICS -- documented but unpublicised. We must OUTLAW GMOs via grassroots education/political activation campaigning. A detailed Action Plan will be found in this article.

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Repression against Italian eco-anarchists and the paper 'Terra Selvaggia'

13-07-2006 14:09


About the arrests in Pietrasanta and Pisa (Italy)

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Sat: Meat Leafleting & Demo - Leeds

11-07-2006 12:43

Following the breakout of E.Coli in Leeds, closing 18 butchers, it is the perfect oppertunity to educate the public about the hazards of eating meat, both to them and the animals.

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Biohazard demo report from Ledbury

09-07-2006 00:21

Over 30 activists, many in white boiler suits and dust masks carrying biohazard banners, posters and placards, silently marched into the town of Ledbury just after midday Saturday leaving from the railway station to highlight the hazardous chemicals that are stored at the animal testing lab Sequani limited which is just on the outskirts of the town on the Bromyard road.

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07-07-2006 23:59

The Daily Mail reports that the victims of the 'Elephant Man' drug trials have
been left in even more misery after the company that made the drug went bust.
However, the article omits to mention that this drug - TGN1412 - with its
disastrous and "unexpected biological effect" was genetically engineered.

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EU environment ministers urged to introduce tougher food safety rules

26-06-2006 14:52

The European Food Safety Authority is pro-business and works against the interests of the individual. There is still no mandatory safety testing for new GM crops or GM foods.

FoE is urging EU environment ministers to ensure tougher safety standards for proposed GM crops or GM foods.

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Sequani 'Biohazard' Demo - Ledbury - 08.07.06

23-06-2006 00:49

BIOHAZARD - Definition:
"Infectious agents that present a risk or potential risk to the health
of humans or other animals, either directly through infection or
indirectly through damage to the environment."

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What is it? That's what we'd like to know!!!

22-06-2006 10:50

See the strange thing!!!

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Bilateral Free Trade and Investment Agreements and the US C B A

07-06-2006 23:09

Corporate Biotech Agenda
This Special Release on “Bilateral Free Trade and Investment Agreements and the US Corporate Biotech Agenda” is researched and written by Aziz Choudry, a New Zealand activist who has been following the negotiations of bilateral free trade and investment agreements between the US and the countries in the South.

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Police Ban Demo's Within A Mile of B&K

07-06-2006 16:00

Yet more desperation!

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Resistance to Nanotechnology in France

30-05-2006 12:56

Report of the first days of a week of actions against the inauguration of minatec, the world's largest centre for nanotecnology, this week in grenoble.

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waking up to breakfast in amsterdam, dying for soya in south america...

20-05-2006 17:35

last week I had breakfast with two lovely activists in a squat in amsterdam. we had no soya milk, but strangely enough, soy was in almost everything else on the table except for the coffee (curdling? yick). but where does this soya come from, and why are kids dying for it to reach our tables? this interview begins to tell the story....