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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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E-mail a Tory

29-06-2011 20:53

Cameron Lying
During the build-up to the 2010 general election, Conservative Party leader David Cameron campaigned on the promise that (according to his campaign adverts) "I'll cut the deficit, not the NHS". Having tricked British people into voting for him, Cameron is now pursuing policies that demand £20 billion in "savings" from the most important public service that our taxes pay for.

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Events in Greece "on a scale not seen since December 2008!"

29-06-2011 20:43

Our quote above but occupations and actions are happening all over Greece.
Rioting has spread all over central Athens, not contained around Syntagma any longer.
99 protesters hospitalised, 500! treated at Red Cross tents in Syntagma Square.
Legal school (Nomiki) open and providing assistance
Talk that Syntagma square is closed to entrance, rioting is around, and that meeting is happening in Monastiraki
Meanwhile the prime minister is out eating a a taverna...

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Greece: general strike 29.06.2011 - video

29-06-2011 19:20

Greece: general strike 29.06.2011 - video

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Greece: general strike 29.06.2011 - photos

29-06-2011 19:18

Greece: general strike 29.06.2011 - photos

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Building in Central Brighton Occupied in Solidarity with June 30 Strikes

29-06-2011 15:32

An abandoned shop front in Churchill Square, Brighton’s biggest shopping centre, has been occupied in solidarity with striking public sector workers.

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Second day of major uprising in Athens, Greece

29-06-2011 12:12

Injuries, arrests, parliament encircled by tens or hundreds of thousands

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Athens: Riot cop tries to defect in middle of riot!

28-06-2011 20:39

Translation of accounts from Greek indymedia

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Greece: general strike 28.06.2011 - video

28-06-2011 20:15

Greece: general strike 28.06.2011 - video

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Chinese Workers On The Brink Of Huge Revolt

28-06-2011 17:15

Striking workers rally outside the Guangzhou handbag factory
As the days pass, the evidence is mounting that Chinese workers are on the verge of a massive revolt, which has the potential to rock the globalised capitalist system at its foundation - the super-exploitation of labour in the 'sweatshop of the world'.

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J30 Black Bloc London website?

28-06-2011 12:10

After the large black bloc on the March 26th anti-cuts demo in London, it seems likely that a repeat BB would be out on the streets for any subsequent demo. A website / blog called Black Bloc London has appeared announcing a meet-up place for J30.

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#J30 Actions Across the UK

26-06-2011 21:35

Following is a list of actions sent out from for the June 20th strike. Note the publishing page now has a "J30 Strike" topic and there is an archive here http:/

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Benefit Claimants in Solidarity With The PCS: J30 Strike

26-06-2011 14:06

Benefit claimants, disabled people and supporters will be joining the PCS picket line at HMRC, Euston Tower from 8.30am*.

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The Revolution Reaches Europe: Tens of Thousands Protest in Greece and Spain

25-06-2011 09:49

The revolutionary movement that began in Tunisia at the end of last year has now sparked mass movements in Europe; principally, to date, in Greece and Spain. On the surface, these movements have little in common. In Tunisia and Egypt, the people came out in vast numbers to overthrow the hated dictators who, for decades, had strangled their economies and presided over police states, whereas in Greece and Spain, the protestors are not seeking the overthrow of dictators, and are not rebelling against a police state (although both countries can draw on their relatively recent experience of dictatorship).

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June 30 Strike Rally Wolverhampton

24-06-2011 21:54

10.45 – 11.15am outside Metro One (by the St Georges tram terminus, next to Oceana) in Wolverhampton city centre. WV1 3AH

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Anarchism in Russia - video

24-06-2011 11:36

Anarchism in Russia

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The Need For A "Second Revolution" In Egypt

23-06-2011 17:41

ElBaradei - criticising the government is now a "red line"
On 27th May, Egyptians numbering in the hundreds of thousands demonstrated in Cairo and other cities. They demanded a "second revolution" to complete the democratic aspirations of the first, which removed long-time dictator Hosni Mubarak in February. Since his departure, the army junta has consolidated its rule, bringing in a repressive new constitution, and banning strikes and protests in March. In doing so, the army top brass has revealed itself to be enemies of the common Egyptian, and enemies of - not "guardians of" - the revolution.

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Un Imigrato a Verona

19-06-2011 22:29

On June 17th, 2011, a group of about 25 immigrants that had been protesting for ten days decided to end their protest by climbing up the scaffolding attached to Verona's arena and demanding their long promised residency permits.

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Cambridge Jobcentre 'Redecorated'!

17-06-2011 21:42

Pretty clear what that says!
There was an unexpected new paintjob applied last night to Henry Giles House, the Cambridge Jobcentre on Chesterton Lane.

Persons unknown had sprayed "Fuck work B4 it fucks U" right across the front of the building"!

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Greece: general strike - photos

17-06-2011 18:13

Greece: general strike - photos
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