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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Manchester Students support the Postal strike

22-10-2009 15:39

Over 16 students went down at 7am to picket lines in Manchester to show support for the postal strike.

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Offering anti-fascist and anti-Islamist resistance in London

22-10-2009 14:00

When Islam for the UK, a front for the Islamist militant group Al-Muhajiroun, announced their intention to "March for Shariah," I put out a plea on Indymedia that the march "must be met with opposition, not from the fascists of the far-right, but from those whose resistance is grounded in working-class unity, anti-fascism, and anti-capitalism." There have been several small, but hopeful, developments since then...

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A Postal Strike In Britain Is The War At Home

22-10-2009 13:29

The postal workers’ struggle is as vital for democracy as any national event in recent years. The campaign against them is part of a historic shift from the last vestiges of political democracy in Britain to a corporate world of insecurity and war. If the privateers running the Post Office are allowed to win, the regression that now touches all lives bar the wealthy will quicken its pace. A third of British children now live in low-income or impoverished families. One in five young people is denied hope of a decent job or education.

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UPDATE: Terrorism Act injunction against Blacklisted worker thrown out of Court!

21-10-2009 21:24

Terrorism Act injunction application against Blacklisted Trade Unionist thrown out in the High Court

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National Postal Strike is on - support the Posties!

21-10-2009 18:33

Despite last minute talks through ACAS and a Communication Workers' Union peace offer last tuesday (13th) October, CWU are going ahead with a National Strike tomorrow (thursday 22nd) and friday (23rd). Union leaders blamed the fact that Mandy, Crozier, Higson are singing from the same hymn sheet (even if they're songwriting talents are far removed from those of Holland, Dozier, Holland). Mandy is the devil incarnate, imho, while Crozier & Higson are on massive salaries and bonuses - Crozier's pakage last year = 180 times that of the average postie. For what? Doing down the postal service in a run up to privatisation and attacking union strength is what...

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Nottingham Claimants Action website has moved

20-10-2009 21:48

Nottingham Claimants Action formerly Nottingham Campaign Against the Job Seekers Allowance "A great set of links to advice and action relating to work, unemployment and benefits" is moving.

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Clarification: Terrorism Act 2000 being used against Blacklisted workers

20-10-2009 20:48

The main contractor at Fiddler's Ferry power station in Cheshire - Scottish & Southern Energy - is seeking an injunction under the Terrorism Act 2000 to prevent blacklisted workers from picketing the site.

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Free Film Show - 'Harlan County USA'. London Sunday 25th Oct

20-10-2009 19:36

Harlan County USA...
Full Unemployment Cinema have a film show coming up this Sunday (Oct. 25th), this months it's Harlan County USA from 1976: 'Barbara Kopple’s Academy Award–winning Harlan County USA unflinchingly documents a gruelling coal miners’ strike in a small Kentucky town

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Students: support the postal workers! Don't be used as scabs!

20-10-2009 12:17

The Education Not for Sale network is mobilising student support for the postal workers' dispute.

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NPC MASS Rally For Decent Pay, Decent Pensions, Decent Public Services

19-10-2009 21:13

Roger McKenzie WMTUC
National Pensioners Convension supported by Birmingham Trade Unions rally against the Proposed Cuts 17th October 09

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Do not deport Sheida Jahanbin!

19-10-2009 12:03

Sheida Jahanbin, a former member of the Freedom and Equality Seeking Students in Iran, is facing deportation from the Netherlands where she resides in exile. Sheida is twenty seven years old. She was a student of Architecture and Graphic Design at the Azad University of Tehran before she was forced to abandon her studies and flee Iran following her arrest for holding a left-wing meeting. Before she left Iran she had a promising career in journalism writing for Tose’e Newspaper, Azma Magazine and Fekre Rooz journal. If Sheida is deported, she will face arrest, prison, torture and even death.

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Royal Mail strike breakers!

19-10-2009 11:48

Royal Mail is attempting to break the strikes!

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Hereford Heckler #10 out now...

19-10-2009 09:33

The October/November issue of the Hereford Heckler (bulletin of the Hereford Solidarity League) is out now...

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Prevention of Terrorism Act being used against Blacklisted workers

17-10-2009 19:10

The main contractor at Fiddler's Ferry power station in Cheshire is seeking an injunction under the Prevention of Terrorism Act to prevent blacklisted workers from picketing the site.

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Dissident Island Radio tonight

16-10-2009 18:11

Sean Kirtley // Stop Vendata // Carrot Workers' Collective // Rampart // Housman's at 50 // DJ Sunny Wray

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Statement against Govt of India’s planned military offensive in tribal areas

16-10-2009 12:18

Sanhati (, a collective of activists/academics who have been working in solidarity with peoples’ movements in India by providing information and analysis, took the initiative to bring together voices from around the world against the Government of India’s planned military offensive in Central India. A statement and a background note were drafted in consultation with Indian activists, and duly circulated for endorsement - several eminent intellectuals/acadmics along with hundreds of others from across the world have endorsed. Attached to the statement and signatories, is a background note providing the political perspective of this conflict.

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Royal Mail Strikes

16-10-2009 12:02

Picket line support is requested on Thursday and particularly on Friday.

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PUBLIC MEETING -sat 17 october, 6pm, Queen mary university, room 210, Laws build

15-10-2009 22:12

These prison camps must be shut down and all internally displaced persons (IDPs) must be freed immediately.

Speakers include:

peter Taaffe general secretary of the Socialist Party, has campaigned and written about the struggle of workers and the poor in Sri Lanka for many years, and has visited Tamil areas in Sri Lanka.

Janani paramsothy organiser of protests in Parliament Square

Nagarjunan (ramesh Gopalakrishnan) South asia researcher for amnesty international and well-known Tamil writer.

Senan international coordinator for Tamil Solidarity

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Campaign Against Air Italy

15-10-2009 10:16

There has been a steady increase in the number of charter flights by UKBA to remove those who have failed to be recognized as refugees from the UK

There does not seem to be a fixed contract with any one air line, each charter flight seems to have a different carrier.

NCADC suspect that this is a deliberate policy by UKBA to try and prevent Anti-Deportation protesters, from targetting airlines.
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