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GM Crop Trashed In Wivenhoe

Bodie | 01.08.2002 12:14 | Bio-technology

12 local campaigners have last night decontaminated a field of GM maize in wivenhoe. Arond 12:30 last night the group started a night of direct action which resulted in a large proportion of the farm scale trial destroyed and the governments GM policy in taters

Some of the group stayed in the field for as long as 5 hours during the night as they trampled the mutant crop. This is the final year of GM trials in this country that will pave the way for large scale commercial growing that will put the food chain completely in the hands of the multinational corparations.

After the group left the field 2 of them then went to colchester police station where they handed the police several of the plants that had been torn up overnight as evidence of criminal damage caused by the bayer corparation to the local enviroment. Instead of doing their job and investigating the crime they immediately arrested the 2 local heros for criminal damage to the GM crop.

The GM crop was being grown in wivenhoe for the third time dispite angry protests from local residents and a large majority of the town very unhappy about cross polination and the damage to the local enviroment. Despite all evidence to suggest there is a risk to the enviroment the government and their big business backers seem determined to push ahead with the commercial planting of GM crops, putting all agriculture and farming at risk.

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Display the following 14 comments

  1. support the wivenhoe 2 — jjmoran
  2. fantastic! — maisy
  3. Where? North Essex - check out our website — North Essex Genetix Resistas
  4. den-den-tish!! — lenin
  5. Important Action — dh
  6. In support of... — Steve
  7. Hell no GMO — Dave
  8. Subjective personal rant — Tom Zych
  9. yes, but it is politically literate! — teacher
  10. Policy in taters? — S Robert
  11. Which multinationals? — Essexy GM Re-Sista
  12. GM Crops are GOOD! — Mike
  13. errors — mike
  14. Yes, errors! Have some more info... — Essex GM Resista