UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Obama's Grand Chessboard and the drums of war ..and a video Americans wouldnt..
02-12-2008 11:50
Obama's Grand Chessboard and the drums of war ..and a Video Americans wouldnt like to see.. - Afganistan..-
Climate Activists Invade Washington DC Offices of Environmental Defense
01-12-2008 22:57
![Photo from the office occupation](/icon/2008/12/414155.jpg)
Dr. Rachel Smolker of Global Justice Ecology Project and Global Forest Coalition read a statement, which said in part, “My father was one of the founders of this organization, which sadly I am now ashamed of. The Kyoto Protocol, the European Emissions Trading Scheme and virtually every other initiative for reducing emissions have adopted their market approaches. So far they have utterly failed, serving only to provide huge profits to the world’s most polluting industries. Instead of protecting the environment, ED now seems primarily concerned with protecting corporate bottom lines. I can hear my father rolling over in his grave.”
We Make Your Clothes
30-11-2008 13:59
WE MAKE YOUR CLOTHES: hear voices from the frontline of the struggle against sweatshop labour as Bangladeshi garment worker militants visit Sheffield.MONDAY 8TH DECEMBER, 7-9PM, MEETING ROOM 2, OCTAGON CENTRE (SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY)
Norwich RT Spoof E.on Stall
29-11-2008 21:08
Today six activists from Norwich Rising Tide set up a spoof E.on stall on the Royal Bank of Scotland’s doorstep (RBS is one of E.on’s core sources of funding).Norwich Rat Race
29-11-2008 20:14
![Leaflet Front](/icon/2008/11/413860.jpg)
ICTR: Dallaire "failed in his mission"
29-11-2008 19:22
A French military historian testifying as an expert witness before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda has attacked the Canadian General who commanded the UN Force in Rwanda in 1994. "Dallaire failed in his mission", said the witness..Colossal Financial Collapse: The Truth behind the Citigroup Bank "Nationalizatio
29-11-2008 19:13
"The scale of the hidden losses of perhaps the twenty largest US banks is so enormous that if not before, the first Presidential decree of President Barack Obama will likely have to be declaration of a US ‘Bank Holiday’ and the full nationalization of the major banks, taking on the toxic assets and losses until the economy can again function with credit flowing to industry once more.""The health of Citigroup is not the only gripping crisis that must be dealt with. At this point, political and ideological bickering in the US Congress has so far prevented a simple emergency $25 billion loan extension to General Motors and other of the US Big Three automakers—Ford and Chrysler. The absurd spectacle of US Congressmen attacking the chairmen of the Big Three for flying to the emergency Congressional hearings on a rescue loan in their private company jets while largely ignoring the issue of consequences to the economy of a GM failure underscores the utter lack of touch with reality that has overwhelmed Washington in recent years."
Anti-Starbucks Demo in Brighton (Sat Nov 29 midday-2pm)
28-11-2008 19:28
The world's largest coffee chain is guilty of corporate greed. It serves only 4% Fairtrade and has a branch in Guantanamo Bay. Whenever it sets up it seeks to wipe out competition and put smaller independent cafes out of business. Stand up to corporate corrupters...The Problem With...Civilization
28-11-2008 09:33
Civilization or civilisation n. an advanced stage or system of human social development(Concise Oxford English Dictionary)
Something BETTER than civilization is awaiting us.
(Daniel Quinn, Beyond Civilization)
Fronting for Paramilitaries: Holder, Chaquita and Colombia
27-11-2008 23:16
Dubya isn't gone yet-Boycott Bush!
26-11-2008 17:17
Q.:Who is (obviously) responsible for the current global economic crisis?Sokari Douglas Camp exhibition "Strength of Feeling". Art Exchange, Hyson Green
26-11-2008 14:34
Currently, at the New Art Exchange in Hyson Green, Nottingham, there is an exhibition of the acclaimed Nigerian-born artist Sokari Douglas Camp.
Identity Cards Protest, Lunar House, Croydon - Pictures.
26-11-2008 13:44
![What Just Happened?](/icon/2008/11/413587.jpg)
Buy Nothing Day Leeds
26-11-2008 11:56
In Briggate this Saturday (29th of Nov) there will be a Buy Nothing extravaganza. We will have Christmas carols telling people of the woes of shopping, there will be hot tea and coffee to help ex-shoppers readjust to there new found happiness, and ideas of presents that do not involve consumerism. From11am - till dark we will be asking people to question consumerism and join us in buying nothing!
Bangladeshi Textile Workers Speak in Leeds
24-11-2008 15:15
Paid as little as 14p an hour, working up to 18 hour days, the garment workers of Bangladesh are not only some of the most exploited workers on the planet - they are also some of the most militant activists and trade unionists in the world.Come and hear them tell their courageous story of how the forces of workers solidarity are winning the battle against the sweatshop bosses and the military government of Bangladesh. Thursday 4th Dec 7pm at the Playhouse.
UK Coal Industry Braced for 48hrs of Protests
24-11-2008 13:07
Today the ‘E.on Face Off’ direct action campaign was officially announced to the press (see press release below). The direct action campaign will start with the 48 hours of action against E.on and New Coal (Friday 28th / Saturday 29th Nov).Starbuck demo on Saturday
23-11-2008 07:35
PROTESTERS are to gather outside a highly controversial branch of the unpopular US coffee chain Starbucks in Brighton on Saturday November 29.The 12 noon demo in St James St will mark the sixth month anniversary of the cafe opening without plannimg permission and against the wishes of lots of local residents and traders.
There a whole range of reasons for not liking Starbucks, ranging from their nasty habit of forcing out locally based competitiors to the ethical deficit that allows them to run a branch in Guantanamo Bay!
The global crisis is a crisis of capitalism
22-11-2008 02:49