UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive
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Stop The Camden Danger Lab Facebook Group - Join for ACTION!!
04-01-2009 14:42
There are plans to build the World's largest ever high level virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden. The lab consortium backing this have been criticised at goivt level, by MI5, by MPs, by councillors, local businesses, resdients and the ALF. It does not yet have planning permission. When this is applied for we will be taking ACTION!!!! Join Facebook Group to take part!.Contact Embassies 07941552542
03-01-2009 16:53
There are plans to build a vast animal testing lab and virus containment facility on a Camden council house estate alongside St Pancras Eurostar behind the British Library. Please oppose planning permission by writing to Camden council. Please also ask all European Embassies to oppose planning permission. Will AR Josie Dread please also contact Mandy on 07941552542.SHAC Case’s Impact on the Environmental Movement
01-01-2009 00:35
The seemingly unrelated animal rights case’s impact on eco activists!URGENT -- Influence the Decision on Nepal's MonkeyBusiness!!!
29-12-2008 21:43
21 days ago the new Directors of the Nepalese Tourism Board took up their positions, you can read about them in the original article here:
They've had 21 days to settle in to their new jobs, NOW let's make sure the monkeys are right at the top of their agendas!
SHAC Newsletter 50 - Out Now!
29-12-2008 18:36

Gun and Quarantine Fears over Camden "Super Virus Lab" - Army letters
27-12-2008 01:16
There are plans to build a "Super Virus Lab" in Camden. This has been opposed by locals, councillors, MPs, MI5 etc on safety grounds. In the event of virus leak, as happened at government facility Pirbright there is the very real chance that the soldiers at Regents Park Barracks would have to either evacuate or quarntine the area. Please write to them and ask them to oppose planning permission.Full article | 1 addition | 52 comments
SHAC campaign against HLS continues despite the convictions says the Guardian
24-12-2008 10:25
Today's Guardian reveals that the campaign against HLS continues regardless of the trial & convictions of Heather, Dan & Dan, Gavin, Gregg and Natatsha and Gerrah. There are fears that if people can get a 14 yr sentence for daubing cars and sending sanitary towels in the post there are people who will "do something worth getting 14 yrs for", especially if people such as Heather recieve as such.Gun fears over Camden "Super Virus Lab"
19-12-2008 21:52
The Camden Gazette reported this week that a sniper from a council estate in Camden shot out the windows of an office block belonging to the Guardian newspaper, leaving massive holes in the windows. This week a police machine gun was accidentally sent to a granny. Armed police were found guilty of shooting innocent Brazilizn Jean Charles De Menezes. All this bodes badly for proposed Camden "Super Virus Lab".It's Decision Time For Nepal's Monkeys!
17-12-2008 17:57
The new 'Wildlife Act' has been published although details of the actual breeding laws remain unpublished at this stage. There is currently a lot of speculation in the Nepalese media but NO hard facts.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Earth First! Winter Moot - latest details & venue - Brighton, February 6-7-8th 2
15-12-2008 17:03
The Earth First! Winter moot is an opportunity for people who feel affiliation with the ideas behind Earth First! to network, discuss and reflect on the ecological direct action movement and to plan for the future. In contrast with the yearly EF! Summer Gathering, which is held outside for around five days, the winter moot is a shorter weekend meeting, inside, less aimed at skill sharing and more at looking where we are at as movement and where we want to be going. A session is also reserved for discussing a UK mobilisation for the UN climate conference in Copenhagen late 2009.Protest against ID card registration in Cardiff
15-12-2008 00:40
More info including lots of photos and video here:
Virus lab leaks - support prisoners
13-12-2008 18:38
There are plans to build the "World's largest ever virus containment facility and animal testing lab" alongside St Pancras Eurostar on a Camden council house estate behind the British Library. Councillors and MPs have blasted the plans. In the event of virus leak what would happen to prisoners in the two nearby prisons Holloway and Pentonville? The lab will contain deadly pathogens like anthrax.Camden Councillor speaks out against deadly Camden Bio Lab
12-12-2008 21:34
Camden Councillor Roger robinson has written a heartfelt letter on behalf of the people in his ward in Somers Town, Camden London who will be affected by plans to build the World's largest ever virus containment facility and animal testing lab which could contain anthrax and Bird Flu on a Camden Council house estate. Local residents and businesses are opposed the plans.Another Science is Possible?
12-12-2008 18:07
This article gives an update on preparations for the widely anticipated "Social Forum Science and Democracy", and raises questions for social movements to discuss. For example, the circulation and discussion of this important movement question: "Is elite control of science and technology a strategic bolt in the global machinery of Empire that we need to unscrew?"Pandemic & Safety fears for superlab and a word about Bird Flu
09-12-2008 20:53
We are London residents fighting against the proposed "Superlab" and a second lab planned for Camden. Both will test on animals. The superlab will allegedly be a level 3 lab meaning that it will hold deadly diseases such as Bird Flu. Any virus leak would be catastrophic for London, the UK and Europe as the lab will be alongside St Pancras Eurostar. There has been a mutated flu pandemic before....Christian Bigots Defeated in Court
09-12-2008 19:17
Reactionary Christian bigots have lost their High Court challenge to scientists being allowed to create human-animal embryos for research purposes.British Library "Taking Liberties" exhibition embarassment & "Superlab" demo
08-12-2008 18:41
As seen on ITNThe British Library are currently holding an exhibition called "Taking Liberties, The Struggle For Britian's Freedom's and Rights" stating that "In some countries you wouldn't have the right to visit an exhibition about your rights". During a peaceful demo held by pensioners from the Somers Town estate against the proposed "superlab" these elderly people were "attacked by thugs".Safety Fears for Superlab - Camden New Journal / Freedom of Information Act
06-12-2008 21:28
In the Camden New Journal article shows that safety concerns at the highest ranks of the Town Hall have been revealed by Freedom of Information Act writes Paul Keilthy. Ben Rawlings wrote to senior figures regarding security concerns including animal rights protesters and contamination or any incident in Kings Cross council based services....Genetically Modified Animals
05-12-2008 01:12
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just moved a step closer to allowing companies to create genetically engineered animals. The FDA is proposing to allow the creation of animals that will be used to produce medicine, organs for transplant, meat or genetically engineered pets; and experiment subjects.We are holding our 1st {informal} meeting in 28 Days time in Camden
01-12-2008 20:54
London Against Camden Danger Lab will be holding our first {informal} meeting in 28 Days time on the 28th December @ 6.30 pm at Inspiral Lounge 250 Camden High Street, Camden NW18QS.We are campaigning against the plans to build TWO virus containment facilities & animal testing labs in Camden...on the Somers Town council estate in Camden and on the Hampstead Road next to the Regents Park council estate in Camden. MI5 are against the lab plans.....