UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Photos from Bio-Diesel Expo banner demo
18-10-2007 21:53
Campaigner in Court After Final GM Crop Trashing
16-10-2007 21:38
Campaigner Martin Shaw, 43, will be in Cambridge Magistrate's Court at 10 a.m. wednesday morning facing charges of criminal damage. He was arrested while trying to destroy a GM test crop.This was the only crop of GM potatoes being grown in the UK by chemicals giant BASF. The crop was destroyed subsequently, by persons unknown at night-time.
Biofuelwatch talk at the Sumac Centre, Nottingham
27-09-2007 13:59
Animal Rights Campaigners to Sue Humberside Police
25-09-2007 20:02
FROM TODAY'S HULL DAILY MAILMovimento Verde Eufémia mows first GM Field in South Portugal
26-08-2007 16:23
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New Earth First! Action Update OUT NOW!
09-08-2007 16:28
The printed EF! Action Update is back again! After a bit of a lull a new editorial collective is in place and ready to roll. We have just produced a summer edition in time for the Camp for Climate Action, where you can pick up printed copies.Foot in Mouth : Porton Down - as biosecure as Pirbright
09-08-2007 10:26
News-Medical.Net reports that the two Pirbright labs have the same level of security as the germ warfare defence establishment at Porton Down on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire.Brazil, Paraná: Syngenta's GMO alert!
01-08-2007 12:36
The farm is located in the band of ecological protection of the National Park of Iguaçu. "In case that it begins again to be used as field of tests toward research with GMOS, it will demonstrate that the Swiss company really wants to make, at Paraná, what it would never make in the Swiss city of Basel, headquarters of the company" affirmed Silveira.GM killed my planet.... rampART tonight
26-07-2007 10:51
Tonight at the rampART social center in East London, the free weekly cinema presents films from the collective Serindipia from Spain and also the documentary 'Who Killed The Electric Car.Films start 8pm
15-17 rampart street, E1 2LA
Teddy bears Picnic
17-07-2007 17:36
Anticivilization gathering 2007
16-07-2007 18:29
First draft of Programme for the 07 Anticivilization gatheringGM Crop Trashing in Local Press
09-07-2007 18:05
The local paper in Cambridge has run an article on the crop trashing which happened just outside the city over the weekend.Protesters decontaminate the UK's last remaining GM potato trial.
07-07-2007 11:21
During the night of Friday 6th July, a group of activists converged on Britain's last remaining GM trial site just outside Cambridge. They scaled the security fences and destroyed the crop of genetically modified potatoes.More pics from the picnic
04-07-2007 21:20
GM protester court news
03-07-2007 18:15
Two protesters were in court this morning having been arrested on Sunday during protests at the site of the UK's only GM trial - potatoes.Agrofuels - time for a reality check
03-07-2007 14:36
The rush for ‘biofuels’ is already causing serious damage. Far from being sustainable, the spread of what are more accurately called ‘agrofuels’ – liquid fuels produced from biomass grown in large-scale monocultures – is compromising biodiversity and fuelling human rights violations. The argument that these ‘biofuels’ will mitigate climate change is unproven – indeed, the destruction of rainforests, peatlands and other ecosystems to make way for agrofuel plantations will accelerate global warming.GM Potato Protesters in Court in Cambridge
02-07-2007 10:07
Two people were arrested yesterday at the GM Potato Protest in between Histon and Girton. They will be appearing at Cambridge Magistrates Court, which is now at 43 Hauxton Road, Trumpington, at 9:30 tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd July) morning.Cambridge GM potato field picnic
02-07-2007 00:26
Arrested! anti-GM protest pics
01-07-2007 22:32