UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
GM Victory! Hull down! One more pota't'go! - Sunday July 1st - minibus from Manc
26-06-2007 10:39
Following extensive local and national resistance, BASF (the company trialing the GM potatoes), announced last month that they would not be conducting a GM potato trial in Yorkshire this year!Just to let you know that on Sunday 1st July subsidised transport will be going to Cambridge from Manchestser for the GM-Free Potato Picnic, a protest against GM potato trials in Girton village. For information on the minibus call 07982 033522.
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Miffed by Miffy
22-06-2007 14:34

Gathering anticivilisation 07, second call
19-06-2007 21:58
We´ve found a great place for the gathering. It is very near to Barcelona, less than 30 km and it’s easy to go with public transportation. There is plenty space for camping, workshops and debates.GM Victory! Hull down! One more pota't'go!
15-06-2007 14:39
Following extensive local and national resistance, BASF (the company trialing the GM potatoes), announced last month that they would not be conducting a GM potato trial in Yorkshire this year!World’s Largest Biometric Database Gets Green Light
09-06-2007 09:40
The European Parliament has backed proposals to set up a European Visa Information System (VIS) and create the world’s largest biometric database, holding 70 million sets of fingerprints.Ethical ranking of top pharma companies slammed for ignoring animal testing
31-05-2007 19:37
The Dr Hadwen Trust criticises the latest 'ethical' ranking for pharma companies, for ignoring animal experiments.Biofuels protest in Aberdeen
28-05-2007 16:41
Aberdeen Campaign Against Climate Change held a protest inside the auditorium of the All Energy conference in Aberdeen on Wednesday 23rd May. They unfurled anti-biofuels banners and interrupted a speech by US Ambassador to the UK, Robert Tuttle, in which he was praising the efforts of the US to fight climate change and was claiming that biofuels are part of the solution.Report: When drugs become weapons
24-05-2007 15:48
More news about the increasing research into the deployment of 'less-than-lethal' weapons, in this case the use of incapacitating drugs. We've always known about the bizarre situation where the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield is illegal, but its OK to use them on your own population.The move towards 'less-than-lethal' weapons includes all sorts of machines, chemicals and biological agents that could make you lose muscular control, vomit (set phasers to 'puke' as opposed to 'stun'), shit your pants, suffer palpitations, restrict your breathing, fraggle your brain and generally fuck you up without (theoretically) killing you.
Ventria's pharma rice threatens food supply
17-05-2007 21:57
USDA Approval of Drug-Producing Rice in Kansas Poses Threat to Food Safety,Say Food Safety & Farming Groups
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Documents expose Police corruption in Oxford
16-05-2007 11:12
Documents that have been disclosed at the trial of the SPEAK 16 have highlighted a sinister relationship that exists between law enforcement officers in Oxford and Oxford UniversityFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Video - You Plant, We Dig
07-05-2007 10:32

8 mins, 19mb, H264 encoded
Government watchdog launches official investigation into SOAS CEO
02-05-2007 02:00

Please say no to more biofuels at the expense of rainforests and food security
28-04-2007 19:18
The Government are consulting on the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO) - which sets targets for the use of biofuels. An increasing share of biofuels comes from the global South and is grown at the expense of rainforests, local communities and food sovereignty. Far from reducing emissions, the RTFO will accelerate climate change by triggering more deforestation. Please go to
Grandma faces eviction for using medical cannabis
28-04-2007 15:41
A campaign to support Pat Tabram (the 'Grandma who Eats Cannabis') is being launched to prevent her cruel and vindictive eviction from her home because she publicly refuses to stop self medicating with natural organic cannabis, and won't keep her mouth shut.Hull, rally and protest against GM trials, 21st April 2007
25-04-2007 09:20

MPs call for Government investigation into SOAS Head
25-04-2007 00:21

Statement from and campaigners against Hull’s GM potato trials
24-04-2007 23:58
On Saturday, over 250 people from around the country attended a rally in Hull in a powerful and vibrant display of resistance to the reintroduction of GM crops to the UK.Mutatoes Rally - GM Spuds-U-Hate
22-04-2007 22:35

Protestors plant GM trial site with organic potatoes. (press release)
22-04-2007 18:09
People from all over the country are currently planting organic potatoes in the field proposed as a GM potato trial site outside Hull. It is hoped that the donation of safe spuds will prevent the planting of the controversial crop, which threatens the livelihoods of local borage growers and organic farmers.Anna Lock explained;
“If you want to eat good safe potatoes, you have to plant good safe potatoes. By planting organic potatoes in this field today, the field will be rendered unsuitable for the GM trial. Scientific experiments need controllable variables, tiny organic seed potatoes hidden deep in the ground are a variable controlled only by nature. These seed potatoes will grow and BASF’s experiment will no longer be possible on this site.”