Monsanto in court in France
no-gm | 20.09.2006 13:21 | Bio-technology | Ecology
Monsanto is in court again. This time in France for having illegally imported soya seed contaminated with GM varieties.
Today, 20 September 2006, Monsanto is on trial in Carcassonne, France, for
having allegedly illegally imported, in 1999, 100 tonnes of soya seed
contaminated with GM varieties. 50 tonnes were sold to 23 farmers by local
agriculture suppliers. 50 tonnes were sent back to the USA.
Groups including Confederation Paysanne, Volunteer Reapers (Faucheurs
Volontaires), Greenpeace, Greens, etc will be meeting outside the courtroom
and there will be activities throughout the day including a march, debates,
music and food. The program for the day can be seen here:

The flier can be found here:

Monsanto has a production plant at Trebes, near to Carcassonne, which has been
the target of a number of occupations and citizens' "seed inspections".