UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
The Price of Land
22-10-2006 20:47
...according to Reuters yesterday we are on the cusp of a recession after the 'Fed' declared its 17th successive hike in interest rates - which brings it to - 5.25% - oh - thats the same as ours - does this mean we are going into a Bust phase too?THE STRUGGLE 4KSM GOES ON
21-10-2006 16:29
KSM, Czech Republic, Dissolution of the KSM October 16, 2006Dear Comrades,The Communist Youth Union (KSM) in the Czech Republic has been officially dissolved by the state power on October 12, 2006.Crushed under Central Banker’s Boots.
20-10-2006 17:10
“Wars should be directed so that the nations engaged on both sides should be further in our debt”. & “Candidates for public office should be servile and obedient to our commands, so that they may readily be used”. Old wisdom delivered at a Frankfurt / Germany meeting in 1773, still very much alive and in practice today.The Financial Crisis of the IMF
20-10-2006 11:54
The IMF is an extremely undemocratic system. Instead of one country-one vote, the good capitalist principle one dollar-one vote was in effect from the beginning. Whoever paid most had the most votes and the greatest influence.state of emergency meeting @ London @bookfair
19-10-2006 15:25
MEETING ROOM 4 1pm - 2pm
Saturday, 21st October, 2006 - London Anarchist Bookfair
10am-7pm, at the Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Rd, London, N7 6PA. Tube - Holloway Road
Close to 24 million stand up against poverty in resounding message for leaders
19-10-2006 13:54
Is this a clear message from the UN on how the Blair Government and all other 'neoliberal' Governments across the world need to 'reform' the 'welfare-state' that does not violate millions of disabled peoples basic human rights. The current welfare reforms bill reforms is totally against UN anti-poverty message that 24 millions USA citizens have sent a resonding messages to their political leaders.No to Torture - former British ambassador to Uzbekistan speaks out against UK/US torture collaboration
19-10-2006 12:47
![Craig Murray at a radio interview at the community radio station in NYC](/icon/2006/10/353899.jpg)
Craig Murray, former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan with over 20 years of foreign affairs experience, talks about torture and human righs abuses in Uzbekistan. He presented his book: "Murder in Samarkand - A British Ambassador's Controversial Defiance of Tyranny in the War on Terror" at the Edinburgh Independent and Radical Bookfair on Friday, 13th of October 2006, at the session on "Political Terrorism and the US Imperial Project".
Fund democracy? Football bungs? U.N. Secretary . . . . bribes?
19-10-2006 12:17
Today a report comes out that deals with the way wefunddemocracy . . . . but it seems to have a strange limit to its suggestions, seeing "democracy" as "labour/libdems/tories/greens/etc" - the groups alone - without seeing the needs of actual democracy at all.Even so - attempts to stitch even this attempt to clean up democracy abound. . . .Rossport Solidarity demo, Manchester Business School, Oct 26th
18-10-2006 21:14
Picket of Manchester Busines School called for Thursday 26th Oct - 11.30 - 2pm. Calling for the MBS to have Shell removed from their list of sponsors, unless Shell ceases its attempts to destroy the environment in Rossport, Co Mayo, Ireland.Children's Revolution Kids' Bloc May Lead the March for Climate Justice...
18-10-2006 20:03
![The Children's Revolution at the Camp for Climate Action](/icon/2006/10/353858.jpg)
The young eco warriors who started the youth revolt against global warming and climate change at the G8 summit protest in Scotland, 2005, will possibly once again be seen leading the way with their famous banner, “The Kids Are Revolting!”
Russian/German Anarchists Anti g8 Sun 29th @ The Common Place
18-10-2006 16:37
Details of anti G8 meetingUSA ELECTION UPDATE: 500,000 VOTERS "DISPARU" FROM OHIO
18-10-2006 14:48
. . . . AS THE 7/11/6 US ELECTION APPROACHES, ODD THINGS TURN UP . . . . OR . . . . DISAPPEARlatest news as of 18/10/6
Standing up against criminal fat cats
18-10-2006 13:10
CHODIEV, MACHKEIVICH, and IBRAGIMOV - Billionaire Kazak trio, owners of corrupt international firm Eurasian National Resources Corporation (ENRC), steal from the rich and the poor, sponsor organised crime circles and frighteningly are making progress in listing on the London Stock Exchange.WTO Negotiations Collapse
18-10-2006 12:11
Liberalization in the style of the WTO damagers the developing world.. Trade can be a means for development. However the mechanism of the WTO subordinates development to free trade in the interest of corporations.. Alternatives systems and institutuions replacing the WTO would really help the poor.Achin Vanaik on US Imperialism and Political Terrorism
17-10-2006 23:00
Achin Vanaik is an independent Indian scholar and journalist and Professor of International Relations and Global Politics at Delhi University. He was speaking at the Independent and Radical Bookfair in Edinburgh on Friday, 13th of October 2006, about Political Terrorism and the US Imperial Project.
Here are two audio recordings of his talk, which is about 30 minutes, and some notes on the talk.
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Clean Clothes Campaign Organiser to speak at Nottingham University
17-10-2006 18:27
Jeroen Merk, Sussex University academic and an organiser of the UK Clean Clothes Campaign wil be speaking at the CSSGJ Open Seminar series at Nottingham University on 26 October. all welcome.Call for the 3rd International Road-Building Brigade to Nepal
16-10-2006 15:43
Call for the 3rd International Road-Building Brigade to NepalFor the last ten years, a People’s War has been raging in Nepal. Over 80% of the country has now been liberated by the Nepalese masses.