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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Around the Campaigns Friday 1st May 2009

01-05-2009 05:44

Glad to say there were at least seven empty seats on the 'Ethnic Charter Flights' to Afghanistan (Tuesday) and Nigeria (Wednesday) and all the seats on the 'Ethnic Charter Flight' to Cameroon this morning were empty as it was cancelled in its' entirety.

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MAYDAY London: Picket for Visteon workers at KPMG

30-04-2009 13:31

As well as all the other events for MAYDAY in London, don't miss the picket of KPMG in support of the Visteon workers (formerly in occupation) now maintaining a 24 hour picket of their factory in Enfield.

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Mayday events in London

30-04-2009 00:34

Workers protests before and after the mayday march, and a public meeting on migrant workers and the call for regularisation in the early evening.

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Police Admit Assault and Battery

29-04-2009 22:08

Three years after the events, the Police admit that they were responsible for the Assault and Battery of protestors in London. To the Tune of £85,000

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African Socialist International (ASI) Takes Hold in East Africa

29-04-2009 18:11

Chernoh Alpha M. Bah speaks at the ASI East Africa Regional Conference
On April 9-10 African revolutionaries, progressives, individuals and groups met in Nairobi, Kenya to form the East Africa Regional Committee of the African Socialist International (ASI), a worldwide party uniting African workers to liberate Africa. The conference was the second in an international series of events that are putting the ASI on the ground throughout the world, with a goal to end the divisions created by the colonial imposed state borders and establish a single African nation, “from Cape to Cairo.”

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Venezuela: El Libertario warns of possible sentence to the 14 SIDOR workers

29-04-2009 17:09

Workers could be sentenced to jail
* After taking part in a demonstration for lack of job security in 2006, 14 workers of contractor “Transportes Camila de SIDOR” could be sentenced to 5 to 10 years in jail.

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May Day Solidarity Conference, Barnsley

29-04-2009 16:32

Last call out for the May Day Solidarity Conference in Barnsley on Saturday May 2nd. We hope that - on International Workers Day - the conference will bring together those who want to fight for the rights of all workers, regardless of nationality or immigration status.

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Second attempt to remove Eric Tcheujoue

29-04-2009 10:56

Eric Tcheujoue
Eric Tcheujoue, a national of Cameroon, currently detained in Colnbrook IRC is due to be forcibly removed to Cameroon on Friday 1st May 2009 on 'Ethnic Charter flight' PVT002 at 01:00am. A previous attempt to remove Eric on Sunday 29th March was aborted when Eric refused to fly.

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Stop these inhumane 'Ethnic Charter Flights'

29-04-2009 10:53

"My daughter Stephanie who is in detention at Yarl's Wood has tried harming herself by incision on her wrist she is right now under suicide watch here at Yarl's Wood" Ubaka Kenneth Nwosem

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Barcelona: Occupations and Demonstration

28-04-2009 22:18

News from the Barcelona Student Movement

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Workers Memorial Day in Brum

28-04-2009 21:30

Workers’ Memorial Day (April 28th) commemorates all those killed and injured at work, highlighting the scale of the tragedy and what can be done about it. In Birmingham there is a memorial held in the churchyard of St. Philips Cathedral. There are also memorials in Wolverhampton and Solihull.

Every year, in Britain alone, thousands of workers are killed on the job or die of work related causes. It's worth noting that more workers are killed in their workplaces than are sent to die in wars. This is the deadliest war of all and it's ignored by the government and unpublicised by the corporate media.

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Rob Williams shop steward at Ford Swansea sacked .. factory occupied

28-04-2009 19:55

Rob Williams, the Unite convenor of the Linamar car parts factory in Swansea and vice chair of the NSSN, was called into the directors' office of the plant on Tuesday 28 April and told that he was being sacked for "irretrievable breakdown of trust". This blatant victimisation of one of the leading left-wing shop steward activists in the car industry was met by an immediate production line walk-off by the day shift. They surrounded Rob's union office after management called in police to forcibly remove Rob from the building.

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Union Acitvist Occupies Car Plant Swansea

28-04-2009 19:22

Rob Williams, a UNITE Union Convenor was this morning summarily sacked by LINAMAR, a Canadian multi-national corporation. He has barricaded himself into his office and was still there at 8pm tonight. 100 workers walked of the assembly line in support of his actions. A crowd is growing outside.

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Aftermath of the BDR mutiny; state murders and class struggles in Bangladesh

28-04-2009 17:23

Updates on;
1) deaths in custody of suspects in the February Bangladeshi Rifles (BDR) army mutiny,
2) the increasing unrest in the Bangladeshi garment industry and state measures to contain it.

Submitted by Ret Marut on Apr 28 2009

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Swansea union convenor sacked for supporting Ford/Visteon workers

28-04-2009 15:14

A union convenor at the Lindenmeyer Plant in Swansea, formerly owned by Ford Visteon has locked himself in his office after being sacked.

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Tenth Anniversary of the Struggle for Justice and labor demand

28-04-2009 12:51

THE April 14, 1999, was dismissed from the energy company of Chaco Province, called SECH.EEP, residing at Calle Saenz Peña N º 170 - Resistencia, Chaco Province, Argentina. During the military dictatorship was formed as an authoritarian and corrupt management in the company, which lasted through time and the successive democratic governments

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May Day Weekend at Next To Nowhere

27-04-2009 19:38

To mark International Workers' Day - a radical tradition which dates back to the 1886 Haymarket affair ( - the Liverpool Social Centre will be hosting a number of interesting events at 96A Bold Street.

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27-04-2009 16:33

A North Eastern event to warm your soul in Credit Curnched times.

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Mayday issue 3 launched for Mayday 2009

27-04-2009 13:42

Mayday magazine is focused upon providing high-quality contributions and practical and theoretical satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.

We really do aim to produce some of the best working class practical theory and theoretical practice - Praxis for short.

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Stop the Removal of Sunny Michael

27-04-2009 10:39

[Sunny and a number of UK Nigerian families/individuals are due to be forcibly removed from the UK on a joint UK/Ireland 'Ethnic Charter Flight on Wednesday 29th April. Neither the potential deportees or their solicitors have been told which airport the plane is leaving from or who the carriers are.]
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