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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Bath Bomb Issue 3 released!

05-10-2007 14:39

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The third monthly issue of Bath's radicalest tabloid up for your perusals

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Midlands: health boss to get pay increase while workers face pay cut

04-10-2007 23:15

Hospital workers in Leicestershire were shocked and outraged by the news that interim Chief Executive for the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Derek Smith, will be paid £100,000 for three months work. Meanwhile, Wolverhampton healthworkers face a pay cut.

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Postal workers begin two 48-hour strikes

04-10-2007 23:09

Royal Mail workers have started the first of two 48-hour walkouts over pay and conditions since the suspension of strike action for talks in August.

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Post union calls strike over paltry wage offer at Royal Mail

04-10-2007 14:35

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has announced further strike action by 130,000 postal workers to pressure Royal Mail to increase its paltry wage offer. But behind the scenes the union is working to sell the company’s Business Plan and the “total flexibility” it demands to its members.

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The man from Del Monte, he says 'die'

04-10-2007 11:11

People are still dying in the 'Banana Republics' for the fruit served in Tescos, Sainsbury's and so on...

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The Grateful Slave by Paines Torch

04-10-2007 09:03

This posted article should be mandatory reading in all schools in the common wealth.
Beginning in pre-school.

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Young woman provides new leadership to African liberation struggle

04-10-2007 00:55

Ivory Muhammad, President of InPDUM
Ivory Muhammad, President of Uhuru black rights organization will speak at African People’s Solidarity Day events in Oakland; says police brutality, discriminatory prison rates, the Jena 6 show that African people in the U.S. are still not free

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Venezuela behind the smokescreen

03-10-2007 19:46

A critical review of the current political and social situation in Venezuela.

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Norfolk hospital workers could strike

02-10-2007 19:50

Dozens of cleaners, porters, and catering staff at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital are voting this week on whether to take strike action as a dispute over pay threatened to boil over.

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Mining Heritage of Durham builds Nov 3rd Bookfair

02-10-2007 14:34

The first ever Working Class Bookfair is building momentum, as it gets closer to Saturday November 3rd. The latest development involves the Market Tavern public house, in Durhams' Market Place, which was the founding place of the important Durham Miners Association in the 19th century.

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Agenda for Feminist Fightback conference, 20 October

01-10-2007 14:13

The second socialist feminist Feminist Fightback conference takes place at the University of East London on Saturday 20 October.

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Call to Action - NoBorders Camp Mexico-U.S. border

01-10-2007 08:49

Call to Action- No Borders Camp November 2007
Where: The wall of death dividing the cities of Mexicali and Calexico, Mexico-U.S. border.
When: November 5-11, 2007

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Public meeting on Che Guevara

30-09-2007 22:58

print the flyer
Film showing and discussion

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Raw News Raw Rap

30-09-2007 16:13

Read the raw news on the `Bread and Butter` issues that matter to activists.

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Mahalla strikers score victory

30-09-2007 15:03

Government negotiators and labor representatives resolved early on Saturday a week-old labor dispute that had paralyzed Egypt’s largest textile factory by largely agreeing to the workers’ demands, the strike committee said in a statement.

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Housmans Bookfair Weekender

28-09-2007 20:54

Details of pre bookfair and post bookfair events at Housmans during a long weekend of literature related anarchist activities. Including, the launch on Friday evening of an independent new magazine, "MAYDAY", which aims to help the movement forward towards new glories. Important and well known anarchist figures from the movements recent past, contribute articles and will be in attendance. Bring a bottle and celebrate champagne anarchism:)

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NUJ strike ballot in Coventry following unanimous vote

28-09-2007 18:40

The NUJ chapel at the Coventry Telegraph are balloting for strike action in a stand against inadequate editorial staffing levels.

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Free the Jena Six, Stop the War on African People

28-09-2007 02:03

This last week, thousands of people converged on the small town of Jena, Louisiana to show support for the six African teenagers who face felony charges following a series of attacks by a hostile white school and criminal justice system.

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Unions responsible for harsh conditions facing temporary agency workers

27-09-2007 18:09

Tony Woodley, leader of the Transport and General Workers Union (T&G), used a column in the Guardian this week to set out his union’s campaign over the plight of temporary agency workers.

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NI classroom assistants begin one-day strike

27-09-2007 15:55

Pickets are being held outside special schools and some other schools in Northern Ireland as a strike by classroom assistants gets under way.
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