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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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Seeds of Destruction: GM Food for Fuel

10-12-2007 18:33

Genetically modified seeds to grow biofuel crops threaten the food supply.

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Channel Tunnel / Eurostar fears as deadly virus container gets go ahead!

10-12-2007 02:21

Fears over the opening of the Channel Tunnel / Eurostar became reality this week. The Channel Tunnel links the UK to mainland Europe and could carry deaqdly disease actoss the world, thanks to the go ahead for a deadly vurus containement facility. The facility is going to be the world'd largest, highest level virus lab.The tunnel will also bring tourists wishing to view thr 2012 Olympic Games.

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Property prices set to plummet as Gordon Brown backs deadly virus lab

10-12-2007 01:26

London property prices are predicted to plummet as Gordon Brown gives backing to deadly virus containment facility. Residents of Camden, Islington and Westminster are likely to see the value of their property decrease by millions as the threat of deadly viruses becomes reality...thanks to the MRC/ Wellcome #Trust /Cancere Research successful bid for land at St Pancras.

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Gordon Brown Backs World Class Deadly Medical Facility

10-12-2007 00:32

Gordon Brown Prime Minister backs horror facility despite widespread condemnation throught UK.

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Sequani National March & Rally - 15th Dec

08-12-2007 17:22

With all the news about SHAC, many have forgotten that 12 local anti-Sequani campaigners are currently facing charges under the new SOCA law which specifically targets anti-vivisection campaigners.

Let’s show Solidarity with fellow campaigners under attack!

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Operation "clean up Camden and Islington" of drug dealers/ hippies/homeless".

07-12-2007 17:21

Police have mounted a camapign to "clean up " Camden and Islington after the opening of St Pancras Eurostar link. The link coincides with "regeneartion" of the area which is goinf[g to be tuned into a shiny new [YUK!] "business district"....This The area is also earmarked to become an "International Science Site".

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Is clubbing in Camden Town finished as we know and love it? 28 Days On....

06-12-2007 01:48

Is clubbing in Camden Town finished as we know and love it? Is the future of Camden hanging in the balnce as the World's largest ever, highest level virus containment facility threatens to bring a 28 Days Later style apocalypse to Camden Town?

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The Future of Camden Enterntainment Industry Threat by Virus Containment Lab

06-12-2007 01:33

After it wa sreported on tonights ITN news, Camden Town's nightclubs, bars and pubs, galleries and restaurants etc were tonight outraged by news that the go ahead was today given for the world's largest ever, highest level virus containment facility to be built in Camden which could see many businesses close - there are fears that people will avoid Camden Town, Kings Cross, Euston and the Angel area of London.

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Fight Against Virus facility in Camden is back on!

30-11-2007 12:36

Despite the planning chief fro Camden, Mike"ruling out" plans for the world's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility on a Camden council estate- the fight is back on!

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Polonium Poisoning - news, one year later

26-11-2007 11:56

FACTS as odd as. . . . polonium poisoning - comments re latest "year on" news, what it shows about the situation, postcoldwar, in russia, the world, etc

(with echoes of that old "dystopia" play "a")

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Northern HLS Collaborators - All Listed Here!

13-11-2007 19:19

Every single person has a part to play in closing down Huntingdon Life Sciences. Going on a march or two isn't going to stop the animal abuse. Listed below are the Northern companies dealing with HLS. Politelty contact them and demonstrate outside your local sites.

Form a local SHAC division and help bring attention to HLS in your area.

Hand out leaflets in the high street on a saturday afternoon and make everybody aware of Huntingdon and that companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, whomake products they may buy including Lucozade and Ribena, are involved in killing animals every single day inside HLS. As HLS's biggest client, GSK fund an experiment inside the lab 365 days a year - it only makes you wonder how many animals die for this sick company.

During weekdays and Saturday mornings hold demo's outside companies in your area propping up HLS and increase awareness about the 500 animals who die every day.

As Roche, an ex-HLS client and one of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the world, said - It's not a question of if Huntingdon close down, but when. Make it happen - for Greg, Natasha and Heather and for the animals dying inside the labs.

SHAC Yorkshire

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Pics From HLS Nationwide Demo

11-11-2007 00:45

Over 700 people march against Huntingdon Life Sciences to show that we are never going to go away until they shut down

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Camde planning chief councillor Mike Greene "rules out Camden danger lab".

09-11-2007 04:53

Planning chief Mike Greene, for the first time ruled out the MRC?NIMR bid for Brill Place in Camden after angry locals and animal rights activists "pinned councillors to the wall" in Camden Town Hall.

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NIMR / MRC in bid to knock down council estates to make way for vast site.

08-11-2007 04:25

The NIMR / MRC /Wellcome Trust / Cancer Research intend to have Regents Park Estate and Somers Town estates - both council estates to be partially demolished to make way for a vast international science site.

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Activist killed on GM action

04-11-2007 23:12

Call for day of action on 8th November in solidarity with Brazilian GM activists after shootings on anti-GM land squat in Brazil

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demonstaration against Camden Danger Lab

02-11-2007 23:45

A mixture of groups have organised ademo at Camden Town Hall against a "danger lab" to be built in Camden!!
5th November Camden Town Hall Judd St London WC1

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Protest at Camden Town Hall re : Danger Lab [To be built] 5th November 6.30

01-11-2007 06:52

Protest against "The world's largest virus containment facility /animal testing lab"to be built in Camden - on Somers Town Council Estate.
The protest is Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, Camden, London WC1.
Monday November 5th 6.30pm
MI5 leaked the news to the Evening Standard newspaper amid security concerns when the NIMR / MRC bid for the land and also when they bought land on Hampstead Road where work has already started......

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Protest against "world's largest ever animal testing lab & virus containment lab

01-11-2007 06:34

The protest is against the sale of govt land to the NIMR / MRC - in order to build the world's largest ever animal testing lab & virus containment facility. The site is at Brill Place, Camden - London, on a council house estate & very close to Kings Cross / Channel Tunnel link. MI5 leaked the news amid security concerns.
Protest at Camden Town Hall - Judd Street - {off of Euston Road}. Camden London WC1 - 5th November 6.30pm

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Whipround for fined Cambridge GM campaigner

22-10-2007 08:01

Friends of an anti-GM crops campaigner who scaled a fence to get at the last crop in Britain are organising a whip-round to help him out after he was asked to pay a hefty fine imposed by local courts.

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Activists crash biofuel party 1 [morning]

19-10-2007 01:48

This week Europe’s largest Biofuels event took place in Nottinghamshire amid growing concerns about severe impacts on climate, biodiversity and food production.