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Biofuelwatch talk at the Sumac Centre, Nottingham

tash | 27.09.2007 13:59 | Bio-technology | Climate Chaos | Ecology

The Biofuelwatch talk at the Sumac Centre served as an introduction to the issues surrounding biofuels. There followed a discussion of possible protest options for the Biofuels Media Ltd conference.

BiofuelsWatch Talk - 53mins MP3 [64kbps] - mp3 24M

Biofuelwatch talk at the Sumac Centre, Nottingham

Wednesday 26th September, 8pm

The Biofuelwatch talk at the Sumac Centre served as an introduction to the issues surrounding biofuels. There followed a discussion of possible protest options for the Biofuels Media Ltd conference.

Biofuels Media Ltd are holding a corporate biofuels conference in Newark on 17/18th October 2007.

Their event is designed to promote and market the use of unsustainable biofuels, which are already causing huge amounts of destruction to some of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems as well as displacement of many endangered species and vulnerable communities.

Massive Asian forest fires linked to plantations developed for biofuels contribute to carbon releases from Indonesian peat destruction, accounting for up to 15% of all fossil fuel emissions worldwide. Tropical deforestation including clearance for biofuel production accounts for an additional 10-30% of global carbon emissions.

Far from being "the answer to climate change", biofuels are already causing catastrophic environmental devastation, and actually contribute to climate change rather than mitigating it.

But when looking at the programme for the conference, you will find such things as:

* How is consumer pull created?
* What are the barriers to consumer acceptance of biofuels?
* How will the car companies promote biofuels?
* The UK tax free allowances for homebrew biofuels and its potential impact
* The power of Carbon Offsetting


No mention of the environment or reducing reliance on unsustainable methods of transport - it's all about capitalising on a new market, carrying on with business-as-usual, and profiting while the planet burns.

More info from Biofuelwatch -


Biofuels Media Ltd

Biofuels Media Ltd Conference : Bringing the Biofuel Markets together

Biofuels Media Ltd : Press Releases

- e-mail:


Display the following 2 comments

  1. Very good talk — Worried
  2. Protest Bio-Fuels Conference — Pat