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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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The Campaign Against Prison Slavery

28-02-2007 14:51

The Campaign Against Prison Slavery is a group set up to try to expose the reality of prison labour, how little of it teaches skills that can be used after release and which could help reduce the chances of re-offending.

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2nd Annual Dublin Anarchist Bookfair.

27-02-2007 17:06

This weekend sees the Second Annual Dublin Anarchist Bookfair...

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NHS Under Attack

26-02-2007 20:09

On the Keep Our NHS Public demo in Liverpool on Thursday, 22nd February, anarchists handed out a bulletin showing an anarchist perspective on the NHS attacks. The text is below, or you can print-up the prettier version with graphics and photos and stuff. Get the word out, and come to the founding meeting of the Merseyside Anarchist Group on Thursday 1st March, in the basement by News From Nowhere, from 7.30pm.

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GUINEA: the army requisitions all the workers!

26-02-2007 08:43

Friday evening, Kerfalla Camara, the chief of staff of the Guinean army, announced in a radio broadcast that he has ordered the end of the general strike and the resumption of work on Monday, by requisitioning all the workers in the administration, in commercial establishments and in private enterprises!

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Save the NHS! Organise for Resistance!

24-02-2007 22:32

Protesters gather outside the Royal
About 200 people marched from the Royal Liverpool Hospital in Prescot Street to the William Brown Street fountain on Thursday 22nd February, showing their anger at government plans for the National Health Service.

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Action Mesothelioma Day 2007...

24-02-2007 21:41

Tuesday 27th February is Action Mesothelioma Day.

The Forum of Asbestos Victims' Support Groups are working with other organisations and charities by marking the day with a series of public events throughout Britain.

To raise awareness of the the terminal cancer, a short film has been produced:

Mesothelioma- The Human Face of an Asbestos Epidemic...

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New service for budding volunteers

23-02-2007 22:56

Volunteering and gap years. A rip off, right? Why should we pay some filthy rich company to work for free on a project in a developing country? Can't we give them the money direct? Positive lobbying and active protesting!...

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DR Congo is not safe - stop the 'Charter Flight'

23-02-2007 09:29

Emergency protest - Monday 26 February 1.00 -3.00pm.
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
(nearest tubes: St James Park and Westminster)

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Guinea: the General Strike Continues!

23-02-2007 09:22

Guinea: the General Strike Continues!

The international media speaks about it as little as possible, but the Guinean masses and proletarians continue their fight against the bloody dictatorship supported and armed by French and other imperialisms. They have an urgent need for the solidarity of all the workers.

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socialist wanker caliinicos gets it wrong again

23-02-2007 02:19

callinicos posits that the UK has always supported the US since WW2

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New DVD by La Plataforma: Video-Chronicles 2006

22-02-2007 14:32

We include in this release the video-chronicles we have produced during the last year, trying to give voice in an audiovisual format to different moments of the anti-capitalist struggle.

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Feminist Fightback update: stop the war, abortion rights, Iraq and Iran

22-02-2007 12:20

An update on things happening in the coming period: feminist leafleting on Stop the War demo and banner-making at LARC; marching for abortion rights; supporting Iraqi and Iranian women.

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Is the bread you eat infected with diseased shit?

21-02-2007 22:31

If you're eating a slice of toast, put it down now. The title of this article is literal.

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19 Children & 23 adult DR Congolese to be deported by 'Charter Flight'

21-02-2007 10:24

Starting last Thursday, Home Office 'snatch squads' have detained a number of families and individuals from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who have been living in the UK for several years. We anticipate the numbers detained will increase during this week.

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No forced 'Charter Fllights' to DR Congo

20-02-2007 06:02

The UK Home Office is stepping up the use of 'Charter Flights' to remove those refused asylum from the UK

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Ruth Kelly - council houses are no longer for life

19-02-2007 21:26

New Labour stabs working class in back

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SHORT NOTICE: Activist from Oaxaca speaks in Oxford, 20/02/07

18-02-2007 18:59

Andreas Aullet, an activist from Mexico's Oaxaca uprising, will be speaking at Ruskin College in Oxford on Tuesday 20 February.

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The welfare reform debate - Event Info

18-02-2007 13:52

Information about welfare reform conference - anyone able to bring a non neoliberal perspective to this?

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Bolivia Nationalised Tin Smelter

17-02-2007 14:13

On Feb 9th 2007 the Bolivian government nationalised a tin smelter plant owned by the Swiss multinational company Glencore AG

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ASI: Urgent support needed for freedom struggle in Guinea-Conakry!

16-02-2007 22:09

Struggle in Guinea
The African Socialist International (ASI) calls on urgent support for the freedom struggle in Guinea-Conakry; raises the slogan, “Touch One! Touch All!”
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