UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
Free cafe at Bilston Glen Protest Site
05-03-2004 14:48
Cafe with free food and tea all afternoon. Hopefully some musicians playing in the evening.Five Year Freeze renews its commitment to a moratorium on GM
04-03-2004 17:50
The Five Year Freeze today renewed its commitment to amoratorium on the commercial growing of GM crops in the UK.
GM MAIZE COMMERCIALISED: Decision revealed today
04-03-2004 15:21
It was leaked to Greenpeace today that GM Maize is to be commercialised.Photos from Exeter GM Animal feed Sainsburys action
02-03-2004 17:39

Cows Dance on Sainsbury's Roof to launch National actions against GM animal feed
02-03-2004 11:49
Anti GM animal feed actions at 7 sainsbury's supermarketsGet Down Bayer!
01-03-2004 20:21
This is from the Independent yesterday (29th feb).All I can say is...Get down Bayer. You started the war but we'll finish it!
Callout to International Mobilization Against the FTAA/bFTA's for April 17
01-03-2004 18:47
This is a callout from the anti-FTAA campaign based in Quito, Ecuador. Recognising that bilateral free trade agreements with the United States have replaced the FTAA as the new and immediate threat for the Andean and Central American nations, we call out for an international network of solidarity to fight neoliberalist politics and mobilize on April 17 international day of peasant strugglesDancing Cows in Devon
29-02-2004 14:48
Panto cows pay a pleasant visit to Exeter SainsburyCROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE disrupted with a phonecall
26-02-2004 14:21
a conference hosting talks by Bayer employees was disrupted on tuesdayStop Vivisection - New Campaign against Oxford University
26-02-2004 09:46
NEW FRONT TO OPEN UP IN THE FIGHT AGAINST VIVISECTION!After our success against Cambridge University in stopping the proposed
plans for Europe's largest primate centre, the SPEAC (Stop Primate
Experiments at Cambridge) campaign has decided to open up a new front
in the
fight against vivisection.
"We are not in a position to commercialize GM crops"
23-02-2004 10:15
At a press conference at COP7 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kuala Lumpur, the environmental minster Elliot Morley, stated that the UK was not yet in a position to commercialize GM crops. In relation to leaked cabinet minutes in which cabinet members want to tie world hunger arguments into the discussion of approving herbicide resistant GM maize in the UK, he assured that it was not for the UK government to advocate the use of GM technology internationally.
*Call for Solidarity from GE FREE VERMONT CAMPAIGN!*
22-02-2004 18:28
We write from the little green mountain state of Vermont (pop. 600,000) in the northeastern USA, and we greet you in the spirit of our state motto: "Freedom and Unity."We write to you to share our story, and to ask you to join us at 10 AM EST on Thursday, February 26th 2004, with seeds of solidarity for a GE Free future.
Here in Vermont, we are very strong. On Thursday, there is a likelihood that our STATE SENATE WILL PASS THE FIRST BILL in the USA TO PROHIBIT THE PLANTING OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED SEEDS, INCLUDING THOSE ALREADY ON THE MARKET. We are gearing up for a big moment, and this moment will be only the beginning of our struggle.
Human Genetics bulletin
20-02-2004 17:10

Since 1999, we have been committed to informing people about human genetics issues, and to putting forward clear policies that serve the public interest.
20-02-2004 16:29
Over 50 Greenpeace volunteers dressed as panto cows invaded Sainsburys in Greenwich today to highlight the use of GM in animal feed by Sainsbury's - and therefore the Scary in the dairy.GM CROPS GIVEN GO AHEAD
19-02-2004 11:46
The government is to go ahead with genetically modified crops despite what it acknowledges is considerable public resistance, cabinet committee papers passed to the Guardian reveal.Sainsbury's action in Lancaster (GM) [big picture files]
16-02-2004 21:26

Last Saturday saw a dozen Lancastrians target the local Sainsbury's because of
their involvement in pushing GM food on an unwilling public.
Scotland and Wales veto UK Gov GM go-ahead
13-02-2004 18:47
Scotland and Wales veto GM go-ahead12/02/2004

A look at the Bayer injunction
12-02-2004 16:56
Take a look at the terms of the interim court order given to Bayer (if you dare)...(Bio) Diversity vs. (Bio) Technology!
12-02-2004 09:31

Bayer Feb 11th high court ruling
11-02-2004 16:52
Today, Bayer AG tried to make permanent a court order against six named individuals and five 'organisations' connected to campaigns against the company.The high court judge (who has a history of granting injunctions, for example responsible for a recent injunction preventing a tabloid news paper publish some poxy royal dirt story), will give his ruling on Friday 13th.
The interim injuntion, which was granted late last December, will remain effective until the ruling is given on friday.
The injuntion effectively makes previously lawful activities into criminal offences and it seems quite clear that the judge will rule in favor of bayer...