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indymedia holland | 23.08.2005 16:27 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Health | World

Again testfields have been destroyed in the Netherlands. At least 3 out of 8 testfields didn't survive the weekend of the 23-24th July.

Also this year there have been actions in the Netherlands against testfields with modified crops. We've got the message that during the weekend of the 23-24th July three fields were taken care of. Again it concerns the modified apple trees from Plant Research International in Wageningen (destroyed before by activist and hare), and two modified potatoe fields from AVEBE in the north of the country, among them the one in Valtherblokken. The attempts from the government to keep the locations secret (against all rules), clearly didn't work out. Because of many actions before in both Belgium and the UK, no testfields were released. That can also happen here! Actions will continue!


indymedia holland