UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Festival of Resistance in Sussex
06-06-2004 21:19
Details of the Festival of Resistance being staged at 23TOPIA, the new South Coast autonomous squat social centre, have been released.GATS Free Zone
06-06-2004 09:25
BIG action @ York Sainsbury's
05-06-2004 20:40
![The assembled team](/icon/2004/06/292818.jpg)
Fahrenheit 911 Trailer
05-06-2004 12:28
Software Patents Audio
05-06-2004 11:21
Software Patents Forum
05-06-2004 11:08
Yesterday a very interesting forum on Software patents was held in Cambridge. After listening to a speaker from the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII), various candidates in the upcoming European elections gave submisisions on their position on the issue. This was then followed by a wide ranging discussion on the subject. Here's what came out of the event for me.Basic Introduction to the ESF (london oct 04) And Autonomous Projects
05-06-2004 09:28
An Basic Introduction to the ESF in London - October 2004Reports + Pictures from massive rome anti-bush demos
05-06-2004 00:35
G8 - What about Bilderberg?
04-06-2004 12:26
G8 2005 - Globalise resistance, unions and political parties start mobilising
04-06-2004 08:51
unions and political parties start their anti-g8 campaign...the trade justice ngo's are mobilising to a degree not seen since the jubilee drop the debt campaigns of 1998 onwards...
many groups are looking towards the european social forum as a platform for mobilisations...
here's the latest from the globalise resistance newsletter (not mentioning the dissent network of course
23TOPIA - New anti-G8 social centre (Worthing)
04-06-2004 07:21
23TOPIANew anti-G8 social centre
Open from friday!!!
03-06-2004 23:59
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Germany, Spain, and Cuba.oil industry addresses - updated 'greasy palms' list v.1.7
03-06-2004 18:28
'Greasy palms' oil industry offices (& related) list just updated, version 1.7Target offices close to you!
CIA Torture Training
03-06-2004 16:16
From Private Eye No.1107Torture Manuals amended to include preface stating that torture is illegal!
GATS Free Zone
03-06-2004 15:50
Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory
03-06-2004 13:34
From the BBC News website:The Bilderberg group, an elite coterie of Western thinkers and power-brokers, has been accused of fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors. As the organisation marks its 50th anniversary, rumours are more rife than ever.
Mobilization in Guadalajara
30-05-2004 22:20
As part of the global social movement, which has been taking place since Seattle ‘99, days of Social Action have been organised in Guadalajara, Mexico, with reference to the III ALCUE (Latin American, Caribbean and European Union)summit , taking place at the centreof this city. The days of action have consisted of a series of forums and workshops where people look for alternatives to neoliberal policies, as well as organising cultural activities and street
Discussion/Talk/Film-Showing at the Occupied Social Center
30-05-2004 16:17
SINTRAEMCALI and Workers’ Resistance in COLOMBIA
30-05-2004 01:31
Crazed rantings about the state of the world; in particular my thoughts about the increasing amount of anti-American sentiment now spreading across the planet.