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Call out to Brendan / London Animal Rights and Bedford Animal Rights.

Anti Vivisection Activist | 18.02.2010 18:48 | SOCPA | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Repression | South Coast | World

In October 2009 plans were unvelied by the government, Glaxo Smith Kline, Wellcome Trust and Stevenage council for a new Stevenage Bio Sciences Park. This will of course contain new animal testing labs. The plans wee unvieled in October and have been met with SILENCE. Is there a campaign other then struggling local activists who do not want the lab? Will there be a national group?

We want to know, DEMAND to know what is being done about this, if anything. If nothing is being done, why is this?

This can be stopped...if anyone can be bothered. Is anyone bothered?

Anti Vivisection Activist
