UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Creative Forum and Peace Not War
10-02-2005 19:51
Creative Forum with Peace Not War, this Saturday 12th Feb 2005. Great line up. Fab day. Cool people. 49 Tufnel Park Road. St.Georges' Theatre. Be there.Far from Over; 21 days after the Tsunami, India's coast still waits for aid
10-02-2005 11:02
A firsthand account of the situation on the ground in Tamil Nadu state of India. This is from a visit made 21 days after the Tsunami struck.New Dissent Newsletter
09-02-2005 20:41
Action Hallmarks, rooted in local and autonomous organising and action, and aims to go beyond the G8. The PGA is
a decentralised, non-heirachical, global network of social movements, for a copy of the hallmarks visit
Protest against Barclays Bank Tues 15th Feb from 12-2pm.
09-02-2005 17:05
Barclays funding dodgy initiatives...again'Caminos De Resistencia' film festival
09-02-2005 12:29
'Caminos De Resistencia(Paths Of Resistance)' a Latin America film festival in London
G8: Summat for the Summit
08-02-2005 19:00
The G8-summit is coming to Britain in July. This is going to be a big event. We need to organise now.Shakedown*05
08-02-2005 18:46
March 19: European actionday in Brussels
08-02-2005 16:47
Together for another EuropeFor a Social and Egalitarian Europe, For a Europe of Solidarity and Peace
'Yes Men' Film Preview + Q&A Tour - dates and info
08-02-2005 15:02
These, you may remember, are the same folks who pulled the fake union carbide / Dow Chemicals spokesperson interviews on BBC TV when they apologised for the Bhopal disaster and said they would pay compensation.
please, preserve the London continous protest, and say us how can we help
07-02-2005 19:14
I was, like turist some months ago in London.I was positive surprised by the fact, some protestors continue since 2001 in Parliament Square.
And now, a friend in London said me by phone that the guvernement want to finish this kind of continous pdemostratio
Positive Global Movements
07-02-2005 16:26
Positive Global Movements started yesterday Sunday the 6th with a nice turn up, we showed 'The Alberdi School' a film about the community involvement in revolutionising education in Venezuela. Then we had musicians and poet Sofia and Santiago both Peruvian artists reciting poetry and singing to the beat of the Global Revolution. After having lovely Venezuelan food Ricardo Galindez Venezuelan trade unionist gave a passionate speech about the role of the workers in the revolution not only in Venezuela but also in the world.MULTITUDE: MONSTER OR MASTER
07-02-2005 07:15
MULTITUDE: MONSTER OR MASTEROften we suspect there is something ‘rotten’ in our global order and only an urgent adjustment can save us from calamity. But we are unable to articulate or convert our suspicions into logical concepts expressed in the context of past and current political and economic evolutions.
06-02-2005 18:30
![Cipo activists at their protest camp before its violent eviction last month](/icon/2005/02/304910.jpg)
Amazing, how Gloria Arroyo can smile and at the same breadth strangle and starve
06-02-2005 09:21
DHS Port Security Grants Given to OIL Firms, Texas Energy Companies, Logging Cos
05-02-2005 22:55
Conoco-Phillips GETS $10,592,310 in "Grants".SHELL GETS $9,321,818 in "Grants".
Valero Energy Corp. GETS $8,531,356 ??????? in "Grants".
Chevron GETS $7,344,390 in "Grants".
Motiva Enterprises (Shell sister Company) GETS $3,988,634 in "Grants".
Sunoco GETS $3,499,275 in "Grants".
PPG Industries (Paint Co.) GETS $3,000,000 in "Grants".
Houston Fuel Oil GETS $1,682,256 in "Grants".
Occidental Chemical Co. GETS $1,465,000 in "Grants".
Marathon Ashland Petroleum GETS $938,800 in "Grants".
Williams Energy Partnership GETS $545,000 in "Grants". For what???
Make Poverty History Rally
05-02-2005 01:45
SchNEWS on the G7 Finance Minister's Meeting
04-02-2005 17:12
Here's this week's SchNEWS article on the G7 Finance Minister's Meeting in London today>>>