UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Chiapas The Resistance - Caracol 4 Morelia
07-10-2004 15:06
Chiapas: The Resistance continues with a report from the Mexican daily La Jornada on the zapatista movement in the Morelia zone.
(translated by Edinburgh/Chiapas Solidarity Group from Indymedia Chiapas, September 2004)
UK speaking tour by Haitian workers' organisation activist
07-10-2004 15:02
UK Speaking tour by Yannick Etienne of the Batay Ouvriye union federationChiapas The Resistance - Caracol 5 Roberto Barrios
07-10-2004 14:53
“Chiapas: The Resistance” continues with a report from the Mexican daily La Jornada on the zapatista movement in the northern zone of Chiapas.
(translated by Edinburgh/Chiapas Solidarity Group from Indymedia Chiapas, September 2004)
M$ Windows XP Professional Bugging Device?
07-10-2004 04:33
A hypothesis that Microsoft's Windows XP is a complex variation of a bugging device.Breaking News - US North West Social Forum Collapses!!!!!!!!!!!
07-10-2004 01:30
The US NorthWest Social Forum planned for the same time as the ESF in London has collapsed as several groups pulled out of the process citing problems over the organising process including accountability, failure to adhere to charters and values, and margianalisation of grassroots groups.Here are the statements from
HR 10 - 3rd Reich White Elephant
07-10-2004 00:44
HR 10 - 3rd Reich White ElephantThe 3rd Reich is at it again. Another 'bogus' defense contract. This is just Big Brother.
No way hozay!
Terrorists come into a country with their own equipment, normally by sea. This is just aimed at US citizens, exclusivly.
Business, National Defence And Terrorism Do Not Mix
07-10-2004 00:08
This is an updated article that prompted the resignation of the US Cyber-Security Chief.Headlines on and
Hacktivism - 27,000 Identified Targets
06-10-2004 23:31
A US consortium has been monitored for a number of years, manipulating democracy, and organising genocidal campaigns to boost sales of a range of products. 27,000 people have been identified and extensive background information gathered and distributed globally, for world-wide defence.Telling It Like It Is - America Under Attack
06-10-2004 22:26
Telling It Like It Is - America Under AttackVarious neo-nazi tactics in US
Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11
06-10-2004 22:18
Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11More on Bush's neo-nazi connections
The Corporation.
06-10-2004 21:35
A few surprising facts about the modern corporation.HALLIBURTON DOWN UNDER Broadcast Transcript (Australian Dateline)
06-10-2004 21:07
Greece: Statements by the Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike
06-10-2004 11:20
Statements by the alleged members of the "17th of November" guerrilla group on the beginning of their hunger strike.Can the Tony and Bob Show really do any good in Africa?
05-10-2004 18:35
Tomorrow, Tony Blair arrives in Ethiopia with Bob Geldof for a meeting of his Commission for Africa. But what do African leaders make of his recommendations and how do they view Mr Blair? Richard Dowden reports from Addis Ababa.ANTI-COCA COLA/LATIN AMERICAN & INDIAN SOLIDARITY TALK IN BRADFORD
05-10-2004 16:05
Colombian trade-unionist and Indian Resource Centre worker coming to talk about the impact of Coca-Cola and other transnationals on their communities ...Welcome the The Autonomous Spaces Around the ESF!
05-10-2004 12:21
"We want to create open spaces for networking, exchanges, celebration, thinking, and action. We believe our ways of organising and acting should reflect our political visions, and are united in standing for grassroots self-organisation, horizontality, for diversity and inclusion, for direct democracy, collective decision making based upon consensus, and against the false consensus in which power is used to silence others."![](/img/extlink.gif)
ESF Breakfast Radio Show on Resonance 104.4 FM (fri 15 - sun 17)
05-10-2004 11:11
Live and Direct On The Airwaves...Each morning during the ESF tune into Resonance FM 104.4 to get one hour of the latest news and views from the Indymedia ESF Breakfast Show...
BBC misleads world over US opinion polls
04-10-2004 21:23
BBC world service radio ignores polls,claims Bush ahead while mainstream polls show dead heat.US Dollar Heading for Collapse: Robert Reich
04-10-2004 14:50
In painting a bleak outlook for the US economy, Reich suggested the worst is yet to come, especially if President George W. Bush and the Republican party's agenda of tax less and spend more is re-elected in November.Babels Interpreter CoordinatorsThreaten to Pull Out of ESF
03-10-2004 16:17
Urgent statement by Babels ESF ‘O4 European coordinators to the UK ESF Organising and Coordinating Committees, the Directors and Treasurer of the ESF UK Company, affiliated bodies, and all other organisations, groups, networks, delegates and activists participating in and organising the ESF 2004 in London.